Sep 27, 2024  
2014-2015 Catalog 
2014-2015 Catalog FINAL VERSION - Closed for Revisions

Course Descriptions



Paper Science and Engineering

  • PSEN 445 - Paper Coating and Converting

    Pigment coating materials/processes; converting operations including printing, laminating, corrugating, extrusion and hot melt coating; functional coatings; presentations by staff/students/guest lecturers.

    Jr or sr st in Paper Science and Engineering.

    3 cr.

  • PSEN 450 - Thermochemical Renewable Energy Production

    Capstone course giving experience in converting natural materials into liquid fuels using thermochemical conversion pathways. Chemical reactions, yield, and efficiency of biofuel production will be discussed.

    CHEM 220  or CHEM 325 .

    3 cr.

  • PSEN 452 - Renewable Fuels Laboratory

    Laboratory class providing hands-on learning opportunities in both thermochemical and biochemical renewable fuel production. Laboratory experiments will focus on extracting and preparing vegetable oil for transesterification into biodiesel and converting starch and cellulose into ethanol and other liquid alcohol and other liquid fuels. Opportunity to visit industrial facilities using thermochemical conversion technology to produce biofuel.

    PSEN 450 .

    2 cr.

  • PSEN 460 - Process Dynamics and Control

    Dynamic model formulation and solution, using Laplace transform, control theories, strategies, and equipment; controller tuning; applications to industrial processes.

    PSEN 385  and MATH 320 .

    Field Trip/Fee: field trips.

    3 cr.

  • PSEN 475 - Paper Machine Operations

    Hydrodynamics of fibrous suspensions; dynamics of sheet formation and water removal; fundamentals of pressing; analysis of drying process in terms of heat and mass transfer; engineering calculations performed on department paper machines.

    PSEN 355 .

    3 cr.

  • PSEN 484 - Engineering Design I

    Engineering economics; interest and economic equivalence; methods of comparing project and investment alternatives. Ethical and professional issues in engineering. Basic principles of process design. Social and environmentalimpacts of engineering. Design project includes project definition, equipment selection and sizing, capital and operating cost estimation, economic evaluation and justification; oral and written presentations.

    PSEN 355  

    2 cr.

  • PSEN 486 - Engineering Design II

    Engineering economics; interest and economic equivalence; methods of comparing project and investment alternatives. Design project continues with equipment installation, startup and verification; economic evaluation and justification; environmental impact; oral and written presentations.

    PSEN 484  

    3 cr.

  • PSEN 489 - Industrial Environmental Management

    Regulations, economic, and technical aspects of industrial waste (air, water, solid, and hazardous) generation, alternative methods of treatment, and release of treated materials to the environment.

    MATH 120 ; CHEM 106  or CHEM 117 .

    May not earn credit in both PSEN 489 and WSTE 489 .

    3 cr.

  • PSEN 582 - Water and Wastewater Treatment

    Theory, practice and regulatory framework of water and wastewater treatment with a focus on control and design of physical, chemical and biological treatment processes.

    PSEN 110  or NRES 251 .

    May earn credit in only one of PSEN 382 /582, WATR 382 /WATR 582  and WSTE 382 /WSTE 582 .

    3 cr.

    Available for undergraduate credit as PSEN 382 .
  • PSEN 590 - Special Topics in Paper Science

    Study of concepts, problems, and issues related to Paper Science and Engineering. Subtitle will designate topic and credits.

    May repeat under different subtitles.

    1-3 cr.

    Available for undergraduate credit as PSEN 390 .

Peace Studies

  • PAX 200 - Dilemmas of War and Peace: An Introduction to Peace Studies

    Examine history of warfare and conditions of peace; role of cultural and political institutions; development of international conflict resolution and systems of peace.

    General Education Designation(s):
    GDR: HU4; GEP: IS

    3 cr.

  • PAX 390 - Internship/Practicum

    Under instructor supervision, work with organizations striving to advance peace and social justice. Research paper required. Credits set by instructor.

    PAX 200 , 3 cr toward interest area and cons coord.

    May be repeated.

    1-3 cr.

  • PAX 399 - Special Work

    Upperclass students may arrange for independent study with cons instr. Credit based on scope of project.

