Sep 27, 2024  
2014-2015 Catalog 
2014-2015 Catalog FINAL VERSION - Closed for Revisions

Course Descriptions




  • CHEM 535 - Physical Chemistry

    Laws and principles of physical chemistry including atomic and molecular structure, thermodynamics, kinetics.

    CHEM 248  and CHEM 326 ; MATH 222 ; PHYS 250 ; or cons instr.

    3 hrs lec, 3 hrs lab per wk.

    Typically Offered:

    4 cr.

    Available for undergraduate credit as CHEM 335 .
  • CHEM 536 - Physical Chemistry

    Continuation of CHEM 335 .

    CHEM 335  

    3 hrs lec per wk.

    Typically Offered:

    3 cr.

    Available for undergraduate credit as CHEM 336 .
  • CHEM 539 - Physical Chemistry Laboratory II

    Extension of CHEM 335  lab with emphasis on use of spectroscopic methods to probe the electronic structure of atoms and molecules and the nuclear motions within molecules. Introduction to laser use in spectroscopy and kinetics.

    CHEM 336  or con reg.

    3 hrs per wk.

    Typically Offered:

    1 cr.

    Available for undergraduate credit as CHEM 339 .
  • CHEM 565 - Biochemistry

    Structure of principal biomolecules, nature and mechanism of cellular reactions, and central pathways of metabolism.

    CHEM 248  and CHEM 326 ; accepted chemistry major/minor, biochemistry major, or cons chair. (See note 4 .)

    3 hrs lec, 3 hrs lab per wk.

    Typically Offered:
    (I, II)

    4 cr.

    Available for undergraduate credit as CHEM 365 .
  • CHEM 625 - Advanced Organic Chemistry

    Theoretical and physical organic chemistry including reaction mechanisms, quantum mechanical applications, advanced stereochemistry.

    CHEM 336  

    Typically Offered:

    3 cr.

    Available for undergraduate credit as CHEM 425 .
  • CHEM 646 - Instrumental Analysis

    Instrumental methods of analysis including spectroscopic, electro-chemical, and separation techniques. Presentation of results from an inquiry-based experiment required.

    CHEM 248 ; and CHEM 336  or con reg. (See note 4 .)

    2 hrs lec, 6 hrs lab per wk.

    Typically Offered:

    4 cr.

    Available for undergraduate credit as CHEM 446 .
  • CHEM 655 - Advanced Inorganic Chemistry

    Descriptive inorganic chemistry, periodicity of elements, bonding theories, reaction mechanisms, acid-base theories; and coordination chemistry, bioinorganic chemistry, and characterization methods.

    CHEM 336  and CHEM 355  or con reg.

    3 hrs lec per wk.

    Typically Offered:

    3 cr.

    Available for undergraduate credit as CHEM 455 .


  • CHIN 101 - First Year Chinese

    Elementary modern Mandarin, for students with no previous training in the language.

    General Education Designation(s):

    4 cr.

  • CHIN 102 - First Year Chinese

    Continuation of CHIN 101 .

    CHIN 101  or equiv.

    General Education Designation(s):

    4 cr.

  • CHIN 200 - Continuing Chinese

    Intermediate modern Mandarin. Further refinement of all language skills. Intermediate to advanced grammar development; knowledge of Chinese characters; development of reading and writing skills. Placement by ability.

    CHIN 102 .

    4 cr.

  • CHIN 201 - Continuing Chinese

    Intermediate modern Mandarin. Further refinement of all language skills. Intermediate to advanced grammar development; knowledge of Chinese characters; development of reading and writing skills. Placement by ability.

      CHIN 200 .

    4 cr.

Clinical Laboratory Science

  • CLS 100 - Overview of Health Occupations

    Investigate 200-plus careers in the health industry with job shadowing experiences in community health care facilities. Includes medical terminology, physiology and anatomy, disease processes, interpersonal skills, current health issues/concerns.

    2 cr.

