Jan 20, 2025  
2019-20 University Handbook 
2019-20 University Handbook FINAL VERSION - Closed for Revisions

Chapter 3 - Recruitment, Appointment, Reassignment, and Resignation

Section 1 - Recruitment, Selection, and Appointment: Faculty

(To see who has authority to approve changes to this section, please see the Approval of Changes  page).

Section 2 - Recruitment, Selection, and Appointment: Academic Staff

(To see who has authority to approve changes to this section, please see the Approval of Changes  page).

Section 3 - UW System Administrative Policy 165 (Formerly ACPS-4.0)

(To see who has authority to approve changes to this section, please see the Approval of Changes  page).

Section 4 - Reassignment and Retraining

(To see who has authority to approve changes to this section, please see the Approval of Changes  page).

Section 5 - Resignation

(To see who has authority to approve changes to this section, please see the Approval of Changes  page).

Section 6 - Recruitment Committees and Selection Processes

(To see who has authority to approve changes to this section, please see the Approval of Changes  page).

Section 7 - Rehoming Policy




The outline specified below provides a checklist of steps necessary to complete the faculty hiring process.  More detailed procedures are available from the Office of Equity and Affirmative Action (EAA).  The EAA Office should be consulted early in the search process to ensure compliance with all federal, state, and local policies.


The Department Chair shall:

  1. Seek permission to hire.
  2. Upon approval of the request to fill the vacancy, appoint or review an established Recruitment Committee and verify that women/minorities are appropriately represented.  (Pursuant to University Handbook, women and minority faculty or instructional academic staff members may be added to the recruitment committee.)
  3. Fill out Composition of Recruitment Committee Form and submit for approval.
  4. Schedule the first meeting of the committee with the Equity & Affirmative Action (EAA) Director to discuss the following:  job description; hiring process; diversity and strategies to encourage women and persons of color to apply; personnel policies and procedures; use of terms; development of selection and evaluation criteria and methodology; other questions the committee may have.

The Recruitment Committee or Chair shall:

  1. After meeting with the EAA Director, select Search and Screen Committee Chair (if necessary) and Affirmative Action representative.        
  2. In consultation with the Equity and Affirmative Action Director, develop a full job description or review the current job description.  It is important to include language required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in current and new job descriptions.  The ADA Position Self-Evaluation Form is available to help you with appropriate wording.
  3. Prepare Position Announcement Form according to guidelines and submit to Equity and Affirmative Action Director for approval and signature.  (It is a good idea to Email a draft to the EAA Director prior to getting signatures in case changes need to be made.)
  4. Receive position number from Equity and Affirmative Action Office.
  5. Finalize the recruitment plan. Complete and submit Recruitment Plan Form being sure to attach all requested documents.


The Recruitment Committee or Chair shall:

  1. Upon approval of recruitment plan, send out all recruitment material.  (Watch carefully for closing dates and deadlines to get information to journals, etc. for advertising.)
  2. As soon as possible after receipt of application materials, send each applicant a letter acknowledging the application and containing the following enclosures:
  1. Full position description;
  2. Equal Employment Opportunity Information Request Form (also called EEO or Self-Identification Form).
  1. Two days after the close of the search, send an alphabetical listing of all candidates (including name, address and current position) to the EAA Office on the Open Records Requirement Form. 


The Recruitment Committee or Chair shall:

  1. Draft the proposed interview questions and methodology to be used in assessing candidates’ qualifications.  Complete and submit Interview and Evaluation Methodology Form for approval.
  2. At the close of the recruitment period, review the applications and group applicants into tiers for consideration (do not otherwise rank applicants). 
  3. Complete and submit the Applicant Log for approval before interviews are scheduled.
  4. Receive Applicant Flow Analysis Form from EAA Office.
  5. After the Applicant Flow Analysis Form has been received, select the finalists to be interviewed, using the pre-established criteria identified in the Interview and Evaluation Methodology Form.  Complete and submit the Interview Request Form. (Note: This form is also used to authorize and request reimbursement for interview expenses if there are any.)
  6. Receive approval to interview finalists.
  7. Contact recommended finalists and arrange interviews and campus visits.
  8. The administrator responsible for the hire is expected to contact University Communications and Marketing prior to releasing the list of finalists and prior to announcing the hire.  This is to ensure the coordination of the announcement to the campus and community and to arrange for appropriate media coverage (if warranted).
  9. Conduct campus visits and interviews in accord with plan identified on Interview and Evaluation Methodology Form.
  10. Assess candidates based on essential job functions identified in position description.


Per UWSP University Handbook (Chapter 3, Section 6):  Procedures for recruitment for department chairperson, associate dean/head of a department, and classroom teaching personnel are developed by the appropriate colleges and departments. 

The Recruitment Committee Chair shall:

  1. After finalists have been assessed, submit the Finalist Appraisal Form for approval.

The Department Chair shall:

  1. After consulting with the hiring authority and receiving approval, make a verbal offer to first choice candidate.
  2. If candidate verbally accepts offer, complete and submit the Recommendation to Appoint Form and Personnel Appointment Form (available in Personnel Office).

The appropriate Line Officer shall:

  1. Send final contract to candidate.

The Recruitment Committee Chair shall:

  1. Complete and submit Information on UW System Recruitment Report Form to EAA Office.
  2. Notify all candidates that this position has been filled and thank them for their interest in UWSP.
  3. The search is now closed.  Collect all recruitment materials from all committee members and keep on file (in unit/department) for four years.


Policy Background

UWS 1.04 Faculty.

“Faculty” means persons who hold the rank of professor, associate professor, assistant professor, or instructor in an academic department or its functional equivalent in an institution. The appointment of a member of the academic staff may be converted to a faculty appointment in accordance with s. UWS 3.01 (1) (c).

UWS 3.01 Types of appointments.

In accordance with s. 36.05 (8), Stats., academic staff appointments may be converted to faculty appointments by the action of the board upon the recommendation of the appropriate faculty body and the chancellor of an institution. Such faculty appointees shall enjoy all the rights and privileges of faculty.

Conversion Process

The primary mechanism for filling a tenure-track faculty position is through a national search process, which ensures the broadest diversity of qualified candidates in the applicant pool. However, conversion from instructional academic staff to tenure-track faculty is possible in special circumstances, including hiring in fields for which applicant pools have typically contained an insufficient number of qualified candidates, increasing diversity in a department, or other pressing programmatic needs where a national search is unlikely to yield sufficient qualified candidates.

