Oct 25, 2024  
2017-18 Catalog 
2017-18 Catalog FINAL VERSION - Closed for Revisions

Financial Aid & Fees

Financial Aid Office

Mandy Slowinski, Director
Room 106, Student Services Center
Phone: 715-346-4771
Email: finaid@uwsp.edu
Web: www.uwsp.edu/finaid

How to Apply for Financial Aid

Apply early: Applications received after May 1 may be awarded less aid as funding becomes depleted. Complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) using completed Federal tax returns.

  • Apply online at www.fafsa.ed.gov.
    If you previously completed a FAFSA using the government’s Internet site, you must reapply using the same method (requires the use of a personal identification number - PIN).
  • Or request a paper FAFSA by calling the Federal Student Aid Information Center at 1-800-433-3243. If you are hearing impaired, please contact the TTY line at 1-800-730-8913.

Financial Aid Eligibility

The Financial Aid Office administers UW-Stevens Point’s various federal and state financial assistance programs that help students pay their college expenses. They award you funds from need-based programs based on your family’s income and assets, the size of your family, the number of family members in college, and other information which you provide on your application form. To be eligible for most types of assistance, you must:

  • Demonstrate a financial need,
  • Be admitted to a UW-Stevens Point degree program or teacher certification program,
  • Not be in default on a student loan,
  • Not have been convicted of selling or possessing illegal drugs while receiving federal student aid,
  • Not owe a repayment on a student grant, and
  • Be enrolled at least half time (except for Pell Grant recipients).

If you enroll less than full time, your financial aid may be reduced. Also, if you fail to make satisfactory academic progress, you will NOT be eligible to receive financial aid even though you may continue enrollment. Note that audited courses do NOT count toward credit load for financial aid eligibility.

You may be eligible for some types of aid (loans, jobs, and scholarships) whether or not you can demonstrate need. However, since earnings from “regular” jobs may affect future aid eligibility, you should always consult the Financial Aid Office BEFORE seeking other work.

Satisfactory Academic Progress for Financial Aid

In order to be eligible to receive federal financial aid, you must demonstrate “Satisfactory Academic Progress” (SAP) which is a function of the following three components:

Grade Point Average (GPA)

If you are an undergraduate student receiving financial aid, you must maintain a minimum 2.0 UWSP cumulative GPA (all coursework transferred in is considered into this cumulative GPA); if you are a graduate student receiving financial aid, you must maintain a UWSP minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Note: Standards of satisfactory academic progress for financial aid are different from the University’s probation/suspension requirements listed in the UWSP Catalog. Additionally, academic bankruptcy is not counted when calculating SAP.

Pace (67% Rule)

As a full-time or part-time undergraduate or graduate student at UWSP who receives financial aid, you must stay on pace to graduate on time. Pace is calculated by dividing the total credits you completed per term by the number of credits you have attempted per term. When this calculation falls below 67%, you are no longer on pace to graduate on time and are ineligible to receive financial aid. Transfer credits are considered within this pace calculation as credits attempted and credits earned.

Maximum Time Frame (150% Rule)

As an eligible undergraduate, graduate, or second degree-seeking student, you can receive federal financial aid while attempting up to, but not exceeding, 150% of the university’s completion length. Credits transferred to UW-.Stevens Point and any credits attempted at UW-Stevens Point, with or without the benefit of financial aid, must be taken into consideration. As an example, if you are required to earn 120 credits to graduate with a baccalaureate degree, the maximum time frame would be 180 credits (120 x 150% = 180). You will be required to graduate within two terms following the appeal for maximum time frame. Subsequent appeals for maximum time frame will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

Evaluation Process

The GPA, Pace and Maximum Time Frame requirements are evaluated by the Financial Aid Office after every term (Summer/Fall/Spring), once grades are posted. If you do not meet the GPA, Pace, or Maximum Time Frame requirement(s), you will be ineligible to receive financial aid.