  • CLS 101 - Evolution of Health Care

    History of medicine and evolution of health care professionals in context of philosophical and cultural influences. CLS 100  in addition to CLS 101 will be accepted as an equivalent to CLS 105 .

    CLS 100  

    1 cr.

  • CLS 105 - Evolution of Health Care and Health Care Professions

    History of medicine and evolution of health care professions in the context of philosophical and cultural influences; examine various health care systems; analyze current health care system and health professions in the United States.

    3 hrs lec per wk.

    General Education Designation(s):
    GDR: SS2

    3 cr.

  • CLS 125 - Introduction to Clinical Laboratory Science

    Overview of laboratory safety, phlebotomy, immunology, immunohematology, hematology, coagulation, clinical chemistry, body fluid analysis, diagnostic microbiology, and molecular pathology. Major topics are accompanied with introductory lab exercises.

    1 hr lec, 2 hrs lab per wk.

    2 cr.

  • CLS 205 - Clinical Orientation

    Hospital introduction to laboratory techniques. Open to students considering a CLS major.

    1 cr. pass/fail.

  • CLS 365 - Body Fluid Analysis

    Theoretical and practical aspects of chemical and microscopic analysis of urine, cerebrospinal fluid, synovial fluid, and serous fluid.

    BIOL 385 .

    2 hrs lec per wk. Independent lab.

    2 cr.

  • CLS 399 - Special Work

    Special independent research projects. Credit based on scope of project.

    Jr st and cons chair.

    Clinical practicum: course will be completed at affiliated clinical laboratories. Admission to the Professional Program is a prerequisite for all clinical practicum courses.

    1-3 cr.

  • CLS 400 - Cytologic Techniques I

    Study common diagnostic techniques in cytology.

    Clinical practicum: course will be completed at affiliated clinical laboratories. Admission to the Professional Program is a prerequisite for all clinical practicum courses.

    3 cr.

  • CLS 401 - Cytologic Techniques II

    Study advanced techniques and emerging methodologies in cytology.

    Clinical practicum: course will be completed at affiliated clinical laboratories. Admission to the Professional Program is a prerequisite for all clinical practicum courses.

    3 cr.

  • CLS 402 - Microscopy

    Study of light and electron microscopy techniques for the histology laboratory.

    Clinical practicum: course will be completed at affiliated clinical laboratories. Admission to the Professional Program is a prerequisite for all clinical practicum courses.

    1 cr.

  • CLS 405 - Clinical Chemistry

    Study physiology of body analytes, organ systems, and clinical procedures corresponding to human disease states; discuss areas unique to clinical chemistry laboratory and professional performance.

    CHEM 365  or con reg.

    3 hrs lec, 1 hr disc, 3 hrs lab per wk.

    5 cr.

  • CLS 406 - Clinical Chemistry Practicum

    Apply principles of clinical chemistry; use chemical analytical techniques to determine specific substances and correlate results to various disease states.

    CLS 405  

    Clinical practicum: course will be completed at affiliated clinical laboratories. Admission to the Professional Program is a prerequisite for all clinical practicum courses.

    4 cr.

  • CLS 409 - Immunohistochemistry

    Study the theory and techniques in immunohistochemistry staining.

    3 cr.

  • CLS 410 - Histology Techniques I

    Study laboratory safety, specimen processing and accessioning, instrumentation, and fixation.

    Clinical practicum: course will be completed at affiliated clinical laboratories. Admission to the Professional Program is a prerequisite for all clinical practicum courses.

    3 cr.

  • CLS 411 - Histology Techniques II

    Study techniques for tissue processing, theories of staining, and tissue embedding.

    Clinical practicum: course will be completed at affiliated clinical laboratories. Admission to the Professional Program is a prerequisite for all clinical practicum courses.

    3 cr.

  • CLS 412 - Histology Instrumentation

    Study of routine histology instruments; tissue preparation and use of microtomes and other instruments in preparing and staining specimens for microscopic examination.

    Clinical practicum: course will be completed at affiliated clinical laboratories. Admission to the Professional Program is a prerequisite for all clinical practicum courses.

    3 cr.