  1. The academic department initiates the request for instructional academic staff to be converted to ranked faculty. The chair prepares a document outlining the rationale and documents the support of the department.
  2. For an instructional academic staff person to be converted to ranked faculty, the individual must have been hired through a national search using the university-required recruitment and hiring process, including the department’s review of qualifications. This will be verified by the UW-Stevens Point Office of Human Resources and Affirmative Action.
  3. A proposed change from the rank of instructional academic staff to the rank of faculty requires a positive recommendation from all levels of faculty governance that typically provide input on a tenure recommendation, and approval by the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, the Chancellor or designee, and the Board of Regents in accordance with UWS 3.01 (1)(c).
  4. Credit toward tenure upon conversion, or obtainment of early tenure, may be considered by the appropriate committees and governance groups, and should be part of the original recommendation for conversion.




The outline specified below provides a checklist of steps necessary to complete the academic staff hiring process.  More detailed procedures are available from the Office of Equity and Affirmative Action (EAA).  The EAA Office should be consulted early in the search process to ensure compliance with all federal, state, and local policies.


The Supervisor shall:

  1. Seek permission to hire.
  2. Seek approval from Academic Staff Council if the position is GPR-funded, but will be identified as a Fixed Term Appointment.
  3. In consultation with the Equity and Affirmative Action (EAA) Director, develop a full job description or review the current job description.  It is important to include language required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in current and new job descriptions.  The ADA Position Self-Evaluation Form is available to help you with appropriate wording.
  • For non-teaching positions, contact Personnel Services to request a copy of an employee’s current job description or the appropriate form.
  • For non-teaching positions, if there have been significant changes in the duties and responsibilities of a position (30% or more new ones) or this is a new position, revise or develop the description and submit it to the Hayes-Hill Titling Advisory Committee (HHTAC) for assignment/reassignment of the appropriate title.
  • If the current job description remains accurate, initial and date it to indicate that and send a copy to HHTAC.
  1. Prepare Position Announcement Form according to guidelines and submit to Equity and Affirmative Action Director for approval.  (It is a good idea to Email a draft to the EAA Director prior to getting signatures in case changes need to be made.)
  2. Receive position number from Equity and Affirmative Action (EAA) Office.
  3. Upon approval of the request to fill the vacancy, appoint Recruitment Committee and verify that women/minorities are appropriately represented.
  4. Fill out Composition of Recruitment Committee Form and submit for approval
  5. Schedule the first meeting of the committee with the EAA Director to discuss the following:  the hiring process; diversity and strategies to encourage women and persons of color to apply; personnel policies and procedures; use of terms; development of selection and evaluation criteria and methodology; other questions the committee may have.

The Recruitment Committee shall:

  1. After receiving the charge from the supervisor and meeting with the EAA Director, select Recruitment Committee Chair and Affirmative Action representative.
  2. Finalize the recruitment plan. Complete and submit Recruitment Plan Form being sure to attach all requested documents.


The Recruitment Committee or Chair shall:

  1. Upon approval, send out all recruitment material.  (Watch carefully for closing dates and deadlines to get information to journals, etc. for advertising.)
  2. As soon as possible after receipt of application materials, send each applicant a letter acknowledging the application and containing the following enclosures:
  1. Full position description;
  2. Equal Employment Opportunity Information Request Form (also called EEO or Self-Identification Form).
  1. Two days after the close of the search, send an alphabetical listing of all candidates (including name, address and current position) to the (EAA) Office on the Open Records Requirement Form.  


The Recruitment Committee or Chair shall:

  1. Draft the proposed interview questions and methodology to be used in assessing candidates’ qualifications.  Complete and submit Interview and Evaluation Methodology Form for approval.
  2. At the close of the recruitment period, review the applications and group applicants into tiers for consideration (do not otherwise rank applicants). 
  3. Complete and submit the Applicant Log for approval before interviews are scheduled.
  4. Receive Applicant Flow Analysis Form from EAA Office.
  5. After the Applicant Flow Analysis Form has been received, select the finalists to be interviewed, using the pre-established criteria identified in the Interview and Evaluation Methodology Form.  Complete and submit the Interview Request Form. (Note: This form is also used to authorize and request reimbursement for interview expenses if there are any.)
  6. Receive approval to interview finalists.
  7. Contact recommended finalists and arrange interviews and campus visits.
  8. The administrator responsible for the hire is expected to contact University Communications and Marketing prior to releasing the list of finalists and prior to announcing the hire.  This is to ensure the coordination of the announcement to the campus and community and to arrange for appropriate media coverage (if warranted).
  9. Conduct campus visits and interviews in accord with plan identified on Interview and Evaluation Methodology Form.
  10. Assess candidates based on essential job functions identified in position description.


Per UWSP University Handbook (Chapter 3, Section 6):


  • The committee shall determine the procedures by which it will screen the candidates and select the list of candidates to be invited for interviews.
  • After the closing date for applications, the committee shall select the candidates to be invited for interviews.
  • Normally, interviews shall continue until the committee agrees upon not less than three nor more than five finalists it is willing to recommend to the supervisor.


  • Normally, the supervisor offers the position to one individual from among the finalists recommended.
  • The supervisor may reject all finalists and ask the committee to continue or reopen the search.

The Committee Chair shall:

  1. Submit the Finalist Appraisal Form for approval after finalists have been assessed.

The supervisor shall:

  1. After consulting with the hiring authority and receiving approval, make a verbal offer to the first choice candidate.
  2. If candidate verbally accepts offer, complete and submit the Recommendation to Appoint Form and Personnel Appointment Form (available in Personnel Office).

The appropriate Line Officer shall:

  1. Send final contract to candidate.

The Recruitment Committee Chair shall:

  1. Complete and submit Information on UW System Recruitment Report Form to EAA Office.
  2. Notify all candidates that this position has been filled and thank them for their interest in UWSP.
  3. The search is now closed.  Collect all recruitment materials from all committee members and keep on file (in unit/department) for four years. 



