Oct 27, 2024  
2022-2023 University Handbook 
2022-2023 University Handbook FINAL VERSION - Closed for Revisions

Chapter 4A - Personnel Rules (UWS 1-13, 15; UWSP 1-13)

Section 1 - Wisconsin Administrative Code, Rules of the Board of Regents, UW System, Chapters 1-13, 15  
(Chapters UWS 14, and 16 - 22 are in Chapter 4D - Personnel Rules ).

(To see who has authority to approve changes to this section, please see the Approval of Changes  page).

Section 2 - University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, Personnel Rules for Faculty and Academic Staff

(Chapter UWSP 14  and Chapter UWSP 18  are in Chapter 5 - Policies Pertaining to Classroom Activities ).
(Chapter UWSP 17  is in Chapter 4D - Personnel Rules ).

(To see who has authority to approve changes to this section, please see the Approval of Changes  page).



(Chapters UWS 14, and 16 - 22 are in part D  of this chapter.)

The materials in this section were prepared from a computer disk provided by the University of Wisconsin System administrative offices. Aside from changes in formatting, so that this section conforms to the remainder of the Handbook, and moving statements referring to the Register history to the headings at the beginning of each chapter, no changes were made in copy.

The printed version of the Rules of the Board carries this notice:

“This document was prepared by the University of Wisconsin System Administration using the files maintained by the State Revisor of Statutes.  This information is accurate as of October 1994.  This is a verbatim reprint of the text files.”

1860 Van Hise Hall
1220 Linden Drive
Madison, Wisconsin





















“Academic staff” means professional and administrative personnel, other than faculty and university staff, with duties and types of appointments that are primarily associated with higher education institutions or their administration.


“Board of Regents” or “Board” means the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System.


 “Department” means a group of faculty members, or faculty and academic staff members, recognized by the faculty and chancellor of the university, and by the Board of Regents, as dealing with a common field of knowledge or as having a common or closely related disciplinary or interdisciplinary interest primarily for the purposes of classroom instruction.  In addition, groups of faculty members who function as a department in personnel matters, regardless of their formal designation (school, college) shall be covered in all references herein to “department.”

UWSP 1.03a  UNIT.

 “Unit” means a group of academic staff members, or academic staff members and faculty members, recognized by the chancellor of the university as working in the same office or closely related offices and dealing with a common or closely related activity, or having a common or closely related function.  In addition, groups of academic staff members who function as a unit for personnel matters, regardless of their formal designation (divisions, service area) shall be covered in all references in UWSP 8 - 13 to “unit.”


“Faculty” means persons who hold the rank of professor, associate professor, assistant professor, or instructor in an academic department or its functional equivalent in the university.  The appointment of a member of the academic staff may be converted to a faculty appointment in accordance with Chapter UWSP 3.01 (1) (c).


By action of the Common Council and chancellor of the university, members of the academic staff may be designated as having “faculty status.”  Faculty status means a right to participate in faculty governance of the university in accordance with the rules of the university.  Faculty status does not confer rank or tenure, or convert an academic staff appointment into a faculty appointment.


“Institution” as used throughout this document means the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point.


“University” as used throughout this document means the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point.


When an act is required by these rules to be done within a specified number of days:  1) day shall mean calendar day; 2) the 1st day shall be the day after the event, such as receipt of a notice or conclusion of a hearing; 3) each day after the 1st day shall be counted, except that a Sunday or a legal holiday shall not be counted if it would be the final day of the period.


“Hearing committee” means any committee established pursuant to Chapters UWSP 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, or 13 for the purpose of conducting a hearing under that chapter or Chapter UWSP 8.  Hearings shall be conducted according to procedures adopted for each chapter by the Common Council and approved by the chancellor.



UWSP 2.01  RULES. 

  1. These rules shall become effective June 11, 1975.

  2. COVERAGE.  Any person who holds a tenure appointment under former chapters 36 and 37, Wis. Stats., 1971 and related rules shall continue to hold tenure as defined under those chapters and related rules.  Any person who holds a probationary appointment under former chapters 36 and 37, Wis. Stats., 1971 and related rules shall continue to enjoy the contractual rights and guarantees as defined under those chapters and related rules, and may elect to be considered for tenure according to the procedures existing under that appointment or under rules and procedures in effect at the time of consideration.  The rules in Chapters UWSP 4 through 8 apply to all appointments to faculty positions regardless of whether the appointment preceded the adoption of these rules.


  • DELEGATION.  Rules and procedures in Chapters UWSP 3, 4, 5, 6, and 8, after adoption by the Common Council, shall be forwarded by the chancellor to the president and by the president to the Board for approval prior to their taking effect.  These rules, unless disapproved or altered by the Board, shall be in force and effect as rules of the Board.


  1. ​Amendments to these rules may be adopted at a regular meeting of the Common Council by a majority vote of the entire Senate.

  2. Proposed amendments shall have been published and distributed to the faculty at least 2 weeks prior to the Senate meeting at which such amendments are to be considered for adoption.

  3. Amendments shall not be proposed or voted upon at any meeting of the Senate held during the summer session.

  4. Amendments shall be forwarded by the chancellor to the president and by the president to the Board of Regents for its approval prior to their taking effect.



  1. Appointments to the faculty are either tenure or probationary appointments.  Faculty appointments carry the following titles:  professor, associate professor, assistant professor, and instructor.

    1. Except as otherwise provided for in 3.08m, “tenure appointment” means an appointment for an unlimited period granted to a ranked faculty member by the Board upon the affirmative recommendation of the appropriate academic department, or its functional equivalent, and the chancellor, or the chancellor’s designee as specified in writing by the chancellor, via the president of the System.  Before making the recommendation to the Board, the chancellor (or designee) shall secure the advice of the appropriate dean and the vice chancellor for Academic Affairs.

    2. “Probationary appointment” means an appointment by the Board upon the affirmative recommendation of the appropriate academic department, or its functional equivalent, and the chancellor, or the chancellor’s designee as specified in writing by the chancellor, and which is held by a faculty member during the period which may precede a decision on a tenure appointment.  Before making the recommendation to the Board, the chancellor (or designee) shall secure the advice of the appropriate dean and the vice chancellor for Academic Affairs.

    3. In accordance with section 36.05 (8), Wis. Stats., academic staff appointments may be converted to faculty appointments by the action of the Board upon the recommendation of the department in which the faculty member will hold rank and the chancellor, or the chancellor’s designee as specified in writing by the chancellor, of the university.  Before making the recommendation to the Board, the chancellor(or designee) shall secure the advice of the appropriate dean and the vice chancellor for Academic Affairs.  Such faculty appointees shall enjoy all the rights and privileges of faculty.

    4. In accordance with Chapter UWSP 1.05 academic staff shall have faculty status as defined in the Faculty Constitution.  Members of the academic staff who have been given faculty status have employment rights under the rules and policies concerning academic staff.

    5. A person holding a faculty appointment under 36.13 and 36.15, Wis. Stats., shall not lose that appointment by accepting a limited appointment for a designated administrative position.


The faculty of each department or functional equivalent, in consultation with the appropriate students and with the approval of the dean, the vice chancellor, and the chancellor, shall develop procedures relating to recruitment of members of the faculty.  The procedures shall be consistent with Board policy and state and federal laws, and the Affirmative Action Plan with respect to nondiscriminatory and affirmative action recruitment.  These procedures shall provide for departmental peer re­view and judgment as the operative step in the recruiting process, and for transmittal, to each person to whom an appointment is offered, of a copy of all department personnel rules and procedures.


Appointments either probationary or to tenure except as otherwise provided for in 3.08m, may be made only upon the affirmative recommendation of the appropriate academic department, or the functional equivalent, and the chancellor, or the chancellor’s designee as specified in writing by the chancellor.  The faculty of each department or functional equivalent, in consultation with appropriate students and with the approval of the dean, vice chancellor, and chancellor, shall develop rules relating to both part-time and full-time faculty appointments.  These rules shall require an affirmative recommendation by the department or appropriate departmental committee.  This recommendation, together with a record of the vote, shall be forwarded to the chancellor through the appropriate channels.  When specified by the Board, such institutional recommendations shall be transmitted to the Board for action via the president of the System with the president’s recommendation.