  • CLS 414 - Hemostasis

    Study mechanisms and disorders of hemostasis and fibrinolysis; diagnostic techniques and instrumentation used in patient diagnosis.

    1 hr lec, 1 hr lab per wk.

    1 cr.

  • CLS 415 - Hematology

    Study the hematopoietic system including the relationship of hematologic disease states to diagnostic characteristics; determine blood and bone marrow cellular morphology; discuss erythrocyte and leukocyte disorders; study diagnostic techniques and correlate results to disease processes.

    BIOL 385 .

    3 hrs lec, 3 hrs lab per wk.

    4 cr.

  • CLS 416 - Clinical Hematology/Hemostasis Practicum

    Practical application of theoretical knowledge in hematology and hemostasis; process and analyze patient specimens; use instrumentation and microscopic techniques to determine anemias, leukemias, coagulation disorders, and other disease processes.

    CLS 415  

    Clinical practicum: course will be completed at affiliated clinical laboratories. Admission to the Professional Program is a prerequisite for all clinical practicum courses.

    4 cr.

  • CLS 420 - Special Stains

    Use special staining methodology for connective tissue, nerve cells, lipids, amyloid, minerals, pigments, microorganisms, and enzymes.

    Clinical practicum: course will be completed at affiliated clinical laboratories. Admission to the Professional Program is a prerequisite for all clinical practicum courses.

    6 cr.

  • CLS 421 - Frozen Sections and Cytology Preparation

    Study the techniques to prepare frozen tissue and sections for microscopic examination.

    Clinical practicum: course will be completed at affiliated clinical laboratories. Admission to the Professional Program is a prerequisite for all clinical practicum courses.

    3 cr.

  • CLS 425 - Diagnostic Medical Microbiology

    Study bacterial, mycoplasmal, rickettsial, and chlamydial diseases of humans; identify clinical signs and symptoms of these diseases; explore collection, transportation, modes of transmission, and laboratory methods used to detect and identify the pathogens as well as appropriate antibiotic therapy.

    BIOL 333  or con reg.

    3 hrs lec, 6 hrs lab per wk.

    5 cr.

  • CLS 426 - Diagnostic Microbiology Practicum

    Cultivate, isolate, and identify pathogenic bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites from a variety of patient specimens; perform antibiotic sensitivities and therapeutic drug testing.

    CLS 425  

    Clinical practicum: course will be completed at affiliated clinical laboratories. Admission to the Professional Program is a prerequisite for all clinical practicum courses.

    5 cr.

  • CLS 427 - Diagnostic Medical Parasitology

    Study life cycles of human parasites of medical significance. Identify clinical signs, symptoms, treatment, and epidemiology associated with human parasitic disease. Examine specimen collection, transportation and laboratory methods used to detect and identify the parasites.

    BIOL 333 .

    1 hr lec, 2 hrs lab per wk for 8 wks.

    1 cr.

  • CLS 428 - Medical Mycology

    Study medically significant fungi. Identify clinical signs, symptoms, treatment, and epidemiology associated with human mycotic diseases. Explore laboratory methods used to detect and identify organisms.

    BIOL 333 .

    1 hr lec, 2 hrs lab per wk for 8 wks.

    1 cr.

  • CLS 435 - Immunology

    Study concepts in immunology and serologic techniques used to diagnose disease; discuss immuno-deficiency diseases, autoimmune disorders, immunology of malignancies, and hypersensitivities.

    BIOL 385 

    2 hrs lec, 3 hrs lab per wk.

    3 cr.

  • CLS 436 - Clinical Immunology Practicum

    Apply clinical immunologic techniques to identify antigen-antibody reactions and relate to disease states; explore principles and interpretation of HLA testing and flow cytometry.

    CLS 435  

    Clinical practicum: course will be completed at affiliated clinical laboratories. Admission to the Professional Program is a prerequisite for all clinical practicum courses.

    2 cr.

  • CLS 445 - Immunohematology

    Study of human blood group systems, antibody screening and identification, blood components, compatibility testing, donor selection and processing, blood bank regulations; perform blood bank procedures.