UW System Administrative Policy 165 (formerly ACPS 4.0) contains statements about the definition of the academic year, the awarding of credit, the period of appointment for faculty, and various other related policies: https://www.wisconsin.edu/uw-policies/uw-system-administrative-policies/academic-year-definition-and-assorted-derivatives/




  1. When considering an acting appointment, the administrator involved must discuss the appropriateness of an acting appointment with the Affirmative Action Officer prior to discussing the position with any prospective candidate and prior to seeking nominations for the acting position.
  2. Appointments to an acting position related to reassignment of duties shall be limited to one year.  Exceptions to this policy can be made under extenuating circumstances by the Chancellor with the consent of the Executive Committee of Common Council and with an approved affirmative action waiver.



It is the policy of the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point to encourage faculty retraining and reassignment in every instance in which retraining and reassignment benefit the faculty member and the University.  Normally, priority shall be given to proposals for reassignment of tenured faculty from areas of relatively low student demand to areas where student demand is relatively high.


A written agreement stating explicitly the responsibilities and commitments of the individual, the department(s), college(s), and the university shall precede any reassignment.

  1. The agreement shall address pertinent issues relating to the conditions of reassignment and procedures for handling personnel decisions.
  2. The agreement shall contain:
  • A clear statement on the retraining to be accomplished.
  • The commitment of the department(s), college(s), and university to support the retraining.
  • A commitment from the individual to continue employment with the university beyond the period of retraining.

In recognition of the wide variety of faculty interests and unique departmental needs, individual agreements consistent with UWSP Personnel Rules shall be negotiated by the parties involved.  The following should be used as guidelines for constructing such agreements:

  1. Reassignment may be temporary for a period of 2 to 5 years, or may be permanent.
  2. Following consultation with the dean(s) of the college(s), the agreement may be terminated upon mutual consent of the faculty member and the department(s) involved.
  3. If reassignment occurs before the completion of all planned retraining, a reduced teaching load for the first two semesters of the new assignment shall be considered.  After the first year, a full teaching load is expected.
  4. For a period of at least two years, the faculty member may be offered a summer session appointment of at least one-half of the amount of the academic year reassignment for the purpose of additional retraining.  (e.g., if the reassignment is 0.50 FTE for the academic year, the summer session appointment may be 0.25 FTE.)
  5. If the reassignment is a permanent, full-time appointment, all personnel decisions shall be made by the receiving department.  If the reassignment is temporary or is a permanent appointment of less than full-time, the agreement shall state whether personnel decisions remain with the home department or are divided between the two departments.
  6. According to UWSP personnel rules, seniority is with the institution.  Upon permanent full-time reassignment, seniority within the receiving unit shall be negotiated by the faculty member and the receiving unit.



  • A tenured administrator or other faculty member not teaching but holding rank in an academic department may return to the department for any of the following reasons, providing no alternative employment is available which is mutually acceptable to both the individual and the Chancellor:
  1. The individual reaches the age of 65.
  2. The individual resigns the position and such resignation is accepted by the Chancellor.
  3. The immediate supervisor desires the transfer and the Chancellor concurs.
  • Upon being informed that such a transfer will occur, the department in which the individual holds rank and tenure will decide upon one of the following options:
  1. Assign the individual full time teaching responsibilities immediately.
  2. Temporarily (not to exceed one year) assign the individual to non-teaching responsibilities or a combination of teaching and non-teaching responsibilities which are acceptable to the individual.  The non-teaching portion of the assignment will not be charged to the department.
  3. Request of the individual a proposal to renew teaching skills.  Such a proposal must be accepted by the department, Dean, and Chancellor and should not exceed 0.50 FTE for one academic year.  The non-teaching portion of the assignment will not be charged to the department.  Such proposals will normally be funded in addition to regular development proposals if funds are available.  It should be noted that commitment of funds for retraining may mean a reduction in the number of teaching positions available to the department.


When a ranked faculty member leaves an administrative limited appointment to return to his/her faculty position, the salary upon return to the faculty position shall be negotiated within a range bounded by the average salary of all faculty of the same rank within the tenure home department (or functional equivalent) and 82% of the administrative salary.  Negotiated salaries outside of this range require the advance approval of the System President.  {UWS Unclassified Personnel Guideline 4.04(5)}



All resignations of unclassified personnel shall be addressed to the Chancellor and shall follow the normal authority structure and receive a recommendation regarding acceptance at each level.  For example, the department member should forward his/her resignation through the chairperson, the dean, and the provost.  However, this procedure does not negate the possibility that for compelling personal reasons an individual might wish to submit his/her resignation directly to the Chancellor.

Faculty are urged to keep their departments informed of a possible resignation.  Professional ethics and common courtesy require that resigning faculty give their departments adequate time to consider a replacement.  While certain emergencies might occur which require special consideration, the department or dean normally will not recommend for acceptance a resignation intended for the following academic year tendered after May 1.


The University has established a check-out procedure for faculty and academic staff who will not be returning the following year.  A check list originating from the Provost’s Office is used, indicating various items that need to be accounted for prior to separation (e.g., grade reports, library materials, insurance, keys, etc.).  The completed form is then presented to the Bursar’s Office, where it will be checked for outstanding bills.  If an unpaid bill exists, all payroll checks will be held until the balance is paid.  Self-addressed envelopes should be left at the Bursar’s Office for possible forwarding of checks.





Common Council. 

It is the responsibility of the chancellor to inform the chairperson of the Common Council to initiate the recruitment process when a vacancy occurs or will occur for the position of provost.


The chairperson of the Common Council shall then proceed with the establishment of a Recruitment Committee.


No member of the Recruitment Committee may be an applicant for the position.

Elected Faculty and Academic Staff. 

Faculty and Academic Staff Distribution. 

Of the elected faculty and academic staff members of the committee, the committee shall be cross-disciplinary and there shall be representation from each college on campus and one unassigned to a college.


Faculty  and academic staff members to be elected to the Recruitment Committee shall be elected by the faculty and academic staff of the colleges and unassigned to a college through an electronic voting process.

Committee Diversification and Regulatory Compliance. 

The University values diversity and inclusion as supported by our mission, “Through the discovery, dissemination, and application of knowledge,
UW-Stevens Point fosters intellectual growth, provides a broad-based education, models community engagement, and prepares students for success in a diverse and sustainable world.” The committee and/or hiring authority shall be in consultation with the Department of Human Resources and Affirmative Action to ensure compliance with federal and state laws and UW System policies and regulations, and to ensure the diversification of the committee, and to ensure searches are conducted fairly and without bias.