    PAX 200  and cons coord.

    1-3 cr.

  • PAX 490 - Seminar

    Contemporary problems and “classic” texts in peace studies; research and analysis.

    PAX 200  and 9 cr toward interest area.

    3 cr.

  • PAX 491 - Senior Thesis

    Research and analysis of a topic reviewed by faculty from at least two disciplines.

    PAX 200 , 9 cr toward interest area and cons coord.

    3 cr.


  • PHIL 100 - Introduction to Philosophy

    Survey of important problems in philosophy such as the nature of reality, knowledge, and value.

    General Education Designation(s):
    GDR: HU3; GEP: HU

    3 cr.

  • PHIL 101 - Contemporary Moral Problems

    An attempt to clarify selected contemporary moral issues by applying insights of moral philosophy and tools of critical reflection.

    General Education Designation(s):
    GDR: HU3; GEP: HU

    3 cr.

  • PHIL 104 - The Ways of Philosophy: Searching for a Worthwhile Life

    Introduction to eastern and western ways of philosophy that have guided people throughout history.

    3 cr.

  • PHIL 105 - Philosophy and Religion of India and China

    Introduction to origin and development of Indian and Chinese thought and religion, with emphasis on Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism.

    General Education Designation(s):
    GDR: HU3, NW; GEP: GA, HU

    3 cr.

  • PHIL 121 - Critical Thinking

    Fundamental principles of reasoning including recognition, analysis, and evaluation of arguments.

    General Education Designation(s):
    GDR: HU3; GEP: HU

    3 cr.

  • PHIL 199 - Reading in the Discipline

    Improve critical reading and thinking skills. Taken in conjunction with designated sections of philosophy courses.

    1 cr. pass/fail.

  • PHIL 230 - Philosophy of Human Nature: Eastern and Western

    Introduction to Eastern and Western theories about human nature, the human condition, and their ethical implications.

    General Education Designation(s):
    GDR: HU3, NW

    Typically Offered:
    Not currently offered

    3 cr.

  • PHIL 270 - Liberalism, Conservatism and Democracy

    Examine central ideologies in American politics through classic and contemporary texts. Philosophical foundations and practical applications in critical perspective.

    May not earn credit in both PHIL 270 and POLI 170 .

    General Education Designation(s):
    GDR: HU3; GEP: HU

    3 cr.

  • PHIL 301 - Philosophy in a Popular Mode

    Interpret and discuss selected popular works of philosophic interest. Subtitle will designate topic.

    General Education Designation(s):
    GDR: HU3; GEP: HU

    3 cr.

  • PHIL 302 - Ethics and Medicine

    Critical examination of ethical issues in medicine and health care.

    General Education Designation(s):
    GDR: HU3

    3 cr.

  • PHIL 303 - Philosophy of Art

    Examine traditional and contemporary theories about nature and function of art, processes of artistic creation and appreciation, and philosophical problems in art criticism.

    General Education Designation(s):
    GEP: ART

    3 cr.

  • PHIL 304 - Ethics in Business and Economics

    Apply ethical concepts from selected readings and case studies to business management, economic policy, and the organization of work.

    3 cr.

  • PHIL 305 - Ethics

    Critical examination of moral concepts and representative ethical systems.

    General Education Designation(s):
    GDR: HU3

    3 cr.

    Available for graduate credit as PHIL 505 .
  • PHIL 306 - Philosophy of Science

    Examine scientific inquiry, including theory formation, justification and change.

    General Education Designation(s):
    GDR: HU3; GEP: HU

    3 cr.

  • PHIL 307 - Science and Value

    Examine relationship between scientific knowledge and basic moral values.

    General Education Designation(s):
    GDR: HU3; GEP: HU

    3 cr.

  • PHIL 310 - Metaphysics

    Philosophical theories of reality. May include personal identity, the nature of mind, substance, causation.

    3 cr.

  • PHIL 312 - Epistemology

    Study of nature, limits, and bases of human knowledge.

    3 cr.

  • PHIL 315 - Philosophy of Law

    Examine central legal concepts including natural law, and structure of legal reasoning.

    General Education Designation(s):
    GDR: HU3

    3 cr.