    BIOL 385 .

    2 hrs lec; 3 hrs lab per wk.

    4 cr.

  • CLS 446 - Clinical Immunohematology Practicum

    Concepts of blood banking; determine patient compatibility for blood and blood components; solve hemolytic disease and antibody identification problems; process blood and components; explore histocompatibility techniques.

    CLS 445  

    Clinical practicum: course will be completed at affiliated clinical laboratories. Admission to the Professional Program is a prerequisite for all clinical practicum courses.

    3 cr.

  • CLS 451 - Advanced Clinical Studies in Immunology and Immunohematology

    Advanced study of immunological principles in diagnostic testing; problems and solutions to compatibility testing for blood components and tissue and organ transplants.

    CLT (NCA) or MLT (ASCP) certification; admis to professional program.

    2 cr.

  • CLS 452 - Advanced Clinical Studies in Hematology and Hemostasis

    Principles and procedures of complex clinical tests used to diagnose, treat and monitor patients with leukemias, anemias, and other hematologic disorders. Examine factors involved in complicated hemostasis situations.

    CLT (NCA) or MLT (ASCP) certification; admis to professional program.

    2 cr.

  • CLS 453 - Advanced Studies in Clinical Chemistry

    Advanced automated and manual techniques in chemical analysis of blood, urine, cerebrospinal fluid, synovial fluid, and other fluids and tissues. Focus on problem solving in clinical chemistry lab.

    CLT (NCA) or MLT (ASCP) certification; admis to professional program.

    2 cr.

  • CLS 454 - Advanced Diagnostic Microbiology

    Advanced techniques used to handle and identify fastidious and highly infectious microbes, especially antibiotic-resistant organisms. Appropriate responses to biohazardous spills, potential contamination of food and water, and bioterrorism.

    CLT (NCA) or MLT (ASCP) certification; admis to professional program.

    2 cr.

  • CLS 461 - Advanced Clinical Practicum in Immunology and Immunohematology

    Perform advanced diagnostic tests in immunology and correlate results to disease states of patients. Prepare blood products for patient infusion. Perform compatibility tests and resolve issues with incompatible situations. Apply principles of quality assurance.

    CLS 451  

    Clinical practicum: course will be completed at affiliated clinical laboratories. Admission to the Professional Program is a prerequisite for all clinical practicum courses.

    3 cr.

  • CLS 462 - Advanced Clinical Practicum in Hematology and Hemostasis

    Perform complex clinical tests to diagnose, treat, and monitor patients with leukemias, anemias, and other hematological disorders. Determine factor deficiencies in problem situations encountered in hemostasis. Apply principles of quality assurance.

    CLS 452  

    Clinical practicum: course will be completed at affiliated clinical laboratories. Admission to the Professional Program is a prerequisite for all clinical practicum courses.

    3 cr.

  • CLS 463 - Advanced Clinical Practicum in Clinical Chemistry and Body Fluids

    Perform complex chemical analysis of blood, urine, cerebrospinal fluid, synovial fluid, and other fluids and tissues. Interpret and correlate test results with disease processes. Apply principles of quality assurance.

    CLS 453  

    Clinical practicum: course will be completed at affiliated clinical laboratories. Admission to the Professional Program is a prerequisite for all clinical practicum courses.

    3 cr.

  • CLS 464 - Advanced Clinical Practicum in Diagnostic Microbiology

    Process, isolate, and identify fastidious and highly infectious microbes. Perform and interpret antibiotic sensitivity tests. Perform quantitative drug testing and determine therapeutic range. Respond to emergency enactment situations. Apply principles of quality assurance.

    CLS 454  

    Clinical practicum: course will be completed at affiliated clinical laboratories. Admission to the Professional Program is a prerequisite for all clinical practicum courses.

    3 cr.

  • CLS 465 - Molecular Pathology

    Study composition, structure, function, and characteristic DNA; use clinical laboratory techniques to isolate, amplify, manipulate, and analyze DNA sequences; relate to human health and disease states.