Student Options:
  1. Choose to continue to enroll in classes without financial aid until you earn an academic standing that meets the minimum criteria for financial aid purposes, i.e. bring the cumulative GPA up to at least a 2.0 if you are an undergraduate student or 3.0 if you are a graduate student, and/or successfully complete 67% of accumulative attempted credits. Once you have corrected the SAP deficiency of Pace/GPA, it is possible for aid to be reinstated.
  2. Provide documentation to the Financial Aid Office to correct any errors made, and/or
  3. Submit an appeal that explains the extenuating circumstances that prevented successful Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) and specific steps on how you will reach SAP by the next evaluation period. This appeal may also require the development and submission of an academic plan prepared in consultation with and approved by your designated academic authority.
Appeal Process

If you did not meet SAP for financial aid and are currently ineligible to receive financial aid, you may appeal for reinstatement of eligibility by completing an Appeal for Reinstatement of Financial Aid Eligibility form. This form must include a clear explanation of why you failed to meet SAP and specifically, what steps you plan to take to meet SAP by the next evaluation. Additional documentation confirming the appealed situation may also be required.

Additionally, all appeals must also include an academic plan identifying dates by which you will meet all aspects of the SAP policy. If the appeal is approved, you are subsequently placed on Financial Aid Probation Status for one term, after which, you must be meeting SAP or be following your approved academic plan. If you are not meeting SAP and/or not following your approved academic plan at the next evaluation, you will not receive Financial Aid until you are once again in compliance.

If you had extenuating circumstances that prevented you from making SAP, you have the right to appeal your situation to the Financial Aid Office. Extenuating circumstances include, but are not limited to, student injury or illness, death of a relative, or other reasons resulting in undue hardship to you. You must submit the Appeal for Reinstatement of Financial Aid Eligibility form, a copy of your Degree Progress Report (DPR), an Adviser/Chair (or designee)-approved academic plan, and any other related documentation that supports the appeal. Per Federal regulations, an appeal may only be approved if you show that you will be able to meet SAP by the next evaluation, or your academic plan ensures SAP by a specific point in time. Incomplete/inaccurate appeals and/or Academic Plans will not be approved. The authorized Financial Aid officer(s) will serve as the final arbiter of appeals and will inform you of the decision regarding your appeal and the status of your financial aid eligibility. All decisions are final and are not subject to further appeal.

If denied, you may attend UW-Stevens Point, without financial aid, and re-appeal when all components of SAP are met. If the appeal is approved, you are placed on Financial Aid Probation Status for one term, after which, you must be meeting SAP or be following your approved academic plan. If you are not meeting SAP or following your academic plan at the next evaluation, you will be ineligible to receive financial aid until you are in compliance.

Academic Plan

Appeals require inclusion of an academic plan identifying dates by which you will meet all aspects of the SAP policy. If you have an undeclared major must meet with an Academic Adviser in the Academic and Career Advising Center (ACAC) and if you have declared a major, you must meet with an academic adviser or department chair (or equivalent) in your program area to create your own individualized academic plan.

For more information, go to: http://www.uwsp.edu/finaid/pages/SAP.aspx

Types of Financial Aid

When you apply for financial aid, you are considered for all programs listed below that are based upon need. You may also apply for other forms of assistance.

Grants and Waivers, Need-Based

ACADEMIC FEE INCREASE GRANT: The Tuition Increase Grant program provides grants up to the actual dollar increase in base tuition to students whose family income is less than $60,000 and who do not receive a Wisconsin Higher Education Grant. A grant may not exceed the amount of a student’s unmet need, and students must be enrolled at least half-time. This program is subject to state funding.

Indian Student Assistance: State awards up to $1,100, that is usually matched with a tribal grant, to Wisconsin Indian students who show financial need.

Lawton Retention Grant: Awarded to Wisconsin and Minnesota undergraduate diversity students with sophomore standing and a minimum 2.00 GPA.

Nonresident Tuition Waiver: A partial waiver of the nonresident fee for full time students, based on need, debt, class level, and eligibility for other grants.

Pell Grant: Awards up to $5,550 to undergraduates, determined by the Pell Grant Administration, based on need and the cost of room, board, and tuition.

Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant: Awards up to $1,000 to exceptionally needy undergraduate students.

Wisconsin Handicapped Grant: Awards up to $1,800 to legally deaf or blind students.

Wisconsin Higher Education Grant: Awards based on need up to $2,560 per academic year as determined by the Wisconsin Higher Educational Aids Board.

Wisconsin Talent Incentive Program: Awards from $300-$1,800 to disadvantaged Wisconsin residents.