Each person to whom an appointment is offered must receive an appointment letter in which the chancellor or a designee details the terms and conditions of the appointment, including but not limited to, duration of the appointment, salary, starting and ending date, general position responsibilities, probation or tenure status, and crediting of prior service.  Accompanying the initial letter of appointment shall be an attachment detailing institutional and System rules and procedures relating to faculty appointments.  If the appointment is subject to the advance approval of the Board, a statement to this effect must be included in the letter.  The proportion of time provided for in the appointment letter may not be diminished or increased without the mutual consent of the faculty member and the proper institutional authorities, unless the faculty member is dismissed for just cause pursuant to 36.13 (5), Wis. Stats., or is terminated or laid off pursuant to 36.21, Wis. Stats.


  1. The probationary period shall not exceed 7 consecutive academic years in a full time appointment.  For faculty members holding a part-time appointment of at least half-time, the probationary period shall not exceed 10 consecutive academic years.

  2. A leave of absence, sabbatical or a teacher improvement assignment does not constitute a break in continuous service and shall not be included in the probationary period. 

  3. For a faculty member who wants to continue working but needs to reduce professional responsibilities, there are additional circumstances which do not constitute a break in continuous service and that shall not be included in the probationary period.  These include, but are not limited to, significant responsibilities with respect to child­birth/adoption, significant responsibilities with respect to elder/dependent care obligations, disability/chronic illness, or circumstances beyond the control of the faculty member, when those circumstances significantly impede the faculty member’s progress to­ward achieving tenure.  A request, within a reasonable time before or after the fact, must be made before the semester in which a tenure review commences under section UWS 3.06 (1) (c).  A request for a specified amount of additional time because of responsibilities with respect to childbirth or adoption shall be initiated in writing by the probationary faculty member and shall be submitted to the vice chancellor, who is authorized to grant a request and who shall specify the length of time for which the request is granted.  It shall be presumed that a request made under this section because of responsibilities with respect to childbirth/adoption shall be approved.  More than one request may be granted because of responsibilities with respect to childbirth/adoption.  Requests made because of circumstances under this section other than responsibilities with respect to childbirth/adoption shall be initiated by the probationary faculty member and shall be submitted to the vice chancellor.  The request must be supported by credible justification.  The vice chancellor is authorized to grant a request following consultation with the faculty member’s department or functional equivalent and the appropriate dean.   It is anticipated that under ordinary circumstances the vice chancellor will approve the request and specify the length of time for which the request is granted.  A denial of a request or a modification of the requested time shall be in writing and shall be based upon clear and convincing reasons.  More than one re­quest may be granted to a probationary faculty member but the total, aggregate length of time of all granted requests, excluding requests because of responsibilities with respect to childbirth or adoption, shall ordinarily be no more than one year.

  4. Any full-time faculty member who has been in probationary status for more than seven years shall be evaluated at the completion of seven years, excluding time granted because of one or more of the reasons set forth in subs (2) or (3).  The university shall not expect additional activities during the excluded time.  Activities conducted during the excluded time may be considered only at the request of the faculty member.

  5. Probationary faculty with appointment of half-time or more shall become eligible for a tenure appointment after 3 years, unless a shortened probationary period or no probationary period is agreed upon by the department, the dean, the vice chancellor and the chancellor, or the chancellor’s designee as specified in writing by the chancellor, and specified in the initial letter of appointment.  The department may recommend tenure at any time after completion of the 3rd year or at the time agreed upon in the initial letter of appointment.  Recommendations regarding tenure must be made no later than during the 6th year of employment for full-time faculty and during the 9th year of employment for part-time faculty with at least a half-time appointment.  Service prior to an initial faculty appointment at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, except as specified in the initial letter of appointment, shall not count as part of the probationary period.  Tenure is not acquired solely because of years of service.  Tenure appointments shall not normally be granted prior to completion of a 3-year probationary period.


  1. Each department shall administer the “Student Evaluation of Course Instruction Form”.  The procedures for evaluation and the reporting of information from evaluations shall be consistent with the provisions of this subsection and the appropriate sections of the University Handbook (chapter 4B, sec. 3 ).

    1. Every faculty member shall be evaluated at least once each year in all sections and courses taught.  (Courses taught in both semesters do not need to be evaluated in both semesters.)  The evaluation shall take place in the last quarter of the course or during the final exam period.  The evaluation instrument(s) shall be distributed and collected by students during prearranged class or exam time, and submitted as specified by department procedures.  The faculty member shall not be present during the administering of the evaluation.

    2. No information from the evaluations shall be released until grades have been turned in for the semester in which they were administered.  The results of each instructor’s evaluations shall be reported to that person by the department chairperson.  The department chairperson shall make available the summaries and median scores from the evaluation to the appropriate personnel committee making departmental personnel recommendations to the dean of the college.

    3. The department shall retain copies of results of evaluations.

      1. Evaluation results for probationary faculty shall be retained at least until a decision on tenure.  If tenure is granted, summaries and modified median scores shall be retained; other materials shall become the property of the individual instructor.  If tenure is not granted, all evaluation materials shall be sent to the Office of the Vice Chancellor.  The Vice Chancellor shall dispose of evaluation materials 5 years after the date of the last evaluation and in accordance with procedures and policies of the Public Records Law.

      2. Evaluation results for tenured faculty shall be retained at least until the next promotion decision or post-tenure review.  Following a decision on promotion or a post-tenure review, at least summaries and mean scores shall be retained; other materials become the property of the individual instructor.



  1. General.  Except as otherwise provided for in 3.08m, appointments either probationary or to tenure may be made only upon the affirmative recommendation of the appropriate academic department, or the functional equivalent, and the chancellor, or the chancellor’s designee as specified in writing by the chancellor.  When specified by the Board, such institutional recommendations shall be transmitted to the Board for action via the president of the System with the president’s recommendation.  Tenure appointments may be granted to any ranked faculty member who holds or will hold a half-time appointment or more.

  2. Criteria.  Decisions relating to renewal of probationary appointments or recommending of tenure shall require an evaluation of the following activities:  teaching, scholarship, and service.  Each department, or its functional equivalent shall develop written criteria for these evaluations which shall specify the relative importance of these activities in the evaluation process.  The written criteria shall provide that any faculty member who has been in probationary status for more than seven consecutive years shall be evaluated at the completion of seven years, excluding time granted because of one or more of the reasons set forth in 3.04 (2) or (3).  The university shall not expect additional activities during the excluded time.  Activities conducted during the excluded time may be considered only at the request of the faculty member.  Unless there are cogent extenuating circumstances, to be determined by the department, the dean, the vice chancellor, and the chancellor, tenure shall be awarded only to those who have acquired the appropriate terminal degree in their discipline, or to those who have met alternative criteria clearly specified in departmental regulations.

  3. Procedures.  Each department, with the approval of the chancellor, and in consultation with appropriate students, shall establish rules governing the procedures for renewal of probationary appointments and for recommending tenure.  These rules shall provide for:

    1. written notice of the departmental review to the faculty member at least 20 days prior to the date of the review;

    2. an opportunity to present information on the faculty member’s behalf.

      ​The probationary faculty member shall be notified in writing within 20 days after each decision at each reviewing level.  In the event that a decision is made which results in nonrenewal, the procedures specified in 3.08 shall be followed.

  4. Open Meetings.  All decisions relating to the granting of tenure shall be made in conformity with the requirements of the Wisconsin Open Meetings Law (Chapter 19.81 ff, Wis. Stats.).

  5. Recommendations.  Department recommendations on renewal of probationary appointments and on tenure should emanate from the widest possible base of information which shall include advisory information from appropriate students.  Normally department committees making recommendations on renewal of probationary appointments and on tenure shall include at least all tenured members of the department.  These recommendations shall not be made by the department chairperson alone, but the department chairperson may make a separate recommendation.



  1. Request for reasons.  Any faculty member denied renewal of a probationary appointment may request of the department making the decision or of the chancellor (or designee) a written statement of the reasons for nonrenewal.  Such request shall be made within 10 days of receiving the notice of nonrenewal.  The written statement shall be provided within 10 days of the request and shall become part of the individual’s personnel file.

  2. Reconsideration.  Each department or functional equivalent, or the chancellor (or designee), shall provide for the reconsideration of all decisions that recommend nonrenewal of a probationary appointment.  The purpose shall be to provide an opportunity for a fair and full reconsideration of the nonrenewal decision and to insure that all relevant material is considered.  A faculty member who has been denied renewal of a probationary appointment shall be granted a reconsideration upon timely written request.  Such reconsideration shall be conducted by the same body or administrative officer which made the original decision.