Appointed Members and Appointing Authority. 

Five additional members of the committee, appointed as indicated, shall be:

  • one member of the university staff, appointed by the co-chairpersons of the University Staff Council;
  • up to two students, appointed by the Student Government Association according to its procedures;
  • one dean, appointed by the provost; and
  • one individual appointed by the chancellor.


The committee shall elect its own chairperson.


Position Description and Hiring Authorities Charge. 

The chancellor shall provide to the Recruitment Committee a position description and other relevant materials as developed in consultation with the Department of Human Resources and Affirmative Action, which the committee shall review. Any changes would require the approval of the hiring authority.

Advertising the Position. 

Recruitment Efforts Plan.

The hiring authority or the Recruitment Committee shall establish a proposed recruitment plan. The completed recruitment plan shall be submitted to the Department of Human Resources and Affirmative Action for review. The Department of Human Resources and Affirmative Action may, in consultation with the hiring authority and the committee, add publications to the list to assure the diversification of the candidate pool. The Department of Human Resources and Affirmative Action shall confirm the position announcement is ready for publication prior to advertising. Recruitment Committee members are encouraged to assist with recruitment efforts.

Formal Announcement. 

The chancellor shall issue a formal announcement of the search for a provost simultaneously to the campus and to external agencies (unless the search is to be exclusively internal) by means agreed to by the chancellor and the committee.

The formal announcement (not necessarily identical to advertising copy) shall invite applications and nominations for provost and shall include relevant excerpts from the position description, conditions of employment, and the list of desired qualities, and shall also include a timetable for selection.

Committee Procedures. 

Receipt of Applications. 

As applications are received, the chairperson shall ensure that each applicant receives:

  • an acknowledgment of receipt of application;
  • request for additional materials, as appropriate

Candidates for Interviews. 

The committee shall screen, select, and invite candidates for an interview within the framework of the Human Resources and Affirmative Action policies and procedures.

Chancellor’s Action. 

Normally, the chancellor offers the position to one individual from among the finalists recommended.

The chancellor may reject all finalists and ask the committee to continue, reopen, or fail the search.




Common Council. 

It is the responsibility of the chancellor to inform the chairperson of the Common Council to initiate the recruitment process when a vacancy occurs or will occur for the position of vice chancellor for business or student affairs.


The chairperson of the Common Council shall then proceed with the establishment of a Recruitment Committee.


No member of the Recruitment Committee may be an applicant for the position.

Members and Appointing Authority. 

Eleven members of the committee, appointed as indicated, shall be:

  • three faculty or academic staff, appointed by the chairperson of the Common Council from among nominees of the Executive Committee of the Common Council;
  • up to two students, appointed by the Student Government Association according to its procedures;
  • one dean, appointed by the provost;
  • one university staff member, appointed by the co-chairpersons of the University Staff Council; and
  • four individuals appointed by the chancellor, at least three of whom shall be from among the personnel of the affected division.

Committee Diversification and Regulatory Compliance. 

The University values diversity and inclusion as supported by our mission, “Through the discovery, dissemination and application of knowledge, UW-Stevens Point fosters intellectual growth, provides a broad-based education, models community engagement and prepares students for success in a diverse and sustainable world.” The committee and/or hiring authority shall be in consultation with the Department of Human Resources and Affirmative Action to ensure compliance with federal and state laws, and UW System policies and regulations and to ensure the diversification of the committee and to ensure searches are conducted fairly and without bias.


The committee shall elect its own chairperson.


Position Description and Hiring Authorities Charge. 

The chancellor shall provide to the Recruitment Committee a position description and other relevant materials as developed in consultation with the Department of Human Resources and Affirmative Action, which the committee shall review. Any changes would require approval of the hiring authority.

Advertising the Position.
Recruitment Efforts Plan.

The hiring authority or the Recruitment Committee shall establish a proposed recruitment plan. The completed recruitment plan shall be submitted to the Department of Human Resources and Affirmative Action for review. The Department of Human Resources and Affirmative Action may, in consultation with the hiring authority and the committee, add publications to the list to assure the diversification of the candidate pool. The Department of Human Resources and Affirmative Action shall confirm the position announcement is ready for publication prior to advertising. Recruitment Committee members are encouraged to assist with recruitment efforts.

Formal Announcement. 

The chancellor shall issue a formal announcement of the search for vice chancellor simultaneously to the campus and to external agencies (unless the search is to be exclusively internal) by means agreed to by the chancellor and the committee, once the position is posted by the Department of Human Resources and Affirmative Action.

The formal announcement (not necessarily identical to advertising copy) shall invite applications and nominations for vice chancellor and shall include relevant excerpts from the position description, conditions of employment, and the list of desired qualities, and shall also include a timetable for selection.

Committee Procedures. 
Receipt of Applications. 

As applications are received, the chairperson shall ensure that each applicant receives 

  • an acknowledgment of receipt of application;
  • a request for additional materials, as appropriate.
Candidates for Interviews. 

The committee shall screen, select, and invite candidates for an interview within the framework of the Human Resources and Affirmative Action policies and procedures.

Chancellor’s Action. 

Normally, the chancellor offers the position to one individual from among the finalists recommended.

The chancellor may reject all finalists and ask the committee to continue, reopen, or fail the search.




Common Council. 

It is the responsibility of the chancellor to inform the chairperson of the Common Council to initiate the recruitment process when a vacancy occurs or will occur for the position of vice chancellor for university advancement.


The chairperson of the Common Council shall then proceed with the establishment of a Recruitment Committee.


No member of the Recruitment Committee may be an applicant for the position.

Appointed Members and Appointing Authority. 

Thirteen members of the committee, appointed as indicated, shall be:

  • one vice chancellor, appointed by the chancellor
  • one dean, appointed by the provost
  • president of UWSP Alumni Association (or designee in consultation with the chancellor)
  • president of UWSP Foundation, Inc. (or designee in consultation with the chancellor)
  • member of UWSP Foundation Board (selected by foundation board president in consultation with chancellor)
  • two faculty, appointed by the chairperson of the Common Council from among nominees of the Executive Committee of the Common Council;
  • up to two students, appointed by the Student Government Association according to its procedures;
  • one university staff member, from personnel of the Office for University Advancement, appointed by the University Staff Council according to its procedures
  • one academic staff member, from personnel of the Office for University Advancement, appointed by the Academic Staff Council according to its procedures
  • the Affirmative Action officer
  • one member of the community, appointed by the chancellor
  • one at-large member, appointed by the chancellor

Committee Diversification and Regulatory Compliance. 

