Oct 25, 2024  
Spring 2020 Catalog 
Spring 2020 Catalog FINAL VERSION - Closed for Revisions

Undergraduate Degree Types Offered at UW-Stevens Point

UW-Stevens Point offers six distinct baccalaureate degrees and an associate’s degree. Below, each degree is generally defined. The requirements for the associate’s degree are the same for all students at UW-Stevens Point. For baccalaureate degrees, individual academic programs have the flexibility to determine which degrees are offered through their major and the specific requirements. Academic programs have the responsibility to do so within the framework of the general definitions below and in support of UW-Stevens Point’s general education mission to equip you with the knowledge and skills to facilitate intellectual and personal growth, pursue your advanced studies, and improve the world in which you live.

The requirements below are common to all baccalaureate degrees at UW-Stevens Point:

  • Complete the General Education Program (GEP) requirements
  • Complete the requirements of a major
  • Earn a minimum of 30 credits in residence at UW-Stevens Point
  • Earn at least 40 credits at the 300 level or above
  • Earn a minimum of 120 credits
  • Earn a minimum 2.0 GPA in credits attempted at UW-Stevens Point
  • Earn a minimum 2.0 GPA overall, including both UW-Stevens Point and transfer credits

Each academic program will build on the foundation provided by the General Education Program by developing its own mission, goals, and program learning outcomes. In doing so, programs will comply with the following degree requirements, which must be assessed within each major:

Bachelor of Arts (BA)

The BA is a liberal arts degree intended to develop skills and talents essential to succeeding in a global society. It combines study of the arts, humanities, historical perspectives, and the natural and social sciences with advanced critical inquiry and an in-depth knowledge in an academic discipline (major). The program develops cultural, social, and political literacy, including the abilities to communicate effectively and clearly in writing and in speech, and to understand on a basic level a world language other than one’s own.* In so doing, it fosters the ability to understand and actively participate in discourses both within and beyond the field of your major (such as a minor or second major), and it promotes engagement with cultural, social, and political difference.

* A two-semester sequence of university entry level world language courses (101, 102) is required. The requirement may be fulfilled through equivalent coursework or other language acquisition as demonstrated through a test out policy (including Native American languages and American Sign Language). If your native language is not English and you can document formal high school or university study of your native language, then you may use ENGL 101  and ENGL 202 , or ENGL 150  as a means of fulfilling this foreign language requirement.

Bachelor of Science (BS)

The BS is a liberal arts degree intended to develop skills and talents essential to professional work. It combines study of the arts, humanities, historical perspectives, and the natural and social sciences with advanced critical inquiry and an in-depth knowledge in a specific academic discipline (major). The program develops an understanding of empirical analysis, scientific methodology and protocols, and mathematics and quantitative techniques. In so doing, it equips you for continued engagement in professional research within your chosen field.

Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) and
Bachelor of Music (BM)

The BFA and BM are professional degrees focusing intensive study and practice in the fine arts, performing arts, and design fields through a specific academic discipline (major). Essential artistic and intellectual development is achieved through building practical experience, repertoire, and mastery within the chosen discipline and through critical inquiry into cultural, historical, and technical aspects relevant to the defined profession. Standards for the BFA and BM are established by national accreditation agencies and implemented in the major at the department level.

Bachelor of Applied Studies (BAS)

The BAS is a liberal arts degree completion program intended to develop skills and talents essential to succeeding in a global society*. The BAS program of study provides a four-year degree option for adult students to pursue advanced career opportunities and thereby strengthen the communities in which they work and live. The BAS curriculum combines advanced coursework in communication and leadership with study of the arts, humanities, historical perspectives, and the natural and social sciences. The program develops cultural , social, and political literacy, and builds the abilities to communicate effectively in writing and in speech and to exercise leadership skills.

*If you’re entering the BAS program you must have completed an Applied Associate degree from a Technical College. The BAS requires completion of at least 120 credit hours, and up to 72 credits may be awarded for coursework previously completed for the Applied Associate degree. Once enrolled in the BAS program, you will also be required to complete the General Education Program (GEP) requirements. Many of the courses required for the BAS will also satisfy the GEP requirements.