    1. Faculty members shall request reconsideration within 10 days of the receipt of the statement of reasons.  The department shall reconsider within 20 days of the request, except that this time may be extended by mutual consent of the parties.

    2. Rules governing a reconsideration shall provide, but not be limited to, adequate notice of the time and place of reconsideration, an opportunity to respond to the written reasons, presentation of written or oral evidence or arguments relevant to the decision, and written notification of the decision resulting from the reconsideration.

    3. Reconsideration is not a hearing or an appeal and shall be non-adversarial in nature.

    4. In the event that a reconsideration affirms the nonrenewal decision, the procedures in 3.08 shall be followed.


  1. A faculty member who has been denied renewal of a probationary appointment by the department or the chancellor (or designee) may make a written appeal of that decision to the Faculty Mediation Subcommittee of the Common Council within 20 days (25 days if notice is by first class mail and publication) of notice that reconsideration has affirmed the nonrenewal decision.  A hearing committee appointed by the chairperson of the Faculty Mediation Subcommittee shall review the nonrenewal decision not later than 20 days after receipt of the written request, except that this time limit may be extended by mutual consent of the parties or by order of the hearing committee.  The faculty member shall be given at least 10 days’ notice of the review.  The burden of proof in such an appeal shall be on the faculty member, and the scope of the review shall be limited to the question of whether the decision was based in any significant degree upon one or more of the following factors, with material prejudice to the individual:

    1. Conduct, expressions, or beliefs which are constitutionally protected, or protected by the principles of academic freedom or

    2. Factors proscribed by applicable state or federal law regarding fair employment practices, or

    3. Improper consideration of qualifications for reappointment or renewal.  For purposes of this section, “improper consideration” shall be deemed to have been given to the qualifications of the faculty member in question if material prejudice resulted because of any of the following:

      1. The procedures required by rules of the Faculty or Board were not followed, or

      2. Available data bearing materially on the quality of performance were not considered, or

      3. Unfounded, arbitrary, or irrelevant assumptions of fact were made about work or conduct.

  2. The hearing committee shall report on the validity of the appeal to the faculty member, the decision-maker(s), the appropriate dean, the vice chancellor, the chancellor, and other appropriate parties.

  3. If the committee finds for the appellant, the report may include remedies which may, without limitation because of enumeration, take the form of a reconsideration by the decision maker, a reconsideration by the decision maker under instructions from the hearing committee, or a recommendation to the next higher appointing level.

    1. Cases shall be remanded for reconsideration by the decision maker in all instances unless the hearing committee specifically finds that such a remand would serve no useful purpose.

    2. The hearing committee shall retain jurisdiction during the pendency of any reconsideration.

    3. The recommendation of the hearing committee becomes the decision of the chancellor within 30 days of the receipt of the committee’s report by the chancellor unless the chancellor modifies the recommendation.

      1. If the chancellor contemplates a decision substantially different from the recommendations of the committee, the chancellor shall afford the committee an opportunity to discuss the report and the chancellor’s proposed decision before written notification of decision to the appellant.

      2. The chancellor shall send written notification of decision to the appellant, the chairperson of the hearing committee, and other appropriate parties within 30 days of the receipt of the committee’s report.

      3. The decision of the chancellor shall be final on such matters.


 NOTE.  There is no Code equivalent to UWSP 3.08m because the language of the statute as revised in 1993-94 explicitly provides for the Board to grant tenure without the affirmative recommendation of a department in very narrowly limited cases and under explicit conditions.  That language is quoted here within the boxed area.  The statutory reference is 36.13 (2)(b) Wis. Stats.



    1. The board may grant a tenure appointment without the affirmative recommendation of the appropriate academic department or its functional equivalent if all of the following apply:

      1. The board has the affirmative recommendation of the appropriate chancellor.

      2. A faculty committee authorized by the board by rule to review the negative recommendation of the academic department or its functional equivalent finds that the decision of the academic department or its functional equivalent was based upon impermissible factors, as defined by the board by rule.

      3. The board has the affirmative recommendation of a committee appointed according to the policies and procedures of the appropriate institution to review the individual’s record with reference to criteria for tenure published by the institution under procedures established by the board by rule.  No person may be appointed to the committee under this subdivision unless the person is knowledgeable or experienced in the individual’s academic field or in a substantially similar academic field.  No member of the committee appointed under this subdivision may be a member of the academic department, or its functional equivalent, that made the negative recommendation.  The committee appointed under this subdivision may not base its tenure recommendation upon impermissible factors, as defined by the board by rule.

  1. A faculty member who has been denied tenure may make a written appeal of that decision to the Faculty Mediation Sub­committee of the Common Council within 20 days (25 days if notice is by first class mail and publication) of (1) notice that reconsideration has affirmed the decision not to grant tenure or (2) receipt of written reasons.

    1. Procedures in UWSP 3.08m shall be followed in all cases where a faculty member chooses to appeal a departmental decision denying tenure or denying tenure and renewal.

  2. A hearing committee appointed by the chairperson of the Faculty Mediation Subcommittee shall review the decision not to grant tenure not later than 20 days after receipt of the written request, except that this time limit may be enlarged by mutual consent of the parties, or by order of the hearing committee.  The faculty member shall be given at least 10 days’ notice of such review.  The burden of proof in such an appeal shall be on the faculty member, and the scope of the review shall be limited to the question of whether the decision was based in any significant degree upon one or more of the following factors, with material prejudice to the individual:

    1. Conduct, expressions, or beliefs which are constitutionally protected, or protected by the principles of academic freedom, or

    2. Factors proscribed by applicable state or federal law regarding fair employment practices, or

    3. Improper consideration of qualifications for tenure.  For purposes of this section, “improper consideration” shall be deemed to have been given to the qualifications of a faculty member in question if material prejudice resulted because of any of the following:

      1. The procedures required by the rules of the Faculty or Board were not followed, or

      2. Available data bearing materially on the quality of performance were not considered, or

      3. Unfounded, arbitrary or irrelevant assumptions of fact were made about work or conduct.

  3. The hearing committee shall report on the validity of the appeal to the department making the decision not to recommend tenure, to the appellant, to the appropriate dean, to the vice chancellor, and to the chancellor.

  4. If the committee finds for the appellant, the report may include remedies which may, without limitation because of enumeration, take the form of a reconsideration by the department or reconsideration by the department under instructions from the hearing committee.

    1. Cases shall be remanded for a reconsideration by the department in all instances unless the hearing committee specifically finds that such a remand would serve no useful purpose.

    2. The hearing committee shall retain jurisdiction during the pendency of any reconsideration.

    3. The recommendation of the hearing committee becomes the decision of the chancellor within 30 days of the receipt of the committee’s report by the chancellor unless the chancellor modifies the recommendation.

      1. If the chancellor contemplates a decision substantially different from the recommendations of the committee, the chancellor shall afford the committee an opportunity to discuss the report and the chancellor’s proposed decision before written notification of decision to the appellant.

      2. The chancellor shall send written notification of decision to the appellant, the chairperson of the hearing committee, and other appropriate parties within 30 days of the receipt of the committee’s report.

      3. The decision of the chancellor shall be final on such matters.

  5. Where the hearing committee has specifically found that impermissible factors were used by the department in rendering a negative recommendation for tenure, or for tenure and renewal, and that no useful purpose would be served by a remand for reconsideration, it shall so inform the chancellor, and recommend that a special committee be convened to provide an independent recommendation for tenure.

    1. If the chancellor accepts the recommendation of the hearing committee, the chancellor or a designee shall, within 10 days of receipt of the recommendation, direct the chairperson of the Common Council to convene such a committee.

      1. The committee shall consist of not fewer than 5 nor more than 9 faculty or re­tired faculty, all of whom shall be knowledgeable and experienced in the appellant’s field or in a substantially similar academic field.

      2. Committee membership may include or be restricted to faculty who are not or have not been at UWSP.

      3. The committee shall begin its deliberations as expeditiously as possible but not later than 45 days after receipt of the committee’s recommendation by the chancellor.