    Available for graduate credit as PHIL 515 .
  • PHIL 320 - Philosophy of Religion

    Basic problems of the philosophy of religion such as the existence of God, the problem of evil, religious language, and immortality.

    General Education Designation(s):
    GDR: HU3; GEP: HU

    3 cr.

  • PHIL 322 - Symbolic Logic

    Introduction to symbolic logic including truth functions, propositional logic, and introductory predicate logic.

    3 cr.

  • PHIL 325 - Ancient Greek Philosophy

    Major philosophical movements and figures from classical Greece.

    General Education Designation(s):
    GDR: HU3

    3 cr.

  • PHIL 326 - 17th and 18th Century Philosophy

    Major philosophic movements and figures from the Renaissance through Immanuel Kant.

    General Education Designation(s):
    GDR: HU3

    3 cr.

  • PHIL 327 - 19th and 20th Century Philosophy

    Major philosophic movements and figures in the 19th and 20th centuries.

    General Education Designation(s):
    GDR: HU3

    3 cr.

  • PHIL 330 - Existential Philosophy

    Phenomenology and the philosophy of human existence from Kierkegaard to Sartre.

    3 cr.

  • PHIL 335 - Ethics of War

    Critical examination of ethical issues in war.

    3 cr.

  • PHIL 336 - Social and Political Philosophy

    Historical and contemporary analyses of fundamental concepts of social and political theory including the state, law and rights, and political obligation.

    So st.

    General Education Designation(s):
    GDR: HU3

    3 cr.

  • PHIL 345 - Philosophy of Nature

    Examine classical and contemporary theories of nature, including intersection of natural philosophy and environmental ethics.

    3 cr.

  • PHIL 350 - Feminist Philosophy

    Surveys and analyzes the history of and contemporary directions in feminist philosophy.

    3 cr.

  • PHIL 351 - Ecofeminism

    Examination of the original contributions of feminist thought to environmental philosophy and the ethics of human-nature relations.

    3 cr.

  • PHIL 380 - Environmental Ethics

    Philosophical, religious, and scientific concepts and values that have structured human attitudes toward the natural environment.

    General Education Designation(s):
    GDR: HU3, EL; GEP: ER, HU

    3 cr.

  • PHIL 381 - American Indian Environmental Philosophies

    Examine the worldviews, environmental attitudes, and ethics of American Indians.

    General Education Designation(s):
    GDR: HU3, MNS or NW; GEP: HU, USD

    3 cr.

  • PHIL 392 - Philosophy Internship

    Intern provides small group writing and reading assistance in selected philosophy courses.

    Cons instr.

    1 cr. pass/fail.

  • PHIL 395 - Philosophical Problems

    Significant philosophical problem and related literature. Subtitle will designate area.

    3 cr in philosophy or cons instr.

    1-3 cr.

    Available for graduate credit as PHIL 595 .
  • PHIL 399 - Independent Study

    Independent study of a philosophical problem, theme, thinker, or period with cons instr and chair. Credit based on scope of project.

    1-3 cr.

  • PHIL 480 - Advanced Environmental Ethics

    Advanced study of ethical relationships between humans and the nonhuman world.

    PHIL 380  or cons instr.

    3 cr.

    Available for graduate credit as PHIL 680 .
  • PHIL 490 - Seminar

    Intensive study of a major philosophic figure or topic. Subtitle will designate topic.

    Cons instr.

    3 cr.

    Available for graduate credit as PHIL 690 .
  • PHIL 505 - Ethics

    Critical examination of moral concepts and representative ethical systems.

    3 cr.

    Available for undergraduate credit as PHIL 305 .
  • PHIL 515 - Philosophy of Law

    Examine central legal concepts including natural law, and structure of legal reasoning.

    3 cr.

    Available for undergraduate credit as PHIL 315 .
  • PHIL 595 - Philosophical Problems

    Significant philosophical problem and related literature. Subtitle will designate area.

    3 cr in philosophy or cons instr.

    Typically Offered:
    Not currently offered

    1-3 cr.

    Available for undergraduate credit as PHIL 395 .
  • PHIL 680 - Advanced Environmental Ethics

    Advanced study of ethical relationships between humans and the nonhuman world.

    3 cr.