    1 hr lec, 6 hrs lab per wk.

    3 cr.

  • CLS 468 - Gynecologic Cytology

    Study normal cell differentiation in the female reproductive system. Identify and describe cellular changes/abnormalities in cells found in female reproductive organs.

    Clinical practicum: course will be completed at affiliated clinical laboratories. Admission to the Professional Program is a prerequisite for all clinical practicum courses.

    6 cr.

  • CLS 469 - Pulmonary Cytology

    Study normal cell differentiation in the lung. Identify and describe cellular changes and abnormalities in cells found in pulmonary tissue.

    Clinical practicum: course will be completed at affiliated clinical laboratories. Admission to the Professional Program is a prerequisite for all clinical practicum courses.

    3 cr.

  • CLS 470 - GI Tract Cytology

    Study normal cell differentiation. Identify and describe cellular changes and abnormalities in cells found in the GI tract.

    Clinical practicum: course will be completed at affiliated clinical laboratories. Admission to the Professional Program is a prerequisite for all clinical practicum courses.

    3 cr.

  • CLS 471 - Urinary Tract Cytology

    Study normal cell differentiation. Identify and describe cellular changes and abnormalities in cells found in the urinary tract.

    Clinical practicum: course will be completed at affiliated clinical laboratories. Admission to the Professional Program is a prerequisite for all clinical practicum courses.

    2 cr.

  • CLS 476 - Clinical Body Fluid Analysis

    Clinical study of body fluids including cerebral spinal fluid, synovial fluid, pleural fluid, seminal fluid, and urinalysis; discuss specimen analysis, diagnostic procedures, and test results as related to disease.

    CLS 365  

    Clinical practicum: course will be completed at affiliated clinical laboratories. Admission to the Professional Program is a prerequisite for all clinical practicum courses.

    1 cr.

  • CLS 479 - Body Fluid Cytology

    Distinguish normal cells from cells undergoing changes and abnormal cells in various body fluids.

    Clinical practicum: course will be completed at affiliated clinical laboratories. Admission to the Professional Program is a prerequisite for all clinical practicum courses.

    2 cr.

  • CLS 480 - Aspiration Cytology

    Classification and differentiation of cells obtained through aspiration techniques.

    Clinical practicum: course will be completed at affiliated clinical laboratories. Admission to the Professional Program is a prerequisite for all clinical practicum courses.

    2 cr.

  • CLS 486 - Management and Laboratory Information Systems

    Management theory and application of management techniques to laboratory situations; fundamentals of laboratory information systems.

    Admission to professional program.

    Clinical practicum: course will be completed at affiliated clinical laboratories. Admission to the Professional Program is a prerequisite for all clinical practicum courses.

    2 cr.

  • CLS 488 - Methodologies in Histology Education

    Current approaches to education in the histology laboratory.

    Clinical practicum: course will be completed at affiliated clinical laboratories. Admission to the Professional Program is a prerequisite for all clinical practicum courses.

    1 cr.

  • CLS 489 - Methodologies in Cytology Education

    Current approaches to education in the cytology laboratory.

    Clinical practicum: course will be completed at affiliated clinical laboratories. Admission to the Professional Program is a prerequisite for all clinical practicum courses.

    1 cr.

  • CLS 490 - Management in Cytology

    Study of cytology laboratory management practices.

    Clinical practicum: course will be completed at affiliated clinical laboratories. Admission to the Professional Program is a prerequisite for all clinical practicum courses.

    1 cr.

  • CLS 491 - Management in Histology

    Study of histology laboratory management practices.

    Clinical practicum: course will be completed at affiliated clinical laboratories. Admission to the Professional Program is a prerequisite for all clinical practicum courses.

    1 cr.

  • CLS 499 - Advanced Clinical Studies

    Capstone course under supervision of mentor. Design and conduct research project in specialty area of clinical laboratory science; prepare major research paper and presentation.

    Clinical practicum: course will be completed at affiliated clinical laboratories. Admission to the Professional Program is a prerequisite for all clinical practicum courses.