      4. The recommendation of the special committee shall be sent to the department making the decision not to recommend tenure, to the appellant, to the appropriate dean or administrative officer, to the vice chancellor, and to the chancellor.

    2. It shall be the Common Council chairperson’s responsibility to monitor the special committee to determine if impermissible factors were used to render its recommendation.  In the case of impermissible factors, the chancellor, the chairperson of the Common Council, and the chairperson of the mediation subcommittee shall meet to determine an appropriate course of procedural action.

  6. If the special committee affirms the department’s recommendation, the decision shall be final and not subject to appeal.

  7. If the special committee recommends tenure, normal procedures for tenure shall be followed, and the next decision shall be that of the dean of the appropriate college.

  8. The Board of Regents may grant a tenure without the affirmative recommendation of the appropriate academic department if and only if all of the following apply:

    1. a hearing committee appointed by the chairperson of the Faculty Mediation Subcommittee upon timely appeal by the faculty member denied tenure has determined that impermissible factors were used in rendering a negative recommendation by the department, and

    2. an independent committee appointed pursuant to the provisions of UWSP 3.08m recommends tenure, and

    3. the chancellor recommends tenure.


  1. A faculty member who is employed on probationary appointment pursuant to 36.13, Wis. Stats., shall be notified in writing by the chancellor of reappointment or non-reappointment for another academic year in advance of the expiration of the current appointment as follows:

    1. When the appointment expires at the end of the academic year, not later than March 1 of the 1st academic year and not later than December 15 of the 2nd consecutive academic year of service;

    2. If the initial appointment expires during an academic year, at least 3 months prior to its expiration; if a 2nd consecutive appointment terminates during the academic year, at least 6 months prior to its expiration;

    3. After 2 or more years of continuous service at the university, such notice shall be given at least 12 months before the expiration of the appointment.


 If proper notice is not given in accordance with 3.09, the aggrieved faculty member shall be entitled to a 1-year terminal appointment.  Such appointment, however, shall not result in the achievement of tenure.


A tenure appointment is limited to the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, unless another institution has, through normal procedures and explicit agreement, undertaken to share in the appointment.  The explicit agreement shall specify both the tenure responsibility and the budget responsibility.



A tenured faculty member may be dismissed only by the Board, only for just cause, and only after due notice and hearing.  A faculty member on probationary appointment may be dismissed prior to the end of a term of appointment only by the Board, and only for just cause and only after due notice and hearing.  A decision not to renew a probationary appointment or not to grant tenure does not constitute a dismissal.

  1. A faculty member is entitled to enjoy and exercise all the rights and privileges of a United States citizen, and the rights and privileges of academic freedom as they are generally understood in the academic community.  This policy shall be observed in determining whether or not just cause for dismissal exists.  The burden of proof of the existence of just cause for a dismissal is on the administration.


  1. Whenever the chancellor receives a complaint against a faculty member which the chancellor deems substantial and which, if true, might lead to dismissal under 4.01, the chancellor shall within a reasonable time initiate an investigation and shall, prior to reaching a decision on filing charges, offer to discuss the matter informally with the faculty member.  A faculty member may be dis­missed only after receipt of a written statement of specific charges from the chancellor as the chief administrative officer of the institution, and if a hearing is requested by the faculty member, in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.  If the faculty member does not request a hearing, action shall proceed along normal administrative lines but the provisions of 4.02. 4.09, and 4.10 shall still apply.

  2. Any formal statement of specific charges for dismissal sent to a faculty member shall be accompanied by a statement of the appeal procedures available to the faculty member.

  3. The statement of charges shall be served personally or by certified mail, return receipt requested.  If such service cannot be made within 20 days, service shall be accomplished by first class mail and by publication, as if the statement of charges were a summons and the provisions of Sec. 801.11 (1) (c), Wis. Stats., were applicable.  Such service by mail and publication shall be effective as of the first insertion of the notice of statement of charges in the newspaper.


Hearing committees appointed by the chairperson of the Faculty Mediation Subcommittee are charged with hearing dismissal cases and making recommendations under this chapter.  Any such hearing committee shall operate as the hearing agent for the Board pursuant to Sec. 227.46, Wis. Stats., and conduct the hearing, make a verbatim record of the hearing, prepare a summary of the evidence and transmit such record and summary along with its recommended findings of law and decision to the Board according to 4.07.


If the faculty member requests a hearing within 20 days of notice of the statement of charges (25 days if notice is by first class mail and publication), such a hearing shall be held not later than 20 days after the request, except that this time limit may be extended by mutual written consent of the parties, or by order of the hearing committee.  The request for a hearing shall be addressed in writing to the chairperson of the Faculty Mediation Subcommittee.


  1. A fair hearing for a faculty member whose dismissal is sought under 4.01 shall include:

  1. Service of written notice of hearing on the specific charges at least 10 days prior to the hearing;

  2. A right to the names of witnesses and of access to documentary evidence upon the basis of which dismissal is sought;

  3. A right to be heard in one’s defense;

  4. A right to counsel and/or other representatives, and to offer witnesses;

  5. A right to confront and cross-examine adverse witnesses;

  6. A verbatim record of all hearings, which might be a sound recording, provided at no cost;

  7. Written findings of fact and decision based on the hearing record;

  8. Admissibility of evidence governed by Sec. 227.45, Wis. Stats.


  1. Any hearing shall comply with the requirements set forth in 4.05The following requirements shall also be observed:

  1. The burden of proof of the existence of just cause is on the administration or its representatives;

  2. No person who participated in the investigation of allegations leading to the filing of a statement of charges, or in the filing of a statement of charges, or who is a material witness shall be qualified to sit on the hearing committee in that case;

  3. The hearing shall be closed unless the faculty member under charges requests an open hearing, in which case it shall be open (see Sec. 19.85, Wis. Stats., Open Meetings Law);

  4. The hearing committee may, on motion of either party, disqualify any of its members for cause by a majority vote.  If one or more of the members disqualify themselves or are disqualified, the remaining members shall, in consultation with the chairperson of the Faculty Affairs Committee and the chairperson of the Faculty Mediation subcommittee, select a number of other members of the faculty to serve, equal to the number who have been disqualified;

  5. The Subcommittee shall not be bound by common law or statutory rules of evidence and may admit evidence having reasonable probative value but shall exclude immaterial, irrelevant, or unduly repetitive testimony, and shall give effect to recognized legal privileges;

  6. If the Subcommittee requests, the chancellor shall provide legal counsel after consulting with the Subcommittee concerning its wishes in this regard.  The function of legal counsel shall be to advise the Subcommittee, consult with it on legal matters, and such other responsibilities as shall be determined by the Subcommittee within the provisions of the rules and procedures adopted by the faculty of UWSP in establishing the Faculty Mediation Subcommittee under 4.03;

  7. If a proceeding on charges against a faculty member not holding tenure is not concluded before that person’s appointment would expire, the faculty member may elect that such proceeding be carried to a final decision.  Unless the faculty member so elects in writing, the proceedings shall be discontinued at the expiration of the appointment;

  8. If a faculty member whose dismissal is sought has requested a hearing, discontinuance of the proceedings by the institution is deemed a withdrawal of charges and a finding that the charges were without merit;

  9. Nothing in paragraph (h) shall prevent the settlement of cases by mutual agreement between the administration and the faculty member, with Board approval, at any time prior to a final decision by the Board;

  10. Adjournments shall be granted to enable either party to investigate evidence as to which a valid claim of surprise is made.


  1. The hearing committee shall send to the chancellor and to the faculty member concerned, as soon as practicable after the conclusion of the hearing, a verbatim record of the testimony and a copy of its report, findings, and recommendations.  The hearing committee may determine that while adequate cause for discipline exists, some sanction less severe than dismissal is more appropriate.  Within 20 days after receipt of this material, the chancellor shall review it and afford the faculty member an opportunity to discuss it.  The chancellor shall prepare a written recommendation within 20 days following the meeting with the faculty member, unless the proposed recommendation differs substantially from that of the hearing committee.  If the chancellor’s proposed recommendations differ substantially from those of the hearing committee, the chancellor shall promptly consult the hearing committee and provide it with a reasonable opportunity for a written response prior to forwarding the recommendation. 

    If the recommendation is for dismissal, it shall be submitted through the president of the System to the Board.  A copy of the hearing committee’s report and recommendation shall be forwarded through the president of the System to the Board along with the chancellor’s recommendation.  A copy of the chancellor’s recommendation shall also be sent to the faculty member concerned and to the hearing committee.