Loans, Need-Based

Perkins Loan: Loans up to $2,000 annually, with a maximum total of $27,500 for all undergraduate years. The graduate student cumulative maximum is $30,000 which includes any amount borrowed for undergraduate study.

Subsidized Direct Loan: $3,500 the first year, $4,500 the second, and up to $5,500 in subsequent years, to an undergraduate maximum of $23,000. As of July 1, 2012, federal regulations prohibit awarding subsidized Direct loans to graduate students.

Loans, NOT Need-Based

Unsubsidized Direct Loan: Loans up to full educational cost less all other financial aid (including need-based Stafford Loans). The maximum amount that you may borrow is governed by the same limits as the need-based Subsidized Stafford loan (except that the limits are higher for independent students: + $6,000 for freshmen and sophomores; + $7,000 for juniors and seniors; + $8,500 for graduates).

PLUS or Graduate PLUS Loan: Loans of up to the cost of education less all other aid. These loans will be provided only by special request.

Private Alternative Educational Loans: Loans from commercial lenders to help meet unmet financial need or cover assessed family contribution. These are last resort loans, which should only be considered if needed after receiving regular financial assistance.


Miscellaneous Scholarships or Awards: There are several places you can go to get information about scholarships:

  • The Admissions Office has information about scholarships for incoming freshmen.
  • Check with curricular department offices for awards available for majors in specific courses of study.
  • See the UWSP Foundation Web page for information about general and nontraditional scholarships.

Military Scholarships

Army ROTC Scholarship: Army ROTC offers opportunities for merit based scholarships at UW-Stevens Point. The scholarships will pay either full tuition & fees or room & board. Contracted scholarship cadets will also receive a $1,200 per year book allowance and $300-500 per school month for living expenses. High school students may compete for a four-year scholarship online at www.goarmy.com/rotc. On-campus students should contact the Scholarship & Enrollment Officer to determine their eligibility for a two, three, or four-year scholarship. Additional adventure training like airborne or air assault is also available to contracted cadets. For more information contact the Military Science Department, Room 159 Health Enhancement Center, phone 715-346-3821, email rotc@uwsp.edu, or go to www.uwsp.edu/rotc.

Simultaneous Member Program (SMP): This program allows you to participate in ROTC and the Army Reserve or National Guard as “officer trainees” to gain even more experience. In addition to the educational benefits that you already receive, SMP cadets may be eligible for MGIB “kickers”, increases in drill pay, and scholarships For more information contact the Military Science Department, Room 159 Health Enhancement Center, phone 715-346-3821, email rotc@uwsp.edu, or go to www.uwsp.edu/rotc.

Leader Training Course (LTC): This obligation free, 28-day summer camp is held in Fort Knox, Kentucky. It is a “catch-up” program for students who have not taken the first two years of ROTC classes. Upon completion of LTC, you can receive eight elective credits; you may also be eligible for a contracting bonus, as well as an opportunity to earn a two-year scholarship. For more information contact the Military Science Department, Room 159 Health Enhancement Center, phone 715-346-3821, email rotc@uwsp.edu, or go to www.uwsp.edu/rotc.

Jobs for Students

Need a job? The Student Involvement and Employment Office (SIEO), located at 050 Dreyfus University Center, 715-346-2174, works to connect students and employers. The SIEO lists jobs online are viewable only by current UW-Stevens Point students. The SIEO can assist you with the following employment programs:

  • Federal Work Study Program: Eligibility is based on financial need. Jobs range from on-campus lab assistants, office staff, and intramural officials to off-campus positions in the Stevens Point School District, Parks and Recreation Department, and St. Michael’s Hospital. You can view open positions at the SIEO website.
  • Non-Work Study Jobs: Over half of the on-campus positions are NOT work study, with many more opportunities off campus. Visit the SIEO website for listings of current positions.

Special Fee Remission Consideration

There are a limited number of partial and full tuition fee remissions available for outstanding new nonresident students annually. To qualify, applicants must (1) be nominated by a university faculty or staff member and show evidence of academic excellence as reflected in a high school class rank in the top 20 percent or better; OR (2) present at least a 3.50 high school grade point average, or an ACT score of 25 or better and demonstrate evidence of outstanding co-curricular and extracurricular leadership, or artistic, dramatic, or musical special talent. This type of fee remission is not based on need and may be renewed. Special consideration will be given to students reflecting potential contributions to university cultural diversity leadership. For full consideration, send nominations and applications each year by November 1 to the University Special Fee Remission Committee, Room 134, Old Main Building.