    Available for undergraduate credit as PHIL 480 .
  • PHIL 690 - Seminar

    Intensive study of a major philosophic figure or topic. Subtitle will designate topic.

    Cons instr.

    3 cr.

    Available for undergraduate credit as PHIL 490 .

Physical Education

  • P ED 100 - Activity in Sport and Recreation

    Develop skills and knowledge in a specific sport or recreational activity. Subtitle will designate sport or activity.

    Elective course. Does not apply to GEP requirements. May repeat for credit with different subtitles.

    General Education Designation(s):


    1 cr.

  • P ED 101 - Topics in Health Education

    Develop skills and knowledge in areas specific to personal wellness and health. Subtitle will designate topic.

    Elective course. Does not apply to GEP requirements. May repeat for credit with different subtitles.

    1 cr.

  • P ED 105 - Introduction to Physical Education Teacher Preparation

    Introduction to K-12 Physical Education teaching content leading to teacher licensure in Wisconsin. Topics include enrollment policies, teaching standards, beginning electronic portfolio, career and professional development, and best teaching practices.

    2 cr.

  • P ED 150 - Foundations of Teaching K-12 Physical Fitness

    Prepare preservice teachers to teach physical fitness in educational settings. Instruction and assessment of fitness activities appropriate for elementary, middle and high school students. Concepts of health-related fitness.

    Phy ed major.

    General Education Designation(s):

    2 cr.

  • P ED 199 - Independent Study

    You may arrange for work not available through regular courses. Must file statement with the Education  chair before beginning. Wellness substitutions may be approved.

    Cons instr.

    1-3 cr.

  • P ED 200 - Professional Teaching Skills I

    Participation and skill development in current PreK-12 activities. Activities may include but are not limited to the following: swimming, team, individual, and dual sports; strength and conditioning; multicultural sports and games; and racquet and disc sports.

    Physical Education major; P ED 105 , P ED 150  or cons instr.

    3 cr.

  • P ED 201 - Professional Teaching Skills II

    Participation and skill development in current PreK-12 physical education activities. Activities may include but are not limited to the following: winter recreation; team, individual and dual sports; elementary activities and games; gymnastics and tumbling; cooperative games; strength and conditioning; multicultural sports and games; and net games.

    Physical Education major; P ED 105 , P ED 150  or cons instr.

    3 cr.

  • P ED 205 - Fundamental Swim Skills for Physical Education

    Swimming skills and water safety instruction necessary for teaching physical education.

    1 cr.

  • P ED 215 - Rhythmic Fundamentals

    Methods, materials, and fundamental principles for teaching basic gymnastics/tumbling, dance including folk, square, and ballroom in K-12 physical education programs.

    So st or cons instr.

    2 cr.

  • P ED 220 - Lifespan Motor Development

    Motor behavior changes over the lifespan including underlying processes and factors. Relationships among growth, maturation, motor performance and the person’s context. How interaction among motor, cognitive and affective domains impact motor development. Developmental considerations for planning and directing movement experiences across the lifespan.

    Physical Education major, P ED 105 .

    3 cr.

  • P ED 231 - Physical Education for Early Childhood/Elementary Teacher

    Acquaints early childhood and elementary school classroom teacher certification majors with organizational skills and instructional materials needed to integrate movement concepts, physical skills and brain-based activities into classroom experiences.

    Admission to Prof Ed Prog.

    2 cr.

  • P ED 252 - Standard First Aid, Personal Safety, and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

    American Red Cross first aid and CPR training, with certificate issued on satisfactory completion of course.

    2 cr.

  • P ED 260 - Pedagogy in Physical Education

    Clinical field experience with secondary and elementary placement/ observation; 30 hrs practicum experience.

    GDR: NS complete; declared physical education major.

    General Education Designation(s):
    GEP: XL

    3 cr.

  • P ED 302 - Teaching Adventure Education

    Gain knowledge, skills and awareness of principles related to the pedagogical aspects of adventure education. Participate and facilitate adventure based activities through varius field experiences.

    Physical Education major;  P ED 150 , P ED 220 .

    3 cr.