  2. ​Disciplinary action other than dismissal may be taken by the chancellor, after affording the faculty member an opportunity to be heard on the record, except that, upon written request by the faculty member, such action shall be submitted as a recommendation through the president to the Board together with a copy of the hearing committee’s report and recommendation.


  1. If the chancellor recommends dismissal, the Board shall review the record before the hearing committee and provide an opportunity for filing exceptions to the recommendations of the hearing committee or chancellor, and for oral arguments, unless the Board decides to drop the charges against the faculty member without a hearing or the faculty member elects to waive a hearing.  This hearing shall be closed unless the faculty member requests an open hearing (see Sec. 19.85, Wis. Stats., Open Meetings Law).

  2. If, after the hearing, the Board decides to take action different from the recommendation of the hearing committee and/or the chancellor, then before taking final action the Board shall consult with the hearing committee and/or the chancellor, as appropriate.

  3. If a faculty member whose dismissal is sought does not request a hearing pursuant to 4.04, the Board shall take appropriate action upon receipt of the statement of charges and the recommendations of the chancellor.


Pending the final decision concerning dis­missal, the faculty member shall not normally be relieved of duties; however, if the chancellor, after consultation with the Executive Committee of the Common Council, finds that substantial harm to the institution may result if the faculty member is continued in his/her position, the faculty member may be relieved of duties immediately, but payment of salary shall continue until the Board makes its decision as to dismissal.


A decision by the Board ordering dismissal shall specify the effective date of the dismissal.



The purpose of this policy is to establish procedures for University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point consistent with Regent Policy Document 20-24 in the event that a financial emergency or program discontinuance requires faculty layoffs.

Tenure is the keystone for academic freedom and excellence and is awarded for academic and professional merit. Tenure is an essential part of the guarantee of academic freedom that is necessary for university-based intellectual life to flourish. The grant of indeterminate tenure to faculty members represents an enormous investment of university and societal resources, and those who receive this investment do so only after rigorous review which established that their scholarship, research, teaching and service meet the highest standards and are congruent with the needs of the university. It is therefore expressly recognized that the awarding and continued enjoyment of faculty tenure is of vital importance to the protection of academic freedom and to the overall academic quality of the University of Wisconsin System institutions.

Accordingly, faculty layoff will be invoked only in extraordinary circumstances and after all feasible alternatives have been considered.

Additionally, faculty layoff shall not be based on conduct, expressions, or beliefs on the faculty member’s part that are constitutionally protected or protected by the principles of academic freedom.

As provided in Wis. Stat. s. 36.21 and Wis. Stat. s. 36.22, and Chapter UWS 5 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code, the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System (Board) has authority, with appropriate notice, to terminate through layoff a faculty appointment when necessary in the event of a financial emergency, or a program decision resulting in program discontinuance. The Board is permitted by Wis. Stat. s. 36.21 to adopt procedures relating to faculty layoff. Consistent with Chapter UWS 5 and Wis. Stat. s. 36.22, Regent Policy Document 20-24 sets forth those procedures. Faculty layoffs at University of Wisconsin System institutions may be undertaken only in accordance with RPD 20-24, Chapter UWS 5, Wis. Stat. s. 36.21, and Wis. Stat. s. 36.22.


  1. For the purposes of this policy, “program” shall mean a related cluster of credit-bearing courses that constitute a coherent body of study within a discipline or set of related disciplines. When feasible, the term shall designate a department or similar administrative unit that offers undergraduate majors or minors, graduate degree programs, or sub-programs such as course sequences or courses essential to programs or general degree requirements and has been officially recognized by UWSP. Programs cannot be defined ad hoc, at any size, but should be recognized academic units. Programs shall not be defined to single out individual faculty members for layoff.
  2. For the purposes of this policy, “program discontinuance” as described in Wis. Stat. ss. 36.21 and 36.22 shall mean formal program elimination or closure.
  3. For the purposes of this policy, “financial emergency” is defined and may be declared as described in s. UWS 5.02 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code G).
  4. For the purposes of this policy, “educational considerations” shall not include cyclical or temporary variations in enrollment. Educational considerations must reflect long-range judgments that the educational mission of the institution as a whole will be enhanced by a program’s discontinuance.
  5. For the purposes of this policy, “layoff” is the indefinite suspension or involuntary reduction in services and compensation of a faculty member’s employment by the University of Wisconsin System. Wis. Stat. s. 36.22(1)(a). A laid off faculty member retains the rights specified in Wis. Stat. ss. 36.22(11) to 36.22(15).
  6. For the purposes of this policy, “termination” is the permanent elimination of a faculty member’s employment by the University of Wisconsin System. Wis. Stat. s. 36.22(1)(c). A faculty member whose position has been terminated retains the rights specified in Wis. Stat. ss. 36.22(13) and (14).
  7. For the purposes of this policy, “termination” or “layoff” refers to tenured and probationary faculty members. A nonrenewal, regardless of reasons, of probationary track appointments is not a layoff or termination under this policy.