Return to Wisconsin Tuition Discount

Nonresident children and grandchildren of UW-Stevens Point alumni may be eligible for a discount of 25 percent off the regular nonresident tuition rate. Contact the Admissions Office, 715-346-2441, for more information.

Military Service Benefits

Veterans, active National Guard members, and Reservists, may be eligible for monetary educational benefits while attending school. Please contact the Veterans Coordinator located in the Office of the Registrar, Room 101, of the Student Services Center or by calling 715-295-8947. The Portage County Veterans Service Officer (CVSO), 715-346-1310, can also provide information regarding these benefits.

Tuition and Fees

Below are estimated costs per semester of Tuition and Fees when you enroll for the 2016-17 school year. The costs will change during the life of this catalog. To find out the most current costs, visit the Accounts Receivable website.

Minnesota residents must have approval for reciprocity. Your high school counselor can give you information about how to apply or go to www.mheso.state.mn.us.

Estimated Rates


Wisconsin Residents   Minnesota Residents   Out of State   Midwest Exchange
# of Credits Undergrad Costs* Grad Costs*   Undergrad Costs* Grad Costs*   Undergrad Costs* Grad Costs*   Undergrad Costs* Grad Costs*
1 378.79 546.01   409.51 605.64   723.23 1068.5   510.01 764.61
2 751.58 1086.02   813.02 1205.28   1440.46 2131.00   1014.02 1523.22
3 1124.37 1626.03   1216.53 1804.92   2157.69 3193.50   1518.03 2281.83
4 1497.16 2166.04   1620.04 2404.56   2874.92 4256.00   2022.04 3040.44
5 1869.95 2706.05   2023.55 3004.20   3592.15 5318.50   2526.05 3799.05
6 2216.49 3219.81   2400.81 3577.59   4283.13 6354.75   3003.81 4531.41
7 2486.47 3657.01   2701.51 4074.42   4897.55 7314.44   3405.01 5187.21
8 2756.45 4094.21   3002.21 4571.25   5511.97 8274.13   3806.21 5843.01
9 3026.43 4531.41   3302.91 5068.08   6126.39 9233.82   4207.41 6498.81
10 3296.41 4531.41   3603.61 5068.08   6740.81 9233.82   4608.61 6498.81
11 3566.39 4531.41   3904.31 5068.08   7355.23 9233.82   5009.81 6498.81
12-18 3836.37 4531.41   4205.01 5068.08   7969.65 9233.82   5411.01 6498.81
19+ 262.43/cr     293.15/cr     606.87/cr     393.65/cr  

*The total cost includes six segregated fees and a Green Fund fee: University Centers fees, student activity fee for recreational services, text rental fee (undergraduates only), student health fee for medical care, municipal service fee, and a Health and Wellness fee. For a more complete breakdown, visit the Student Affairs website.

Tuition Surcharge

If you are a resident student working toward your first degree and accumulate 165 credits (or 30 credits more than required by your degree program, whichever is greater), you will be assessed a surcharge equal to 100% of the regular resident tuition on all credits beyond 165.

  1. Only credits earned at UW-Stevens Point or transferred from a UW System or Wisconsin Technical College institution count toward the 165 credits.
  2. Advanced placement (AP), credit-by-exam, retroactive credit, remedial credit, and other nontraditional credits do NOT count toward the 165 credits.
  3. The surcharge begins in the term following the one in which you reach 165 credits.
  4. To appeal, contact your dean’s office or Office of the Registrar at 715-346-4301.

Financial Appeals for Tuition and Fees

UW System Policy

If you who wish to appeal charges resulting from a withdrawal from a class or the University, you may file a Request for a Tuition Appeal form with the Enrollment Service Center.

Tuition appeals are processed monthly. Appeals will be granted in accordance with University of Wisconsin System Refund Policies and the Department of Education regulations relating to Title IV. Appeals will only be granted for extenuating reasons that are appropriately documented (see documentation requirements on the Enrollment Service Center website).