The University values diversity and inclusion as supported by our mission, ”Through the discovery, dissemination and application of knowledge, UW-Stevens Point fosters intellectual growth, provides a broad-based education, models community engagement and prepares students for success in a diverse and sustainable world.” The committee and/or hiring authority shall be in consultation with the Department of Human Resources and Affirmative Action to ensure compliance with federal and state laws, and UW System policies and regulations and to ensure the diversification of the committee and to ensure searches are conducted fairly and without bias.


The committee shall elect its own chairperson.


Position Description and Hiring Authority Charge. 

The chancellor shall provide to the Recruitment Committee a position description and other relevant materials as developed in consultation with the Department of Human Resources and Affirmative Action, which the committee shall review. Any changes would require approval of the hiring authority.

Advertising the Position. 
Recruitment Efforts Plan.

The hiring authority or the Recruitment Committee shall establish a proposed recruitment plan. The completed recruitment plan shall be submitted to the Department of Human Resources and Affirmative Action for review. The Department of Human Resources and Affirmative Action may, in consultation with the hiring authority and the committee, add publications to the list to assure the diversification of the candidate pool. The Department of Human Resources and Affirmative Action shall confirm the position announcement is ready for publication prior to advertising. Recruitment Committee members are encouraged to assist with recruitment efforts.

Formal Announcement. 

The chancellor shall issue a formal announcement of the search for vice chancellor simultaneously to the campus and to external agencies (unless the search is to be exclusively internal) by means agreed to by the chancellor and the committee, once the position is posted by the Department of Human Resources and Affirmative Action.

The formal announcement (not necessarily identical to advertising copy) shall invite applications and nominations for vice chancellor and shall include relevant excerpts from the position description, conditions of employment, and the list of desired qualities, and shall also include a timetable for selection.

Committee Procedures. 
Receipt of Applications. 

As the committee chairperson receives applications, the chairperson shall ensure that each applicant receives 

  • an acknowledgment of receipt of application;
  • a request for additional materials, as appropriate
Candidates for Interviews. 

The committee shall screen, select, and invite candidates for an interview within the framework of the Department of Human Resources and Affirmative Action policies and procedures.

Chancellor’s Action. 

Normally, the chancellor offers the position to one individual from among the finalists recommended.

The chancellor may reject all finalists and ask the committee to continue, reopen, or fail the search.



Common Council. 

It is the responsibility of the provost to inform the chairperson of the Common Council to initiate the recruitment process when a vacancy occurs or will occur for the positions of associate vice chancellor or assistant vice chancellor.


The chairperson of the Common Council shall then proceed with the establishment of a Recruitment Committee when a vacancy occurs or will occur for the position of associate vice chancellor or assistant vice chancellor.


No member of the Recruitment Committee may be an applicant for the position.

Appointed Faculty.  


The chairperson of the Common Council shall solicit volunteers to serve on the Recruitment Committee. From the volunteer pool, the chairperson of the Common Council shall appoint a minimum of five faculty to the committee. Of the appointed faculty members of the committee, there shall be representation from each of the colleges

Appeals Process.

If volunteers feel unfairly excluded from the Recruitment Committee, they may appeal the hiring authority’s decision with the Nominations and Elections Subcommittee.

Committee Diversification and Regulatory Compliance.

The University values diversity and inclusion as supported by our mission, ”Through the discovery, dissemination and application of knowledge, UW-Stevens Point fosters intellectual growth, provides a broad-based education, models community engagement and prepares students for success in a diverse and sustainable world.” The committee and/or hiring authority shall be in consultation with the Department of Human Resources and Affirmative Action to ensure compliance with federal and state laws, and UW System policies and regulations and to ensure the diversification of the committee and to ensure searches are conducted fairly and without bias.

Additional Appointed Members and Appointing Authority. 

Five to six additional members of the committee, appointed as indicated, shall be

  • up to two students, appointed by the Student Government Association according to its procedures;
  • one dean, appointed by the provost;
  • one university staff member, appointed by the co-chairpersons of the University Staff Council; 
  • one academic staff member, appointed by the chairperson of the Academic Staff Council; and
  • one individual appointed by the chancellor.

The committee shall elect its own chairperson.


Position Description and Hiring Authorities Charge. 

The provost shall provide to the Recruitment Committee a position description and other relevant materials as developed in consultation with the Department of Human Resources and Affirmative Action, which the committee shall review. Any changes would require approval of the hiring authority.

Advertising the Position. 
Recruitment Efforts Plan.

The hiring authority or the Recruitment Committee shall establish a proposed recruitment plan. The completed recruitment plan shall be submitted to the Department of Human Resources and Affirmative Action for review. The Department of Human Resources and Affirmative Action may, in consultation with the hiring authority and the committee, add publications to the list to assure the diversification of the candidate pool. The Department of Human Resources and Affirmative Action shall confirm the position announcement is ready for publication prior to advertising. Recruitment Committee members are encouraged to assist with recruitment efforts.

Formal Announcement. 

The provost shall issue a formal announcement of the search for associate vice chancellor or assistant vice chancellor simultaneously to the campus and to external agencies (unless the search is to be exclusively internal) by means agreed to by the provost and the committee.

The formal announcement (not necessarily identical to advertising copy) shall invite applications and nominations for associate vice chancellor or assistant vice chancellor and shall include relevant excerpts from the position description, conditions of employment, and the list of desired qualities, and shall also include a timetable for selection.

Committee Procedures. 
Receipt of Applications. 

As the committee chairperson receives applications, the chairperson shall ensure that each applicant receives 

  • an acknowledgment of receipt of application;
  • a request for additional materials, as appropriate
Candidates for Interviews. 

The committee shall screen, select, and invite candidates for an interview within the framework of the Department of Human Resources and Affirmative Action policies and procedures.

Provost’s Action.

Normally, the provost offers the position to one individual from among the finalists recommended.

The provost may reject all finalists and ask the committee to continue, reopen the search, or fail the search.



NOTE.  In this subsection, the titles associate dean and assistant dean refer specifically to line or staff personnel working directly with and in the office of a dean, not to those in positions which are functional equivalents of department chairpersons.