  1. Notwithstanding RPD 20-23 (Regent Policy Document on Faculty Tenure), a tenured faculty member, or a probationary faculty member prior to the end of his or her appointment, may be laid off in the event of a financial emergency. Layoff for reasons of financial emergency may occur only in accordance with RPD 20-24, UWS 5.01 through UWS 5.07 of Chapter UWS 5 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code, and Wis. Stat. s. 36.22.
  2. Except as provided in subdivision A above, no faculty member shall be laid off or terminated due to curtailment, modification, and/or redirection of a department. Faculty displaced due to restructuring of a program or discontinuance of a program for reasons other than financial emergency or educational considerations will be placed in another suitable position, at the same rank. If placement in another position would be facilitated by a reasonable period of training, such retraining and relocation will be provided and the institution will bear the cost.
  3. A Consultative Committee consisting of faculty members shall be created to consult with the chancellor as described in s. UWS 5.04 in the event a declaration of financial emergency is being considered. The Consultative Committee shall participate in the decision at the institutional level regarding whether to recommend to the Board that a financial emergency be declared. The chancellor shall provide the Consultative Committee with access to information and data relevant to the proposed declaration of financial emergency. The chancellor shall consult with and take into serious consideration advice from the Consultative Committee at least three months before making any recommendation to the Board as described in s. UWS 5.05(1).
  1. The Consultative Committee shall be comprised of at minimum, the following members:
  1. Chair of Faculty Council. In consultation with the Common Council Chair, the Faculty Council Chair shall appoint one tenured faculty from the following bodies: the Academic Affairs Committee, the College of Fine Arts and Communication, the College of Natural Resources, the College of Professional Studies, the College of Letters and Sciences (humanities and history), the College of Letters and Sciences (social sciences), the College of Letters and Sciences (natural science/mathematics/computing), and the University College.
  2. Once the Consultative Committee is established, it shall appoint one additional voting member from each of the following bodies: the Student Government Association, the Academic Staff Council and the University Staff Council. At all times, the Consultative Committee shall be comprised of at least 2/3 faculty.
  3. When the task of the committee turns to establishing which faculty are to be laid off, only faculty committee members have voting rights.
  1. Consultation shall proceed in accordance with s. UWS 5.05 and shall include consultation with other individuals and groups who may be able to provide valuable advice (see s. UWS 5.05(1)(e)).
  1. It shall be the responsibility of the Consultative Committee to recommend criteria to be used by both the Consultative Committee and the chancellor to determine program evaluations and priorities as described in s. UWS 5.05(2). The criteria examined shall be made in accordance with the best interests of students and the overall ability of UWSP to fulfill its mission. It also shall be the responsibility of the Consultative Committee to recommend to the chancellor and Board of Regents those areas within the overall academic program where layoffs may occur. The Consultative Committee shall prepare a report regarding the proposed declaration of financial emergency that shall be shared with the Common Council, the chancellor and the Board, as described in s. UWS 5.05(1m). A decision to declare a financial emergency shall be made in accordance with the best interests of students and the overall ability of the institution to fulfill its mission.
  2. If a chancellor decides to recommend that the Board declare a financial emergency for UWSP, as described in s. UWS 5.06, the chancellor shall provide his or her recommendation to the System president and the Board, accompanied by a report that shall include data demonstrating the need to declare a financial emergency; identification of the programs in which faculty reductions will be made, with data supporting those choices; any report created by the Consultative Committee; and a report of any action of the Common Council on the matter.
  3. The chancellor and the chairperson of the Consultative Committee, or their designees, and representatives of affected colleges, schools, departments, and programs, may appear before the Board at the time the recommendation is considered. Other interested parties may submit in writing alternative recommendations or challenges to any part of the recommendation.
  4. The Board may declare a financial emergency for UWSP if the Board determines the existence of the conditions set forth in s. UWS 5.02, Wisconsin Administrative Code. It is recognized that the Board should exercise its authority adversely to the Consultative Committee recommendation with respect to declaration of financial emergency only for compelling reasons which should be stated in writing, in detail.
  5. If the Board declares a financial emergency for the institution, the tenured faculty in the affected departments and programs shall have responsibility for recommending to the Consultative Committee which faculty will be laid off. These recommendations shall follow seniority, unless the department makes a clear and convincing case that program needs dictate other considerations, e.g., the need to maintain diversity of specializations within a department.
  1. Every effort, consistent with federal and state laws regarding fair employment practices, shall be made to ensure that the university’s affirmative action programs are not impaired by the operation of this seniority system.
  2. Designation for reassignment or layoff shall follow the order of seniority according to years of service at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point in accordance with 3-6 below.
  3. Seniority is determined by the date of the beginning of the semester in which the faculty appointment began at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point and by the years of full-time service here. Thus, faculty who served half-time for 2 academic years shall have acquired 1 full academic year of seniority. All leaves for professional or family medical purposes granted with the concurrence of the department shall be counted toward seniority except that no more than 2 consecutive years of leave shall be counted.
  4. Faculty members holding a joint or split appointment shall have a “home” department, usually the department in which the person holds rank. Seniority shall reside in that department.
  5. When it is necessary to select from among persons of identical seniority members of department, in consultation with the Dean, may consider rank, educational preparation, time in rank, and other academic credentials, such as teaching effectiveness, disciplinary contributions, scholarly development, professional affiliation and activity, and contributions to the department or university.
  6. A person who has transferred from another UWS institution to become a faculty member at UWSP shall receive full credit for years of faculty and if applicable, instructional academic staff service at that UWS institution, in accordance with Sections 5.03 H (1 through 5) above.
  1. The department may seek the general advice of other groups such as accrediting bodies or individuals in formulating its recommendations. The departmental recommendation shall be forwarded to the chancellor via the Consultative Committee, the dean and vice chancellor of academic affairs. The chancellor shall prepare recommendations for the System president and the Board.
  2. A faculty member whose position is recommended for layoff shall receive the notification provided in Wis. Stat. s. 36.22(4) and shall be entitled to the notification period provided in Wis. Stat. s. 36.22(5). The faculty member also shall be entitled to the due process hearing and appeal procedures, reappointment rights, and other rights and protections in Wis. Stat. s. 36.22. As provided in Wis. Stat. s. 36.22(12), institutions shall devote their best efforts to securing alternative appointments for faculty laid off under this section, and also shall provide financial assistance for readaptation of faculty laid off under this section where readaptation is feasible.
  1. A faculty member who is to be laid off or terminated under this policy has a statutory right to at least twelve months’ notice under Wis. Stat. 36.22(5)(a) at the faculty member’s current salary. At the discretion of the chancellor or designee, in consultation with the faculty member, the faculty member may be granted salary as severance pay in lieu of part or all of the statutory notice period, early retirement, or relocation leave accompanied by a resignation. Acceptance of any option terminates the faculty member’s association with the system at the end of the leave period.


  1. The maintenance of tenure-track and tenured faculty, and of essential instructional and supporting services, remains the highest priority of the university. To promote and maintain high-quality programs, UWSP may over time develop new programs and discontinue existing programs. Accordingly, and notwithstanding RPD 20-23 (Regent Policy Document on Faculty Tenure), a tenured faculty member, or a probationary faculty member prior to the end of his or her appointment, may be laid off in the event that educational considerations relating to a program require program discontinuance. Educational considerations may include strategic institutional planning considerations such as long-term student and market demand and societal needs. Layoff for reasons of program discontinuance may be made only in accordance with this policy and Wis. Stat. s. 36.22. A nonrenewal, regardless of reasons, is not a layoff or termination under this policy.
  2. Program review and adjustment to the curriculum according to professional and educational standards and accreditation requirements is part of routine institutional planning. Educational considerations are related in part to regular program review and ongoing assessment practices. They reflect a long-range judgment that the educational mission of the institution as a whole will be enhanced by program discontinuance. This includes the reallocation of resources to other programs with higher priority based on educational considerations. Such long-range judgments generally will involve the analysis of financial resources and the needs, value and quality of the program and any related college or school.
  3. A proposal to discontinue a program due to educational considerations that will result in faculty layoff may be initiated by faculty in the program, faculty in the college or school that contains the program, the faculty council, the dean, the provost, or the chancellor. The proposal shall be in writing and shall contain appropriate information and analysis regarding the educational considerations, including programmatic and financial considerations, supporting the proposed program discontinuance. The proposal shall be provided for review to the faculty and staff in the affected program, to the Common Council, to the academic staff shared-governance body, to the university staff shared-governance body, and other governance bodies at the institution, and to the chancellor. A proposal to discontinue a program that will not result in faculty layoff shall follow the standard program review process in place at each institution, and shall not be required to follow the process outlined in this policy.
  4. A Consultative Committee consisting of faculty members shall be created to consult with the chancellor as described in s. UWS 5.04 and in 5.03C (above) in the event of a consideration of program discontinuance. The Consultative Committee shall participate in the decision-making process at the institutional level regarding whether to recommend that program discontinuance be considered. The chancellor, deans, and provost shall provide the Consultative Committee with access to information and data relevant to the proposed program discontinuance.
  5. The Consultative Committee shall review and evaluate any proposal to discontinue a program that will lead to faculty layoff. The committee’s review and evaluation may be based on the following considerations, where relevant:
  1. The centrality of the program to the institution’s mission;
  2. The academic strength and quality of the program, and of its faculty in terms of national ratings if applicable;
  3. Whether the work done in the program complements that done in another essential program;
  4. Whether the work done in the program duplicates academic instruction and course content delivered in other programs at the institution;
  5. Student and market demand and projected enrollment in the subject matter taught in the program;
  6. Current and predicted comparative cost analysis/effectiveness of the program;
  7. Current and past Program Review and Assessment reports; and
  8. Other relevant factors that the committee deems appropriate.
  1. The Consultative Committee shall request and review comments and recommendations on the proposed program discontinuance from faculty and academic and university staff in the program, faculty and academic and university staff in the affected college or school, students in the program, and other appropriate institutional bodies or individuals. Based on this review and evaluation, the Consultative Committee shall prepare a recommendation and report regarding the proposed program discontinuation that shall be shared with the faculty and staff in the program, the faculty council, the college dean, the provost and the chancellor. The Consultative Committee shall provide its recommendation and report to the chancellor within three months of the date of the Common Council’s receipt of the program discontinuance proposal.
  2. The chancellor, provost and dean shall consult with and take into serious consideration advice from the Consultative Committee. It is recognized that the chancellor, provost, or dean should make a recommendation adverse to the Consultative Committee recommendation with respect to discontinuance of an academic program only for compelling reasons which should be stated in writing and in detail.
  3. If the chancellor decides to recommend that the Board approve discontinuance of a program that will result in the layoff of faculty, the chancellor shall provide his or her recommendation to the System president and the Board, accompanied by a report that shall include information demonstrating the educational considerations supporting program discontinuance, any recommendation and report created by the Consultative Committee, and a report of any action of the Common Council on the matter. The chancellor shall provide any such recommendation to the System president and the Board within four months of the date of the Common Council’s receipt of the program discontinuance proposal.
  4. The System president shall provide the Board with their recommendation on the program discontinuance proposal. After reviewing the System president’s and the chancellor’s recommendations and related report, the Board shall make the final decision on whether the program is to be discontinued, resulting in faculty layoffs. It is recognized that the Board should exercise its authority adversely to the Consultative Committee’s recommendation with respect to program discontinuance only for compelling reasons which should be stated in writing, in detail.
  5. If the Board approves discontinuance of a program resulting in faculty layoffs at UWSP, the Consultative Committee shall have responsibility for recommending which faculty will be laid off. These recommendations shall follow seniority, unless the department makes a clear and convincing case that program needs dictate other considerations, e.g., the need to maintain diversity of specializations within a department, as described in Wis. Stat. s. 36.22(3)(a) and s. 36.22(3)(b). Additionally:
  1. Every effort, consistent with federal and state laws regarding fair employment practices, shall be made to ensure that the university’s affirmative action programs are not impaired by the operation of this seniority system.
  2. Designation for reassignment or layoff shall follow the order of seniority according to years of service at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point in accordance with 3-6 below.
  3. Seniority is determined by the date of the beginning of the semester in which the faculty appointment began at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point and by the years of full-time service here. Thus, faculty who served half-time for 2 academic years shall have acquired 1 full academic year of seniority. All leaves for professional or family medical purposes granted with the concurrence of the department shall be counted toward seniority except that no more than 2 consecutive years of leave shall be counted.
  4. Faculty members holding a joint or split appointment shall have a “home” department, usually the department in which the person holds rank. Seniority shall reside in that department.
  5. When it is necessary to select from among persons of identical seniority, members of a department, in consultation with the Dean, may consider rank, educational preparation, time in rank, and other academic credentials, such as teaching effectiveness, disciplinary contributions, scholarly development, professional affiliation and activity, and contributions to the department or university.
  6. A person who has transferred from another UWS institution to become a faculty member at UWSP shall receive full credit for years of faculty and if applicable, instructional academic staff service at that UWS institution, in accordance with Sections 5.03 H above.
  7. A faculty member whose position is recommended for layoff shall receive the notification provided in Wis. Stat. s. 36.22(4), and shall be entitled to the notification period provided in Wis. Stat. s. 36.22(5). The faculty member also shall be entitled to the due process hearing and appeal procedures, reappointment rights and other rights and protections in Wis. Stat. s. 36.22. As provided in Wis. Stat. s. 36.22 (12), UWSP shall devote its best effort to securing alternative appointments for faculty laid off under program discontinuance, and also shall provide financial assistance for readaptation of faculty laid off under this section where readaptation is feasible.
  8. A faculty member who is to be laid off or terminated under this policy has a statutory right to at least twelve months’ notice under Wis. Stat. 36.22(5)(a) at the faculty member’s current salary. At the discretion of the chancellor or designee, in consultation with the faculty member, the faculty member may be granted salary as severance pay in lieu of part or all of the statutory notice period, early retirement, or relocation leave accompanied by a resignation. Acceptance of any option terminates the faculty member’s association with the system at the end of the leave period.