  • P ED 331 - Teaching Methods in Elementary Physical Education

    Reflective approach to teaching developmental elementary physical education with an emphasis on 4K through grade six. Become more proficient in current knowledge, use of instructional strategies, and integration of state and national standards into teaching in an elementary physical education program.

    Admis to Prof Educ Prog or cons instr.

    3 cr.

  • P ED 332 - Teaching Experience in Elementary Physical Education

    Teach K-2 students and work with area teachers co-teaching grades 4-6 while developing lessons, assessments and parent progress reports. Practice instructional strategies and integrate state and national standards into a developmentally appropriate elementary program.

    Admission in to the School of Education; con reg P ED 331 .

    1 cr.

  • P ED 353 - Advanced First Aid Instructors

    Preparation for teaching advanced first aid prescribed by American Red Cross; certificate granted on satisfactory course completion.

    Valid advanced first aid certificate.

    1 cr.

  • P ED 360 - Exercise Physiology Concepts for the Physical Education Teacher

    Fundamental exercise physiology concepts needed to teach physical education to school age children. Energy systems, substrate utilization, muscular and organ systems, basic testing for aerobic and anaerobic capacity.

    Phy ed major, HS 371 .

    3 cr.

  • P ED 362 - Optimal Performance in Sport and Activity

    Concepts and application of performance enhancement, exercise prescription, and sport nutrition in the active population.

    HS 371  or COAC 200  or BIOL 387 .

    2 cr.

  • P ED 370 - Curriculum Design and Implementation in PreK-12 Physical Education

    Study of school physical education program content. Classification, philosophy, scope and sequences of educational content for selecting and organizing PreK-12 learning experiences. Curricular themes and models compared and aligned with national and state content standards. Administration of curriculum models through the context of managing behavior.

    Admis to Prof Educ Prog., P ED 331  completed, or with cons of program director.

    3 cr.

  • P ED 380 - Assessment and Technology in Physical Education

    Construct and analyze assessment instruments in the cognitive, health-related fitness, and psychomotor domains. Integrate technology for evaluation of PreK-12 student performance and behaviors. Utilization of technology and investigation of strategies for grading and assessment purposes.

    Admission to PEP; P ED 331  completed or with cons. of program director.

    3 cr.

  • P ED 391 - Organization and Administration of Physical Education and Athletics

    Physical education, intramural and interscholastic K-12 athletic programs. Philosophy, mission and objectives, purchase and care of equipment, budgeting and fund raising, legal issues, public relations, leadership/supervision, professional standards and certification for teacher/coaches.

    Admis to Prof Educ Prog, sr st coaching minor, cons instr.

    3 cr.

  • P ED 397 - Workshop in Physical Education

    Participate in special experiences related to phy ed major. Subtitle will designate area.

    May repeat for 6 cr max.

    Variable credit.

    Available for graduate credit as P ED 597 .
  • P ED 398 - Student Teaching in Physical Education

    Observation and teaching physical education under guidance of cooperating teachers and university faculty. Sections offered at elementary and secondary levels.

    1-16 cr. pass/fail.

  • P ED 399 - Special Work

    Upperclass physical education and wellness majors may arrange for independent study with cons instr and coord. Must have statement on file with PEAT chair before beginning.

    Credit based on scope of project.

  • P ED 400 - Seminar in Teaching Physical Education

    Discuss student teaching issues and beginning teacher concerns. You must return to campus for seminar meetings. Includes use of PI34 portfolio.

    Con reg in student teaching.

    1 cr.

  • P ED 410 - Essentials for Strength and Conditioning

    Scientific principles, theory and practical applications of strength and conditioning for the active population. Emphasis placed on development of year-round programs and practical applications for specific sports and various ages. Intended to prepare you to sit for certification examinations in strength and conditioning.

    P ED 362 .

    3 cr.

  • P ED 428 - Teaching Middle and Secondary Physical Education

    Developmentally appropriate instructional strategies for middle/ secondary student. Portfolio development of Wis Teaching Standards for teacher certification. Practicum teaching experience.

    Admis to Prof Educ Prog. Take 428 one semester before student teaching.

    3 cr.

  • P ED 498 - Intern Teaching

    Structured field experiences in approved school programs. Interns are certified by the DPI and employed under contract with schools to design, deliver, and assess instructional programs in grades n-k-12.