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)

The BSN provides a baccalaureate degree option for nursing professionals who are currently licensed in the State of Wisconsin to explore a greater variety of professional roles and responsibilities. At UW-Stevens Point, this degree program is a degree completion program for registered nurses who possess an Associate or Diploma Degree from a nationally accredited nursing program. The BSN degree requires completion of General Education Program (GEP) requirements and additional coursework in nursing and related disciplines.

Relationship Between General Education Program and Degree Types

The General Education Program (GEP) applies to all students regardless of degree type (BA, BS, BM, BFA, BAS, and BSN). In addition to the GEP, there are degree requirements for the BA, BS, BM, BFA, BAS, and BSN which have been integrated into majors. See the General Education Program  section in this Catalog.

Earning Multiple Baccalaureate Degrees

Upon the implementation of the new GEP and the new degree type requirements, you will be permitted to receive two separate diplomas if you complete the requirements for multiple different baccalaureate degree types concurrently.

You may want to return to school after graduating to complete additional majors or minors. You may do so without earning a second degree. However, if you have earned one bachelor’s degree, you may subsequently earn a second by completing all requirements for the second degree.

You may use courses you completed for your first degree to satisfy requirements for your second degree. The major for your second degree must be an approved major for that degree.

Associate of Arts and Science (AAS)

The AAS fulfills our institutional mission of providing access to higher education and a pathway to degree attainment for the residents of Wisconsin. The AAS is transferable to institutions across the UW System and provides you with a liberal arts general education and a breadth of intellectual and practical skills.

  1. General Degree Requirements
  1. You must complete a minimum of 60 credits to receive the AAS. At least 36 of the 60 credits must be earned at the institution’s three campuses.
  2. You must have a grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 earned cumulatively at the institution’s three campuses, and a 2.0 overall GPA in credits applied to the AAS.
  3. The AAS general education requirements must be fulfilled.
  1. Overview of AAS Requirements
  1. Distribution of Credit Requirements
Requirement Associate of Arts and Science
Knowledge of Human Cultures (HC) 9
Knowledge of the Natural World (NW) 9
Additional HC or NW Coursework 3
Critical and Creative Thinking (CCT) 3
Effective Communication (EC) 6
Intercultural Knowledge and Competence (IK) 3
Individual, Social, and Environmental Responsibility (SER) 6
Total General Education Credits 39
Electives 21
Total Required Credits to Degree 60
  1. Additional Degree Requirements
    You must fulfill the following degree requirements through general education breadth requirements and/or elective coursework:
  1. Depth sequence (two courses of three or more credits each)
  2. Three credits of Quantitative Literacy coursework (AAS-QL)
  3. An ethnic studies course (ES)
  4. A laboratory science course (LS)
  1. General Education Breadth Requirements
    You must complete general education coursework in a variety of different disciplines based on breadth categories established by the UW System shared learning goals. You must complete coursework in six different breadth categories. Each course is limited to only one breadth category.
  1. Knowledge of Human Cultures (HC)
    Knowledge of Human Cultures (HC) courses focus on analysis of the human condition, culture, and society. This typically includes coursework that requires you to engage with and analyze human interaction and culture, social organization and institutions, historical contexts, and/or complex interdependent systems. The HC requirement typically includes coursework in social sciences, humanities, fine arts, and world languages. If you are in HC courses you can expect to:
  1. describe and evaluate existing knowledge of human cultures;
  2. interpret and analyze data, texts, and/or artifacts; and/or
  3. apply concepts across disciplines.
  1. Knowledge of the Natural World (NW)
    Knowledge of the Natural World (NW) courses focus on concepts and applications related to the natural and physical sciences and mathematics. the NW requirement typically includes coursework in the sciences and mathematics. If you are in NW courses you can expect to:
  1. describe and evaluate existing knowledge of the natural world;
  2. interpret, analyze and communicate data, results, and conclusions; and/or
  3. apply concepts across disciplines.
  1. Critical and Creative Thinking (CCT)
    Critical and Creative Thinking (CCT) courses extend your ability to analyze issues and produce responses that are both systematic and innovative. The CCT requirement can be fulfilled with qualifying coursework in any discipline. If you are in CCT classes you can expect to:
  1. identify and investigate problems;
  2. execute analytical or creative tasks; and/or
  3. combine or synthesize existing ideas, images, or expertise in ways that result in a unique and identifiable product.
  1. Effective Communication (EC)
    Written and Oral communication courses support and assess your development of reading, listening, speaking, information literacy, and/or writing proficiencies. This requirement is similar to the Foundation level Written and Oral Communication requirement in the General Education Program (GEP).