Thirty days after the last class day of the term in which the courses were offered (excluding the final exam period) is the last day for any tuition appeals to be considered for approval. Tuition appeals for any prior terms are not permitted. Tuition appeals are reviewed by the Tuition Appeals Committee. Results of appeals reviewed by the Committee are final and binding.

Wisconsin Residency Requirements

Section 36.27(2) of the Wisconsin State Statutes (below) lists all the requirements for Wisconsin residency. It is your responsibility to register correctly as a resident or nonresident. Contact the Admissions Office, Room 102, Student Services Center, 715-346-2441, for interpretation and further information about your proper residency classification. If you wish to request a change in your residency classification, contact the Admissions Office for the proper forms.

Minnesota Residents: If you meet Minnesota residency requirements at a public institution in Minnesota, you may be eligible to pay the established reciprocity fee for coursework taken at UW-Stevens Point. Contact the UW-Stevens Point Admissions Office, Room 102, Student Services Center, for more information or go to www.getreadyforcollege.org

Midwest Exchange Program

The Midwest Student Exchange Program (MSEP) was established by the Midwestern Higher Education Compact to provide qualified students with a more affordable means of attending an out-of-state institution. Students who are residents of a participating state may apply to attend UW-Stevens Point at a significantly reduced tuition rate. To participate, students must be a legal resident of Illinois, Indiana, Kansans, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska, or North Dakota. For more information, see http://www.uwsp.edu/admissions/Pages/Affordability/midwestStudentExchangeProgram.aspx.

Wisconsin Statutes Section 36.27(2):

(a) Students qualifying under any of the following categories, while they continue to be residents of this state, are entitled to exemption from nonresident tuition but not from incidental or other fees:

Adult students: Any adult student who has been a bona fide resident of the state for 12 months next preceding the beginning of any semester or session for which such student registers at an institution, OR any adult student who is a dependent of his or her parents under 26 USC 152(a) if one or both of the student’s parents have been bona fide residents of this state for at least 12 months next preceding the beginning of any semester or session for which the student registers at an institution.

Minors: Any minor student, if one or both of the student’s parents have been bona fide residents of this state for at least 12 months next preceding the beginning of any semester or session for which the student registers at an institution; OR any minor student who has resided substantially in this state during the years of minority and at least 12 months next preceding the beginning of any semester or session for which such student registers at an institution.

Minors under guardianship: Any minor student under guardianship in this state pursuant to ch. 48 or 880 whose legal guardian has been a bona fide resident of this state for at least 12 months next preceding the beginning of any semester or session for which such student registers at an institution.

Migrant workers: Any adult student who has been employed as a migrant worker for at least two months each year for three of the five years next preceding the beginning of any semester or session for which the student registers at an institution, or for at least three months each year for two of the five years next preceding the beginning of any semester or session for which the student registers at an institution; any adult student whose parent or legal guardian has been so employed while the student was a minor; and any minor student whose parent or legal guardian has been so employed. In this subdivision, “migrant worker” has the meaning specified in 103.90(5).

Refugees: (am) Any person who is a refugee, as defined under 8 USC 1101(a)(42), who moved to this state immediately upon arrival in the United States and who has resided in this state continuously since then is entitled to the exemption under par. (a) if he or she demonstrates an intent to establish and maintain a permanent home in Wisconsin according to the criteria under par. (e).

Armed forces, nonresident: (b) Nonresident members of the armed forces and persons engaged in alternative service who are stationed in this state on active duty and their spouses and children are entitled to the exemption under par. (a) during the period that such persons are stationed in this state.

Armed forces, resident: (b) Members of the armed forces, who reside in this state and are stationed at a federal military installation located within 90 miles of the borders of this state, and their spouses and children, are entitled to the exemption under par. (a).

Veterans: Nonresident persons who served in active duty in the U.S. armed forces for at least 10 years, who were honorably discharged from such service within four years before registering at an institution, and who filed state income taxes for at least 8 of the last 10 years of active duty in the U.S. armed forces, and their spouses and children are entitled to exemption under par. (a). A person who was a resident of this state at the time of entry into active duty, who is a resident of and living in this state at the time of registering at an institution, and who is a veteran, as defined in s.45.01(12), is entitled to the exemption under par. (a).