Hiring Authority

The provost shall serve as the hiring authority.

Associate and Assistant Dean.

The college dean shall serve as the hiring authority.

Common Council. 


It is the responsibility of the provost to inform the chairperson of the Common Council to initiate the recruitment process when a vacancy occurs or will occur for the position of dean.

Associate and Assistant Dean. 

It is the responsibility of the dean to inform the chairperson of the Common Council to initiate the recruitment process when a vacancy occurs or will occur for the position of associate dean or assistant dean. 


No member of the Recruitment Committee may be an applicant for the position.

Employee Classification

The Recruitment Committee shall include at least one faculty member, one academic staff member, and one university staff member.

Appointed Members. 


The college shall solicit volunteers to serve on the Recruitment Committee. From the volunteer pool, the hiring authority shall appoint a minimum of five individuals to the committee. No more than two committee members may hail from the same department or discipline with the college.

Appeals Process.

If volunteers feel unfairly excluded from the Recruitment Committee, they may appeal the hiring decision with the Nominations and Elections Subcommittee.

Other Optional Appointments.

Additional committee members may be appointed as indicated:

  • The Student Government Association may appoint up to two students according to its procedures; and
  • for a dean vacancy, outside colleges may appoint up to one individual each.

Committee Diversification and Regulatory Compliance.

The University values diversity and inclusion as supported by our mission, ”Through the discovery, dissemination and application of knowledge, UW-Stevens Point fosters intellectual growth, provides a broad-based education, models community engagement and prepares students for success in a diverse and sustainable world.” The committee and/or hiring authority shall be in consultation with the Department of Human Resources and Affirmative Action to ensure compliance with federal and state laws, and UW System policies and regulations and to ensure the diversification of the committee and to ensure searches are conducted fairly and without bias.


Each committee shall elect its own chairperson.


Position Description and Hiring Authorities Charge. 

The provost shall provide to the Recruitment Committee a position description and other relevant materials as developed in consultation with the Department of Human Resources and Affirmative Action, which the committee shall review. Any changes would require approval of the hiring authority.

Associate or Assistant Dean. 

For Recruitment Committees for associate or assistant deans, the position description and other relevant materials shall be provided by the appropriate dean.

Advertising the Position.
Recruitment Efforts Plan.

The hiring authority or the Recruitment Committee shall establish a proposed recruitment plan. The completed recruitment plan shall be submitted to the Department of Human Resources and Affirmative Action for review. The Department of Human Resources and Affirmative Action may, in consultation with the hiring authority and the committee, add publications to the list to assure the diversification of the candidate pool. The Department of Human Resources and Affirmative Action shall confirm the position announcement is ready for publication prior to advertising. Recruitment Committee members are encouraged to assist with recruitment efforts.

Formal Announcement. 

The provost shall issue a formal announcement of the search for dean simultaneously to the campus and to external agencies (unless the search is to be exclusively internal) by means agreed to by the provost and the committee. The appropriate dean shall take similar action for an associate or assistant dean.

The formal announcement (not necessarily identical to advertising copy) shall invite applications and nominations for dean, associate dean, or assistant dean and shall include relevant excerpts from the position description, conditions of employment, and the list of desired qualities, and shall include a timetable for selection.

Committee Procedures. 
Receipt of Applications. 

As the committee chairperson receives applications, the chairperson shall ensure that each applicant receives 

  • an acknowledgment of receipt of application;
  • a request for additional materials, as appropriate
Candidates for Interviews. 

The committee shall screen, select, and invite candidates for an interview within the framework of the Department of Human Resources and Affirmative Action policies and procedures.

Selection of a Dean. 

Normally, the provost and the chancellor offer the position to one individual from among the finalists recommended. 

Dean appointments in which the salary level will not exceed 75% of the UW System President’s salary may be made by the chancellor and do not require Board of Regents approval.

The provost may reject all finalists and ask the committee to continue, reopen, or fail the search.

Selection of an Associate or Assistant Dean. 

Normally, the dean offers the position to one individual from among the finalists recommended.

The provost may reject all finalists and ask the committee to continue, reopen, or fail the search.



NOTE.  In this subsection, the title associate dean/head refers specifically to positions which are the functional equivalents of department chairpersons, not to line or staff personnel working directly with and in the office of a dean.

Procedures for recruitment for department chairperson, associate dean/head of a department, and classroom teaching personnel are developed by the appropriate colleges and departments.

Guidelines and minimal required procedures for department chairperson or associate dean/department head may be found in chapter 2, section 1 , of this Handbook.




It is the responsibility of the immediate supervisor for the vacant or to be vacated position to establish the Recruitment Committee.


No member of the Recruitment Committee may be an applicant for the position nor may the immediate supervisor of the position be a member of the committee.


Composition of a Recruitment Committee shall be determined by the immediate supervisor of the position for which the committee is to be established in consultation with the affected unit members, but any committee shall include

  • at least seven members;
  • members representative of the affected unit(s);
  • at least one peer from within the affected unit appointed by the immediate supervisor;
  • at least one peer from outside the affected unit appointed by the immediate supervisor;
  • one student appointed by the Student Government Association according to its procedures;
  • women and minority representation; and
  • one university staff member appointed by the co-chairpersons of the University Staff Council.

Committee Diversification and Regulatory Compliance.

The University values diversity and inclusion as supported by our mission, ”Through the discovery, dissemination and application of knowledge, UW-Stevens Point fosters intellectual growth, provides a broad-based education, models community engagement and prepares students for success in a diverse and sustainable world.” The committee and/or hiring authority shall be in consultation with the Department of Human Resources and Affirmative Action to ensure compliance with federal and state laws, and UW System policies and regulations and to ensure the diversification of the committee and to ensure searches are conducted fairly and without bias.

The supervisor initiating the recruitment and the affirmative action officer shall ensure that this requirement is met either through the regular appointment process or through the addition of an affirmative action representative.


Each committee shall elect its own chairperson.


Position Description and Hiring Authorities Charge. 