    General Education Designation(s):
    GEP: XL

    3 cr.


  • COAC 101 - Tools for Academic Success

    Transitional issues from high school to college, intro to university services, time management/ study skills, information management, goal setting, personal wellness, tolerance and sportsmanship. Tools for student-athletes to maximize abilities in class and competition.

    Cons instr.

    Typically Offered:
    Not currently offered

    1 cr.

  • COAC 190 - Foundations of Coaching and Leadership

    Foundational elements of effective coaching and leadership with emphasis on national coaching standards, competencies, best practices, and growth and development for all levels of activity. Provides an understanding and overview of multiple elements that contribute to successful and productive leadership in sport related programs.

    3 cr.

  • COAC 200 - Scientific Concepts in Sport and Activity

    Scientific concepts of anatomy, biomechanics, and physiology applied to instruction of active populations. Analysis of performance based on anatomical and mechanical principles.

    3 cr.

  • COAC 282 - Coaching Specific Sports Basketball

    Theory and techniques, training schedules, strategy, coaching methods, and conditioning.

    So st.

    Each 2 cr.

  • COAC 283 - Wrestling

    Theory and techniques, training schedules, strategy, coaching methods, and conditioning.

    So st.

    Each 2 cr.

  • COAC 284 - Football

    Theory and techniques, training schedules, strategy, coaching methods, and conditioning.

    So st.

    Each 2 cr.

  • COAC 285 - Baseball

    Theory and techniques, training schedules, strategy, coaching methods, and conditioning.

    So st.

    Each 2 cr.

  • COAC 287 - Soccer

    Theory and techniques, training schedules, strategy, coaching methods, and conditioning.

    So st.

    Each 2 cr.

  • COAC 288 - Ice Hockey

    Theory and techniques, training schedules, strategy, coaching methods, and conditioning.

    So st.

    Each 2 cr.

  • COAC 290 - Volleyball

    Theory and techniques, training schedules, strategy, coaching methods, and conditioning.

    So st.

    Each 2 cr.

  • COAC 372 - The Psychology of Sport and Leadership

    The theories of leadership group processes, team-building techniques and interpersonal communication skills through challenges related to sport and individual performance.

    So st.

    3 cr.

  • COAC 373 - Seminar: Topics in Sports and Leadership

    Integrative discussion of current topics and trends in sport and leadership. Subtitle will designate area.

    jr st. Additional prerequisites may be required depending on the topic.

    May repeat for credit with different subtitles.

    2 cr.

  • COAC 397 - Workshop in Coaching

    Participate in special experiences related to coaching minor. Subtitle will designate area.

    May repeat for 6 cr max.

    Variable credit.

    Available for graduate credit as COAC 597 .
  • COAC 398 - Practicum Experience in Sport Leadership

    Research to practice application in sport leadership. Complete a practicum in coaching or sport administation/leadership.

    COAC 190 , COAC 200 , COAC 372 .

    General Education Designation(s):


  • COAC 399 - Special Work

    Upperclass coaching minors may arrange for independent study with cons instr and coordinator. Must file statement with the Education  chair before beginning.

    Credit based on scope of project.

  • COAC 597 - Workshop in Coaching

    Participate in special experiences related to coaching minor. Subtitle will designate area.

    May repeat for 6 cr max.

    Variable credit.

    Available for undergraduate credit as COAC 397 .
  • COAC 796 - Independent Study

    Planned study to supplement preparation in area of specialization; regular conferences with staff supervisor with cons chair.

    1-3 cr.

  • COAC 797 - Workshop in Coaching

    Participate in special graduate level experiences related to your major program. Subtitle will designate area.

    May repeat for 6 cr max.

    Typically Offered:
    Not currently offered

    Variable credit.


  • COMM 100 - Orientation to Communication

    Orientation to the majors in the Division of Communication.

    May not earn credit for both ARTM 100  and COMM 100 .

    1 cr pass/fail.