Graduates of Wisconsin high schools: (c) Any student who is a graduate of a Wisconsin high school and whose parents are bona fide residents of this state for 12 months next preceding the beginning of any semester or session for which the student registers at an institution or whose last surviving parent was a bona fide resident of this state for the 12 months preceding death is entitled to the exemption under par. (a).

Relocate for employment purposes: (cm) Any person continuously employed full time in this state, who was relocated to this state by his or her current employer or who moved to this state for employment purposes and accepted his or her current employment before applying for admission to an institution or center and before moving, and the spouse and dependents of any such person, are entitled to the exemption under par. (a) if the student demonstrates an intent to establish and maintain a permanent home in Wisconsin according to the criteria under par. (e). In this paragraph, “dependents” has the meaning given in 26 USC 152(a).

General residency information: (d) Any person who has not been a bona fide resident of the state for 12 months next preceding the beginning of any semester or session for which such person registers at an institution, except as provided in this subsection, is not exempt from the payment of the nonresident tuition.

Determining eligibility to pay resident fees: (e) In determining bona fide residence at the time of the beginning of any semester or session and for the preceding 12 months, the intent of the person to establish and maintain a permanent home in Wisconsin is determinative. In addition to representations by the student, intent may be demonstrated or disproved by factors including, but not limited to, timely filing of a Wisconsin income tax return of a type that only full-year Wisconsin residents may file, voter registration in Wisconsin, motor vehicle registration in Wisconsin, possession of a Wisconsin driver’s license, place of employment, self-support, involvement in community activities in Wisconsin, physical presence in Wisconsin for at least 12 months preceding the beginning of the semester or session for which the student registers, and, if the student is not a U.S. citizen, possession of a visa that permits indefinite residence in the United States. Notwithstanding par. (a), a student who enters and remains in this state principally to obtain an education is presumed to continue to reside outside this state and such presumption continues in effect until rebutted by clear and convincing evidence of bona fide residence.

Appeals: (2m) APPEALS. Anybody designated by the board to hear appeals regarding nonresident tuition exemptions under sub. (2) may require a student who has been granted such an exemption to submit information from which the body may determine the student’s continuing eligibility for the exemption, the student’s eligibility for a different exemption, or the student’s residency status.

Matriculation Fee

Beginning Fall 2017, a one-time, non-refundable $200 Matriculation Fee will be applied to all new freshmen and new transfer student tuition bills during your first term of enrollment. For additional information visit: www.uwsp.edu/stuaffairs/Pages/segregatedFees.aspx.

Billing and Payment of Tuition/Fees

Payment Plan Options:

  1. Full Payment Plan: All students are required to pay a $100 registration deposit prior to registration. Then, full payment must be received by the Bursar’s Office by the first day of classes to avoid finance charges which will be assessed from the first day of each term. For charges that are assessed to your account during the term, payment is due by the due date of the billing statement.
  2. Partial Payment Plan: The University offers a partial payment plan which provides for payments to be made in two equal installments following the initial $100 registration deposit. The charges may include academic and segregated fees, room, board, special course fees and miscellaneous charges. You will be assessed a finance charge for each billing period in which you have not paid the balance in full by the billing due date.

Please note that if you withdraw from school before paying in full, you must still pay whatever amount is due for the semester. See the Refund Schedule  below for information on how much you pay, depending on the point in the semester when you withdraw from UW-Stevens Point.

Finance Charges

Finance charges begin on the first day of classes. We calculate them on your previous balance (exclusive of previous finance charges) reduced by the payments you have made and credits we have applied during the billing period. We calculate the finance charge at the rate of .041095 percent per day (1.25 percent per month or 15 percent per year) on the portion of your balance that is $500 or less. We calculate it at the rate of .032877 percent per day, (1 percent per month or 12 percent per year) on the portion of your balance that is over $500. If you are an undergraduate special student, graduate special student or graduate student, you will be billed according to the course level credits for which you enroll. Courses numbered 100 to 499 are undergraduate courses; courses numbered 500 to 999 are graduate courses.

To avoid or reduce your finance charges, you may pay more than your required minimum payment at any time. You may also pay your remaining balance completely at any time.