The immediate supervisor of the vacant position shall provide to the Recruitment Committee a position description and other relevant materials as developed in consultation with the Department of Human Resources and Affirmative Action, which the committee shall review. Any changes would require approval of the hiring authority. The supervisor shall also provide a statement which specifies

  • position title;
  • salary;
  • whether the appointment is a limited appointment, and if so, whether there is a concurrent appointment; and
  • if there is a concurrent appointment, the type of concurrent appointment (faculty or academic staff) and the number of years of the concurrent appointment.
Advertising the Position.
Recruitment Efforts Plan.

The hiring authority or the Recruitment Committee shall establish a proposed recruitment plan. The completed recruitment plan shall be submitted to the Department of Human Resources and Affirmative Action for review. The Department of Human Resources and Affirmative Action may, in consultation with the hiring authority and the committee, add publications to the list to assure the diversification of the candidate pool. The Department of Human Resources and Affirmative Action shall confirm the position announcement is ready for publication prior to advertising. Recruitment Committee members are encouraged to assist with recruitment efforts.

Formal Announcement. 

The immediate supervisor for the position shall issue a formal announcement of the search simultaneously to the campus and to external agencies (unless the search is to be exclusively internal) by means agreed to by the supervisor and the committee.

The formal announcement (not necessarily identical to advertising copy) shall invite applications and nominations for the position and shall include relevant excerpts from the position description, conditions of employment, and the list of desired qualities, and shall include a timetable for selection.

Committee Procedures. 
Receipt of Applications. 

As the committee chairperson receives applications, the chairperson shall ensure that each applicant receives 

  • an acknowledgment of receipt of application;
  • a request for additional materials, as appropriate
Candidates for Interviews. 

The committee shall screen, select, and invite candidates for an interview within the framework of the Department of Human Resources and Affirmative Action policies and procedures.

Selection of a Candidate. 

Normally, the supervisor offers the position to one individual from among the finalists recommended.

The supervisor may reject all finalists and ask the committee to continue, reopen, or fail the search.




It is the responsibility of the immediate supervisor for the vacant position to establish the Recruitment Committee.


No member of the Recruitment Committee may be an applicant for the position.


Composition of a Recruitment Committee shall be determined by the immediate supervisor or hiring authority of the position for which the committee is to be established in consultation with the affected unit members, but any committee shall include

  • at least three members, which may include;
  • student(s);
  • member(s) representative of the affected unit(s);
  • peer(s) from within or outside the affected unit. It is best practice to consult with the external supervisor(s) when inviting a peer from outside the affected unit.

Committee Diversification and Regulatory Compliance.

The University values diversity and inclusion as supported by our mission, ”Through the discovery, dissemination and application of knowledge, UW-Stevens Point fosters intellectual growth, provides a broad-based education, models community engagement and prepares students for success in a diverse and sustainable world.” The committee and/or hiring authority shall be in consultation with the Department of Human Resources and Affirmative Action to ensure compliance with federal and state laws, and UW System policies and regulations and to ensure the diversification of the committee and to ensure searches are conducted fairly and without bias.


Position Description and Hiring Authorities Charge.

The immediate supervisor of the vacant position shall provide to the Recruitment Committee a position description and other relevant materials as developed in consultation with the Department of Human Resources and Affirmative Action, which the committee shall review. Any changes would require approval of the hiring authority.

Advertising the Position.
Recruitment Efforts Plan.

The hiring authority or the Recruitment Committee shall establish a proposed recruitment plan. The completed recruitment plan shall be submitted to the Department of Human Resources and Affirmative Action for review. The Department of Human Resources and Affirmative Action may, in consultation with the hiring authority and the committee, add publications to the list to assure the diversification of the candidate pool. The Department of Human Resources and Affirmative Action shall confirm the position announcement is ready for publication prior to advertising. Recruitment Committee members are encouraged to assist with recruitment efforts.

The chancellor shall issue a formal announcement of the search for vice chancellor simultaneously to the campus and to external agencies (unless the search is to be exclusively internal) by means agreed to by the chancellor and the committee, once the position is posted by the Department of Human Resources and Affirmative Action.

Formal Announcement. 

The immediate supervisor for the position shall issue a formal announcement of the search simultaneously to the campus and to external agencies (unless the search is to be exclusively internal) by means agreed to by the supervisor and the committee.

The formal announcement (not necessarily identical to advertising copy) shall invite applications and nominations for the position and shall include relevant excerpts from the position description, conditions of employment, and the list of desired qualities, and shall include a timetable for selection.

Committee Procedures.
Receipt of Applications.

As the committee chairperson receives applications, the chairperson shall ensure that each applicant receives:

  • an acknowledgment of receipt of application;
  • a request for additional materials, as appropriate
Candidates for Interviews. 

The committee shall screen, select, and invite candidates for an interview within the framework of the Department of Human Resources and Affirmative Action policies and procedures.

Selection of a Candidate.

Normally, the supervisor offers the position to one individual from among the finalists recommended.

The supervisor may reject all finalists and ask the committee to continue,  reopen, or fail the search.


1. Policy Purpose

This policy provides guidance on both campus reassignment and rehoming of employees from one UWSP campus to another UWSP campus. The intent of this policy is to stipulate that any changes to an employee’s work location should only occur with careful consideration and communication among all parties involved. To employees, workplace location often matters in relation to their personal lives, and changes in workplace location can affect employees’ work projects and work relationships. Travel between workplace locations and multi-campus commitments can also impact time employees have for different work tasks. This policy applies to Faculty and instructional academic staff. Employees’ home campus designations also matter to campuses, including the branch campuses, which have interest in maintaining sustainable and stable contingents of employees who share long-term visions of success. Further, the designation of home campus matters for travel reimbursement from one location to another (as guided by UW System Administrative Policy 405: Travel Expense - General Travel & Expense Policy and UW System Administrative Policy 425: Use of Personal Vehicles, Rental Cars and Fleet of Business Transportation, as well as other travel policies which may apply and are listed under Related Documents within this policy), and in some cases for eligibility for UWSP shared governance service or constituency.

2. Background

All employees are assigned a home campus upon hire. UW System Administrative Policies and Procedures: 400 Series: Travel provides rules governing reimbursement for travel between work locations. UWSP became a multi-campus institution in 2018, prompting the need for a campus reassignment and rehoming policy to guide employees and supervisors regarding any such changes.

3. Policy Definitions

Home campus: Upon hire, one home campus is designated for each employee.