    You must complete:
    1. ENGL 150  or ENGL 202  (3 credits) with a grade of C or higher.
    2. Three (3) additional credits of EC coursework.
  1. Intercultural Knowledge and Competence (IK)
    Intercultural Knowledge and Competence (IK) courses prepare you to live and work in diverse contexts. Courses with this degree designation focus on building cross-cultural communication, interaction, and empathy with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures. The IK requirement typically includes coursework in the social sciences, humanities, fine arts, world languages, and ethnic studies. If you are in IK courses you can expect to:
  1. develop cultural self-awareness in the context of diverse human cultures; and/or
  2. develop strategies for effectively and appropriately negotiating intercultural interactions.
  1. Individual, Social and Environmental Responsibility (SER)
    Individual, Social and Environmental Responsibility (SER) courses provide the foundation for lifelong learning and the intellectual tools for engaging ethically as members of society. The SER requirement can be fulfilled with qualifying coursework in any discipline and often includes high impact teaching practices or other active learning strategies. If you are in SER courses you can expect to:
  1. engage in active learning to explore ethical, social, and/or environmental issues; and/or
  2. apply knowledge and skills for the purpose of civic engagement.
  1. Depth Requirement
    The UW System Associate Degree Standards require each student to complete “a two-course sequence in which the first course provides the foundation for the second.” You fulfill this requirement by taking a disciplinary depth sequence identified by an academic department or program. One or both courses may be transferred in from another institution.

    Sets of courses in a depth sequence must meet the following criteria:
  1. Both courses are in the same discipline (and not just in the same department or program).
  2. Both courses are at least three credits.
  3. Learning from the first course lays a foundation for learning in the second course. However, the foundation course does not need to be a prerequisite for the second course.
  4. You take the second course in a different semester or term. The semesters do not need to be contiguous.
  5. The depth requirement does not include skills courses that lay a foundation for academic literacy (developmental education, non-degree ESL, and ENGL 101 ) or lecture forum courses.
  1. Quantitative Literacy (AAS-QL)
    You must complete a minimum of three credits of AAS-QL coursework. A qualifying course focuses on college-level algebraic reasoning, probability, and/or statistics and has MATH 107  as a prerequisite. You must fulfill at least one of these requirements:
  1. Complete a quantitative literacy course (or an equivalent transfer course) with a grade of C or higher.
  2. Complete a mathematics course that has an AAS-QL course as a prerequisite with a grade of C or higher, or
  3. Place into MATH 225  through the math placement process.

You may take more than one course to complete the required three credits. Quantitative literacy courses may fulfill breadth and depth degree requirements.