UWSP will make every effort to accommodate students adversely affected by discontinuance of an academic program for reasons of financial emergency or because of educational considerations. Discontinuance of a program should be phased in over a reasonable time period to provide students with the opportunity to complete the program or transfer to another program. Completion of a program or transfer to another program cannot be guaranteed by the university.




The following procedure shall apply to all allegations by the administration, students, academic staff, university staff, other faculty, or members of the public concerning conduct by a faculty member which violates university rules or policies, or which adversely affects the faculty member’s performance of obligations to the university and which are serious enough, if true, to warrant disciplinary action short of dismissal.  Complaints which, if true, could lead to dismissal are governed under Chapter UWSP 4.

  1. Disciplinary action means any sanction imposed by the administration, including: an official reprimand; a reduction in salary or in a recommended increase in salary, for other than budgetary reasons; a change in assigned duties; a temporary suspension from duties without pay; or any other action against a faculty member for misconduct.

  2. Faculty members shall be subject to discipline only for adequate cause, a finding of which must be based upon a determination that the faculty member’s conduct violates university rules or policies or directly and substantially affects adversely the faculty member’s ability to carry out responsibilities to the university.  Exercise of rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution, by the Constitution of the State of Wisconsin, by Regent action, by UW System rules, or by the principles of academic freedom as generally understood in higher education shall not constitute adequate cause for discipline.

  3. Upon receiving a complaint against a faculty member, the chancellor or an appropriate designee shall act quickly to determine whether sufficient evidence exists which could warrant disciplinary action.  If it does not, the complaint shall be dismissed.  If the chancellor or the chancellor’s designee determines that sufficient evidence exists, the chancellor or designee may:

  1. Consult with the faculty member concerned and reach a mutually acceptable response to the complaint;

  2. Invoke an appropriate disciplinary action if consultation does not produce a mutually acceptable solution.  In this instance a hearing committee appointed by the chairperson of the Faculty Mediation Subcommittee shall conduct a hearing at the request of the faculty member;

  3. Refer the complaint to the chairperson of the Faculty Mediation Subcommittee for a hearing, to be conducted by a hearing committee appointed by the chairperson of the Subcommittee.  If the chancellor or designee refers the case to the Subcommittee, the chancellor or the designee shall immediately notify the faculty member concerned.

  1. There shall be only 1 hearing on any single case.  The decision of the administrator on the recommendations from a hearing committee or on the complaint in the absence of a hearing committee recommendation, shall be final, except that the Board of Regents may, at its option, grant a review on the record.  The faculty member shall not again be put in jeopardy for the same alleged misconduct after a final decision.


Faculty members who feel that their rights have been violated or that they have been dealt with unfairly shall first seek a mutually satisfactory resolution of the problem at the departmental level, then at the school or college level, unless the problem initially arises at a higher level.  If a mutually satisfactory resolution cannot be found, a hearing committee appointed by the chairperson of the Faculty Mediation Subcommittee shall conduct a hearing at the request of the faculty member. The Faculty Mediation Subcommittee Chair or designee will act as the impartial hearing officer in accordance with Wis. Stat. 36.115 (4) and Wis. Stat. 230.44(1)(c) and 230.445 at the request of the faculty member.

  1. Every request for a hearing shall be in writing and addressed to the chairperson of the Faculty Mediation Subcommittee.  A request for hearing must be received by the chairperson of the Subcommittee not later than 60 days after the occurrence of the action which precipitated the grievance.

  2. After the conclusion of the hearing, the hearing committee shall recommend to the chancellor a solution to the grievance and shall transmit a written report of its findings and recommendations to the faculty member, the chancellor, and other appropriate individuals.

  1. The recommendations of the hearing committee become the decision of the chancellor within 30 days of the receipt of the committee’s report by the chancellor unless the chancellor modifies the recommendations.

  1. ​If the chancellor contemplates a decision substantially different from the recommendations of the committee, the chancellor shall afford the committee an opportunity to discuss the report and the chancellor’s proposed decision before written notification of decision to the grievant.

  2. The chancellor shall send written notification of decision to the grievant, the chairperson of the hearing committee, and to other appropriate parties within 30 days of the receipt of the committee’s report.

  3. The decision of the chancellor shall be final on such matters except that the Board may, at its option, grant a review on the record, at the request of the grievant or the hearing committee.


Procedures for Hearing for Faculty on Grievances  

Dismissal for Cause Procedures for Faculty

Related Documents

UWS Chapter 6

Wis. Stat. § 36.115(4)

Wis. Stat. § 36.115(6)

Wis. Stat. § Chapter 230

Wis. Stat. § 230.44(1)(c)

Wis. Stat. § 230.445

Policy History

Draft revision November 21, 2019


Chapter UWSP 7

[No local code. See UWS 7]


UWSP 8.01 Declaration of policy. 

In view of the special relationship of the university to the state and to affirm as public policy within the university certain common standards to prevent conflicts of interest, the university, pursuant to Sec. 19.45 (11) (b) and 36.23, Wis. Stats., and Chapter UWS 8 of the Wisconsin administrative code, rules of the board of regents, hereby adopts the following code of ethics for faculty, academic staff, and limited appointees (hereafter “unclassified staff”).

  1. At the time of appointment, every member of the unclassified staff makes a personal commitment to professional honesty and integrity, to seek knowledge and to share that knowledge freely with others.  Such a commitment is essential for the university to perform its proper function in our society and to ensure continued confidence of the people in the university and its personnel.  It is a violation of this commitment for unclassified staff to seek financial gain for themselves, their immediate families, or organizations with which they are associated, through activities which conflict with the interests of the university.

  2. The university, as a matter of policy, recognizes that:

  1. Members of the unclassified staff have personal and economic interests in the decisions and policies of national, state and local government.