Campus Reassignment: This refers to a temporary change in the campus where the employee works part or full time and does not change the employee’s home campus designation. Campus reassignments are usually for a relatively short and specific length of time (i.e., a semester, academic year, or possibly longer). Travel is reimbursed in accordance with UW System Administrative Policies and Procedures: 400 Series: Travel.

Emergency Campus Reassignment: A workplace location reassignment which happens more quickly, with less advance notice. Travel is reimbursed in accordance with UW System Administrative Policies and Procedures: 400 Series: Travel.

Rehoming: A permanent change in an employee’s home campus designation.

4. Policy

  1. Department Policies
  1. Departments should develop and maintain policies for decision making about campus reassignment and rehoming. Current decision-making policies may simply be updated to include the addition of campus reassignment and rehoming.
  2. Time spent traveling to or between campuses may affect an employee’s productivity. For example, a faculty member traveling regularly and for multiple semesters between campuses may have less time to dedicate to service or research and/or may be less available for in-person office hours. Employees may also be contributing service, but on different campuses, and perhaps less visibly to their supervisors or other department members. Departments should develop and maintain policies for the consideration of such assigned travel time and multi-campus commitment when considering performance evaluations, including promotion, tenure, review, and merit.
  1. Campus Reassignment
  1. Employees assigned to work part or full time on a different campus retain their current home campus designation for travel policy or shared governance purposes.
  2. Conversations about employee part or full-time campus reassignment to another work location may be initiated by an employee, department chair, director, dean, branch campus AAS degree coordinator, or campus executive officer.
  3. When need for campus reassignment arises, the department chair or unit director should first call for volunteers of qualified employees for the equivalent position, with a stated deadline for reply.
  4. With interested applicant(s) identified, department chairs or directors should consult with any involved branch campus(s) executive officers to consider background and skills (for example, experience teaching a particular course or working with a specific population) and effects on the campus or programs as a whole (including campuses or programs vacated by the reassignment). After that, in the case of multiple applicants, with all considerations equal, departments should use their established policies for campus reassignment decision making.
  5. If there are no interested applicants, department chairs or unit directors, in consultation with branch campus executive officers about effects on the campuses or programs as a whole, will identify a qualified employee with appropriate background and skills in an equivalent position. With considerations equal, departments should use their established policies for campus reassignment decision making.
  6. In most cases, the reassigned employee shall be given written notice of campus reassignment no later than 30 days before the first date of workplace location change, with the end date of the reassignment stated. The written notice should include reference to UW System Administrative Policies and Procedures: 400 Series: Travel. When 30 days-notice is not feasible-for example, if a teaching need arises less than 30 days before the start of a new term/course start date (Emergency Campus Reassignment)-the written notice should be issued as soon as possible.
  7. Campus reassignments should be reevaluated, with all original parties reconsulted, before being renewed or extended.
  1. If the employee does not wish to continue the campus reassignment, other qualified employees in equivalent positions should be reconsidered
  1. Rehoming

Rehoming may have different impact on an individual in comparison to a short-term campus reassignment and should be considered carefully. Employees make career and personal decisions with consideration to where they work. Rehoming will likely bring other changes for the employee and the involved campuses, this type of change (particularly if involuntary) should be rare in the life of an employee. Employees should consult UW System Administrative Policies and Procedures: 400 Series: Travel for information about how travel would or would not be reimbursed with a home campus change.

The following case illustrates one possible example: an employee who lives in Marshfield with a home campus of Marshfield may be eligible for travel reimbursement while assigned to teach on the Wausau campus, but may no longer be eligible for travel to Wausau if “rehomed” to the Wausau campus.

  1. A change in home campus requires the issuance by the Chancellor or designee of a new letter of appointment. The employee must receive the change of appointment letter, issued after consultations as described below, no less than one year prior to the beginning of the rehoming change.
  2. Rehoming happens within the same department. It is a change of campus location, but usually not department or unit.
  3. Rehoming may be initiated by either the employee, or by a department, branch campus, or college dean. Regardless of how the rehoming is initiated, communication among the following parties is necessary: employee affected, employee’s department or unit chair/director, appropriate dean(s), branch campus executive officer(s). Consensus among all parties is the goal, though in the absence of consensus the Associate Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs/Provost will be consulted and shall make the final decision.
  1. Voluntary Rehoming

When an equivalent position at another work location (campus) becomes available, or in anticipation of one becoming available, an interested employee in an equivalent position may initiate conversation about rehoming with their department chair, director, or dean. If the chair, director, or dean agrees the positions are equivalent and the employee is qualified for the equivalent work on the other campus, the chair/director, appropriate dean, and any involved branch campus executive officer(s) will meet to evaluate overall effects on programs and campus(s), including the vacated campus assignment. If all parties agree to the rehoming, the department chair or director, prior to rehoming, must put out a call in writing to all other employees in equivalent positions (if any), to share the opportunity to relocate, with a deadline for response. In the case of more than one employee wishing to be rehomed, the department shall make the decision of who to rehome in accordance with department policy. Additionally, the voluntary process may also be initiated by a request for volunteers by the chair/director, appropriate dean, or a branch campus executive officer.

  1. Involuntary Rehoming

A department chair, dean, or campus executive officer may initiate conversation about the need for rehoming. Conversations should be built around written and cited data, shared with all parties, showing the need is foreseeable for the long term.

When the rehoming need is based on academic/enrollment need, consultations should weigh effects on both the potentially receiving and potentially vacated campus. Alternatives should be identified and documented. In identifying the employee to be rehomed, skills, fit, and background should be considered as well as another other factors established within the department policy.

Rehoming should occur only after consultation by all parties involved, including an employee’s department chair/director, dean, any involved branch campus executive officer(s), and a meeting with the affected employee. The affected employee has the right to bring a representative to the meeting if desired. Such consultation must be confirmed in writing within thirty (30) days after the initiation of the consultation process.

  1. Appeals

If individuals feel that the process outlined in this policy has not taken place, they may appeal UWS Chapters 4 , 6 , 7 , 11 , 13 , and the UW-Stevens Point University Handbook, Chapter 4A Personnel Rules: UWSP Chapters 4 , 6 , 7, and 11 .

5. Related Documents

UW System Administrative Policy 405: Travel Expense - General Travel & Expense Policy

UW System Administrative Policy 425: Use of Personal Vehicles, Rental Cars and Fleet of Business Transportation

UW System Administrative Policies and Procedures: 400 Series: Travel