Billing Amounts Due if Choosing the Partial Payment Plan

Fall and Spring terms:

  1. First statement: For information only. Your $100 registration deposit has already been received and there is no required payment due at this time. However, finance charges will be assessed on any unpaid balance as of the first day of each term.
  2. Second statement: Created approximately the second week of classes, this statement requires a minimum payment of 50% of the balance plus finance charges.
  3. Third statement: Created approximately the sixth week of the semester, 100% of any remaining balance plus finance charges will be due.
  4. Fourth statement: Created approximately the tenth week of classes, pay any further charges plus all finance charges.

Summer term:

  1. First statement: The full balance is due. Finance charges accrue until your balance is paid in full. If you have an unpaid balance on your account, you will not receive your transcript or diploma. You will not be able to register for future courses until your balance has been paid in full.


UW-Stevens Point electronic billing is the official means of generating tuition bills for all enrolled students. You will receive a notice in your university email account when your UW-Stevens Point E-Bill is ready to be viewed online. A UW-Stevens Point logon and password are required to access the billing statement which details the amount due (tuition, fees, housing, and other university charges) and the payment due date. Paper billing statements are no longer sent to enrolled students.

Credit Agreement

Every student must sign a credit agreement card upon registration at UW-Stevens Point. You only need to sign this card once during your enrollment period. Billing details can be found on the Accounts Receivable website. Choose “Electronic Billing.”

If you make delayed payments from financial aid, loans, grants, scholarships or vocational rehabilitation awards, also sign the credit agreement application card. You are responsible for finance charges on your unpaid balance.

Billing Errors

If you think your bill is wrong, write us a note about the error within 60 days of receiving your billing statement. Be sure to include your name, your student ID number, the amount of the error, and a brief explanation of why your bill is wrong. Mail the note to: Accounts Receivable, Room 003, Student Services Center, UW-Stevens Point, Stevens Point, WI 54481-3897. If only part of your bill is wrong, then pay the correct portion of the bill by the due date.

Refund Schedule for Tuition and Fees

You must send written notification to the Office of the Registrar as soon as you decide to cancel your enrollment or withdraw from UW-Stevens Point. Please see the Accounts Receivable website for deadlines and more information.

See the section of this catalog entitled Withdrawing from UW-Stevens Point  for further information on this subject. The table below tells what percentage of your tuition and fees are reduced when you completely withdraw from UW-Stevens Point after the first day of classes.

Session Withdrawal during Week
Length (wk) 1 2 3 4 5+
12 or more 100% 100% 50% 50% 0
8 thru 11 100% 50% 25% 0 0
5 thru 7 100% 50% 0 0 0
3 and 4 100% 25% 0 0 0
2 100% 0 0 0 0

All students withdrawing from classes will be assessed the following withdrawal fees:

Withdrawals effective the first week of classes will be assessed $100.00.

SPECIAL NOTE TO FINANCIAL AID RECIPIENTS WHO WITHDRAW: You may be required to repay all or a portion of the aid received and/or forfeit your financial aid eligibility. Contact the Financial Aid Office for details: 715-346-4771 or www.uwsp.edu/finaid.

On-Campus Living (Room and Board)

At UW-Stevens Point, most students are required to live in residence halls until they have completed four semesters of college work. This is a UW System Board of Regents policy. If you are married, a veteran, living with your parents, or receive a special exemption because you have been out of high school two years or more, you need not comply with this requirement.  In fall 2012, a double room cost $1794 each semester ($1894/semester in renovated halls) and $2472 each semester ($2572/semester in renovated halls) for a single room in a traditional residence hall; accommodations in the Suites@201 are contracted for an entire academic year with billing on a semesterly basis ($2666/semester).

Cost for meal plans range from $1170 to $1375 per semester, depending upon the plan you select.

Refunds: If you want to receive a refund of $100 of your room prepayment on an academic year contract, request it before July 1. If you want to receive a refund of your room prepayment on a second semester contract, request it before December 15. If you are a junior or senior using the one semester option, you must request a refund of your prepayment by December 15 to receive refund in February.

If you get married, student teach, or participate in curricular programs which require off-campus living, you may request release from your residence hall agreement. To do this, go to Residential Living Office in the 601 Division St. Building.

If you withdraw from UW-Stevens Point, you must also terminate your residence hall agreement. We prorate all room and board refunds from the Sunday after you terminate your contract.