    Complete all methods courses and 75% of content courses in approp major. Con reg in approp section of EDUC 400  may be required.

    Variable cr. pass/fail.

  • P ED 597 - Workshop in Physical Education

    Participate in special experiences related to phy ed major. Subtitle will designate area.

    May repeat for 6 cr max.

    Variable credit.

    Available for undergraduate credit as P ED 397 .
  • P ED 796 - Independent Study

    Planned study to supplement preparation in area of specialization; regular conferences with staff supervisor, through arrangement with the chair of Education .

    1-3 cr.

  • P ED 797 - Workshop in Physical Education

    Graduate level experiences related to your major program. Subtitle will designate area.

    May repeat for 6 cr max.

    Typically Offered:
    Not currently offered

    Variable credit.

Physical Education for the Exceptional Individual (PEX)

  • PEX 397 - Workshop in Physical Education for Exceptional Individuals

    Participate in special experiences related to PEX minor. Subtitle will designate area.

    1-6 cr.

    Available for graduate credit as PEX 597 .
  • PEX 398 - Student Teaching in Adapted Physical Education

    Observation and teaching of adapted physical education under the guidance of cooperating teachers and university faculty.

    4-16 cr. pass/fail.

  • PEX 400 - Physical Education for Individuals with Disabilities

    Physical education for individuals with disabilities emphasizing identification, assessment, program development, and learning as they apply to instruction.

    Con reg in PEX 401  and P ED 200 , P ED 201 , P ED 331 ; admission to School of Education.

    3 cr.

  • PEX 401 - Physical Education for Individuals with Disabilities

    Hands-on intervention with children with disabilities in aquatics and motor development.

    Con reg in PEX 400  and P ED 200 , P ED 201 , P ED 331 ; admission to School of Education.

    1 cr.

  • PEX 415 - Assessment and Prescription in Adapted Physical Education

    Assessment and evaluation tools and techniques used in adapted physical education. Appropriate prescription techniques, ecological inventories, and placement recommendations based on least restrictive environment. Apply evaluation within IEP process.

    PEX 400 , PEX 401  or con reg.

    2 cr.

  • PEX 445 - Seminar in Adapted Physical Education

    Study problems that relate to procedures, practices, organization, and administration in adapted physical education. Correct problems through IEP maintenance, curricular planning, activity selection, instructional techniques.

    PEX 400 , PEX 401 , PEX 415 .

    3 cr.

  • PEX 460 - Advanced Practicum in Adapted Physical Education

    Level II practicum experience working with students with disabilities in educational/community-based setting with continued practice with evaluation, instruction, reflection.

    PEX 400 , PEX 401 .

    1 cr.

  • PEX 498 - Intern Teaching

    Structured field experiences in approved school programs. Interns are certified by the DPI and are employed under contract with schools to design, deliver, and assess instructional programs in grades n-k-12.

    Complete all methods courses and 75% of content courses in approp major. Con reg in approp section of EDUC 400  may be required.

    Variable cr. pass/fail.

  • PEX 597 - Workshop in Physical Education for Exceptional Individuals

    Participate in special experiences related to PEX minor. Subtitle will designate area.

    1-6 cr.

    Available for undergraduate credit as PEX 397 .
  • PEX 715 - Advanced Assessment and Prescription in Adapted Physical Education

    Assessment and evaluation tools and techniques used in adapted physical education. Approp prescription techniques, ecological inventories, and placement recommendations based on least restrictive environment. Apply evaluation within IEP process.

    Certif to teach Physical Education.

    2 cr.

  • PEX 740 - Advanced Seminar in Adapted Physical Education

    Study problems that relate to procedures, practices, organization, and administration in adapted physical education. Correct problems through IEP maintenance, curricular planning, activity selection, instructional techniques. Apply solutions to barriers in on-campus lab setting.

    Certif to teach Physical Education; PEX 715 , PEX 760  or con reg.

    3 cr.

  • PEX 760 - Advanced Practicum and Community Connections in Adapted Physical Education

    Level II practicum experience working with students with disabilities in an educational/ community-based setting with continued practice with evaluation, instruction, reflection.

    PEX 400 , PEX 401  or equiv undergrad course.

    1 cr.


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