  • COMM 101 - Fundamentals of Oral Communication

    Introduction to and application of those principles which lead to an understanding of and facility with practical discourse.

    General Education Designation(s):

    2 or 3 cr.

  • COMM 160 - Introduction to the Art of Film

    Survey and appreciation of film; form and structure; representative types and styles illustrated by creators such as Hitchcock, Welles, Ford, and Eisenstein.

    General Education Designation(s):
    GDR: HU1; GEP: ART

    3 cr.

  • COMM 190 - Evolution of Media

    Growth, ramifications and contexts of communication media.

    General Education Designation(s):
    GDR: HU1; GEP: ART

    3 cr.

  • COMM 192 - Constructing Media Narratives

    Introduction to the way narratives are shaped by the conventions and constraints of specific media forms including journalism, film, television, radio, and nonlinear multimedia.

    3 cr.

  • COMM 200 - Communication Theory

    Introduction to contemporary communication theories. Application of theories to communication problems.

    3 cr.

  • COMM 201 - Introduction to Communication Research

    Types and principles of research in communication; emphasis on interpretation of various research practice in quantitative and qualitative research. So st.

    MATH 090  or sutiable placement test score; so st.

    General Education Designation(s):
    GEP: QL

    3 cr.

  • COMM 221 - Basic Journalism: Newswriting and Reporting

    Learn basic skills needed to produce stories for journalism, including news gathering, writing and editing techniques.

    3 cr.

  • COMM 230 - Introduction to Public Relations

    Introduction to theory and practice of public relations; special focus on the public relations campaign.

    3 cr.

  • COMM 240 - Introduction to Organizational Communication

    Introduction to organizational communication theories and workplace practices.

    General Education Designation(s):
    GDR: SS2; GEP: SS

    3 cr.

  • COMM 253 - Media Production I

    Principles and techniques for media production. Fundamental hardware and software for a variety of delivery systems. Emphasis on aesthetics. External hard drive required. See Division of Communication for specifications.

    General Education Designation(s):
    GEP: ART

    3 cr.

  • COMM 280 - Introduction to Interpersonal Communication

    Investigation of and experience with communication that facilitates the establishment and maintenance of effective personal relationships.

    General Education Designation(s):
    GDR: SS2; GEP: SS

    3 cr.

  • COMM 299 - Special Work

    Freshman and sophomore communication majors and minors may arrange for independent study with cons division head.

    Cons instr.

    Credit based on scope of the project.

  • COMM 320 - Multimedia for Journalists

    Principles and techniques of journalism for multimedia distribution including Web, podcasting, blogs, and other media.

    COMM 221  or cons instr.

    3 cr.

  • COMM 321 - Intermediate Journalism: Newswriting and Reporting II

    News and public affairs reporting.

    COMM 192  and COMM 221  or cons instr.

    3 cr.

  • COMM 322 - Communication Graphics Laboratory

    Principles of design and their application in the preparation and production of graphic materials in the communication media industries. Subtitle will designate area.

    May repeat for credit with different subtitle.

    3 cr.

  • COMM 323 - Advanced Journalism

    Practice in specific forms of journalistic writing such as feature, editorial, sports, science, food and travel, and others. Subtitle will designate area.

    Cons instr.

    May repeat for credit with different subtitle.

    3 cr.

  • COMM 324 - Environmental Journalism: Communicating About Science

    Supplementing basic journalistic writing with techniques in investigating and writing about science. In-depth research, analysis and communicating to varied audiences about significant environmental issues; basic reporting experience helpful but not required.

    General Education Designation(s):
    GDR: EL; GEP: ER

    3 cr.

    Available for graduate credit as COMM 524 .
  • COMM 325 - Media Law

    Legal issues for media professionals including journalists and producers of electronic media.

    COMM 190  or COMM 230  or cons instr.

    3 cr.

    Available for graduate credit as COMM 525 .
  • COMM 326 - Sports Communication Principles and Practices.

    Examination of theories and practices related toi sports communication, including use and management of sports media.

    COMM 221 , COMM 230 , COMM 253  

    3 cr.


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