  1. Laboratory Science (LS)
    You must complete at least one laboratory science course. LS courses are offered as part of or in connection with a lecture/discussion natural or physical science course, and they normally fulfill a general education breadth requirement. In laboratory science courses, you engage in empirical study of the natural world to enhance learning. To carry the LS degree designation, a science course must have at least one of the following active learning components as a regularly scheduled part of the course:
  1. Learning activities in a laboratory or field setting;
  2. Extensive use of scientific methods for student investigation, experimentation, and/or observation;
  3. Active student participation in analysis and interpretation of data, using scientific tools, methods, conceptual frameworks, theories, and/or models.
  1. Ethnic Studies (ES)
    You must take one ES course. Courses fulfilling the ES requirement have a substantial emphasis on cultural diversity issues and ethnic minorities within the United States.
  1. Elective Credits
    In addition to completing general education requirements, you take elective credits to fulfill the required minimum of 60 degree credits for an associate degree. Elective credits often include courses that lead to an emphasis or other educational goals. You may take courses with an elective (EL) designator and/or additional coursework from the associate degree breadth categories.
  1. AAS with Emphasis
    If you are pursuing the AAS Degree you may elect to receive a degree with emphasis; a concentration of coursework in a given discipline or in more than one discipline, in the case of interdisciplinary emphasis. An AAS degree with emphasis:
  1. Allows you to expand your knowledge and skills in areas of personal, professional and academic interest;
  2. May provide career advancements, personal enrichment and more job opportunities.

The specific requirements for a Degree with Emphasis are determined by individual departments; however, an AAS Degree with Emphasis must include the following:

  1. Any AAS Degree with Emphasis must also conform to, and you must satisfy, all other requirements for an AAS Degree.
  2. For a single-discipline AAS Degree with Emphasis, a minimum of 9 credits in the discipline.
  3. In the case of an interdisciplinary AAS Degree with Emphasis, a minimum of 9 credits among the disciplines represented. Additionally, eligible courses must be approved by all departments represented in the emphasis. However, eligible courses in supporting departments (e.g. math courses for a Physics Emphasis) need not be approved by the supporting department
  4. No courses may be included in an AAS Degree with Emphasis if they do not meet requirements of a related UWSP major or minor baccalaureate program.

Academic units are not required to offer an AAS Degree with Emphasis. If you are declaring an emphasis, you can do so at any time after enrollment, but no later than the beginning of your final semester before receiving your degree so that it can be noted officially. If you want to pursue a Bachelor Degree, be sure to tell your adviser. Your adviser can help you select elective credits which may be applied to your future major for the Bachelor Degree.

For more information about the Associate Degree requirements, please visit:

Academic and Career Advising Center
Room 320 Albertson Hall (ALB)
Phone: 715-346-3226
Email: acac@uwsp.edu


Certificate Programs

Certificate programs are groupings of courses that are usually interdisciplinary and are different from any specific UW-Stevens Point major or minor. Certificate programs are recognized by various professional organizations and industries. They are designed to enhance your career goals and/or eligibility for membership in some professional organizations. Contact your adviser, Continuing Education and Outreach, or the appropriate academic department for more details.

Transferred Credits

We use only the credits and grade points you earn at UW-Stevens Point in determining your cumulative grade point average. However, transfer credits and grades are included in the calculation of the grade point average in most majors and minors and in the determination of graduation honors.

You may use credits with grades of D or better that transfer-red from an accredited institution toward graduation. You may also use them to meet your requirements and prerequisites for specific courses, but not necessarily toward your major.

Because different institutions use different course numbering systems, we may not consider a course numbered 300 or above at another institution to be equivalent to a course we number 300 or above here. Direct any questions about the transfer of your credits to the Admissions Office, Room 102, Student Services Center.

If you earn the last credits toward your degree at another college or university, have a transcript of these credits sent to the Office of the Registrar, UW-Stevens Point, 1108 Fremont Street, Stevens Point WI 54481-3897, within 30 days after the date of the UW-Stevens Point graduation. If you fail to meet this deadline, your degree will not be awarded until the next graduation.

Programs by Degree Type

Bachelor of Applied Studies

Bachelor of Arts

Bachelor of Fine Arts

Bachelor of Music

Bachelor of Science

Master of Arts in Communication

Master of Music Education

Master of Natural Resources (M.N.R.)

Master of Science

Master of Science in Communication Sciences and Disorders (Speech and Language Pathology)

Master of Science in Community & Organizational Leadership

Master of Science in Education

Master of Science in Natural Resources

Master of Science in Sustainable and Resilient Food Systems

Master of Science in Teaching

Associate Degree



Graduate Certificate


Master of Business Administration