  2. Members of the unclassified staff retain their rights as citizens to interests of a personal or economic nature.

  3. This code of ethics must distinguish between those minor and inconsequential conflicts which are unavoidable in a free society and those conflicts which are substantial and material.

  1. In adopting the standards of conduct set forth in this chapter, it is the university’s purpose to prohibit only those activities which will result in a conflict between the personal interests of an unclassified staff member and that individual’s public responsibilities to the university.  It is not the university’s purpose to prohibit a member of the unclassified staff from freely pursuing those teaching, research, professional, and public service activities which will not result in such a conflict, nor to prohibit an individual from accepting any compensation, fees, honoraria or reimbursement of expenses which may be offered in connection therewith [see UWSP 8.025, below].


In this chapter:

  1. “Academic staff” means professional and administrative personnel other than faculty with duties, and subject to types of appointments, that are primarily associated with higher education institutions or their administration.

  2. “Anything of value” means any money or property, favor, service, payment, advance, forbearance, loan, or promise of future employment, but does not include:

  1. Any salary, expenses, or other compensation received by a member of the faculty or academic staff from the university for that individual’s services;

  2. Any compensation, honoraria, or expenses derived from outside activities permitted under this chapter;

  3. Political contributions which are reported under ch. 11, Stats.; or

  4. Hospitality extended for a purpose unrelated to university business.

  1. “Associated,” when used with reference to an organization, means that a person or a member of a person’s immediate family is a director, officer or trustee or owns or controls, directly or indirectly, and severally or in the aggregate, at least 10% of the outstanding equity.

  2. “Board” means the board of regents of the University of Wisconsin system.

  3. “Chancellor” means the chief executive officer of the university.

  4. “Confidential university information” means information relating to university financial operations or personnel which is obtained from university records or in the course of official university business and which is not available to the general public upon request.

  5. “Contracting personnel” means those persons who are designated in writing by the chancellor or the president of the system to negotiate, review, approve, or sign contracts for the purchase of goods and services on behalf of the university.  The term does not include persons who do either or both of the following:

  1. Contract only with outside agencies for research or for services to be performed by the university; or

  2. Negotiate, review, approve or sign only employment contracts.

  1. “Faculty” means persons who hold the rank of professor, associate professor, assistant professor or instructor in an academic department or its functional equivalent in the university.

  2. “Immediate family” means:

  1. An unclassified staff member’s spouse; and

  2. Any person who receives, directly or indirectly, more than one half of his or her support from an unclassified staff member or from whom an unclassified staff member receives, directly or indirectly, more than one half of his or her support.

  1. “Institution” means the university of Wisconsin-Stevens Point.

  2. “Limited appointees” means persons holding special appointments to administrative positions designated in s. 36.17, Stats. and ch. UWS 15, and who serve at the pleasure of the board or of the authorized official making the appointment.

  3. “Organization” means any corporation, partnership, proprietorship, firm, enterprise, franchise, association, trust or other legal entity other than an individual or body politic.

  4. “President” means the president of the University of Wisconsin system.

  5. “Secretary” means the secretary of the board.

  6. “Unclassified staff” or “staff members” means faculty, academic staff and limited appointees of the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point who are not subject to subch. III, ch. 19, Stats.

UWSP 8.025 Outside activities and interests; reports. 

  1. OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES.  Members of the unclassified staff are free to engage in outside activities, whether or not such activities are remunerative or related to staff members’ fields of academic interest or specialization.  However, no member of the unclassified staff may engage in an outside activity if it conflicts with that individual’s public responsibilities to the university or the university of Wisconsin system.


  1. These outside activities must be reported [see (d) for reporting lines]:

  1. Associations with organizations, as defined in UWSP 8.02 (3) and (12), related to staff members’ fields of academic interest or specialization;

  2. Private remunerative relationships between staff members and non-governmental sponsors of university research for which the staff member is a principal investigator; and

  3. Remunerative outside activities in a staff member’s field of academic interest or specialization, including but not limited to consulting, and whether the staff member earns for such activities $5,000 or more in a year from a single source.

  1. Each unclassified staff member engaging in outside activities reportable under this section shall annually, on or before April 30, file a report of outside activities with the appropriate administrator as defined under (d).

  2. If, during the year, significant changes in a staff member’s reportable outside activities occur, the staff member shall immediately inform, in writing, the appropriate administrator.  This information shall be placed on file with the staff member’s annual statement of outside interests.

  3. Reporting lines.

  1. ​Faculty and classroom teaching academic staff shall report reportable outside activities to the provost/vice chancellor for academic affairs, through the dean of their college.

  2. Academic staff who are not primarily classroom teachers shall report reportable outside activities to the provost, through the appropriate vice chancellor.

  3. Limited appointees shall report reportable outside activities to the vice chancellor, through the appropriate appointing authority.

  1. UNIVERSITY STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES.  Recognizing the fulfillment of their position responsibilities at the university as their primary professional obligation and encouraging unclassified staff to engage in outside activities, the faculty and academic staff of the university adopt these principles to govern participation in outside activities.

  1. Use of university facilities.  Unclassified staff may use university facilities, equipment, and supplies for activities related to their university responsibilities in the areas of

  • academic, research, or professional activities;

  • public service; and

  • community service;

according to the provisions of UWS 18 and UWS 21, and within guidelines established by their departments/units.

  1. Absence from regular duties.

  1. ​Outside activities which cause an unclassified staff member to be absent from regular duties shall normally be related to the staff members area of expertise.

  2. Faculty and classroom teaching academic staff.  [a]  Members of the faculty (including department chairpersons) and classroom teaching academic staff shall provide for collegial coverage, an appropriate alternative educational experience, or a substitute instructor if they must miss a teaching commitment due to outside activities.

  1. Any such absence shall require the approval of the department chairperson and shall be reported in writing to the appropriate dean prior to the absence of the individual.  In the case of a department chairperson, written approval shall be required from the dean.

  2. Departments shall make reasonable accommodations for individuals wishing to engage in outside activities but shall give primary consideration to classroom teaching and other educational responsibilities of the department and the individual.

  3. If a dean believes the number of absences of an individual to be excessive, the dean shall consult with the department chairperson.  If, following consultation, the dean continues to believe the absences to be excessive, the dean may disapprove the absences.

  4. In considering individual requests to be absent from regular university duties, the department shall also determine at what point the individual may no longer receive remuneration from the university.

  5. A member of the faculty or academic staff whose request for approval of participation in outside activities has been denied, whether by the department chairperson or the dean, or who has been denied university salary while engaged in outside activities, may file a grievance with the appropriate subcommittee.

  1. Academic staff who are not classroom teachers.  Members of the academic staff who wish to engage in outside activities which will require them to be absent from their position at the university shall require the approval of the unit director.  Any such proposed absence shall be reported in writing to the appropriate vice chancellor or (where appropriate) the provost.

  1. Unit directors may require colleague coverage for responsibilities to be missed or that work assignments missed as a result of outside activities be completed in alternative ways or at an alternative time.

  2. Directors shall make reasonable accommodations for individuals wishing to engage in outside activities which require them to be absent from regular duties but shall give primary consideration to the responsibilities of the unit and the individual.

  3. If a vice chancellor (or, where appropriate, the provost) believes the number of absences of an individual to be excessive, the vice chancellor or provost shall consult with the unit director.  If, following consultation, the vice chancellor or provost continues to believe the absences to be excessive, the vice chancellor or provost may disapprove the absences.

  4. In considering individual requests to be absent from regular university duties, the director shall also determine at what point the individual may no longer receive remuneration from the university.

  5. An academic staff member whose request for approval of participation in outside activities has been denied, whether by the director, vice chancellor, or provost, or who has been denied university salary while engaged in outside activities, may file a grievance with the appropriate subcommittee.

  1. Persons on limited appointments (other than department chairpersons).  Members of the unclassified staff on limited appointment who wish to engage in outside activities which will require them to be absent from their regular duties at the university shall require the approval of the appointing authority.  Any such proposed absence shall be reported in writing through the appropriate appointing authority to the vice chancellor.  In the case of the vice chancellor, any such proposed absence shall be reported to the chancellor; in the case of the chancellor, proposed absences shall be reported to the appropriate university of Wisconsin system administrator.

  1. Administrators may require colleague coverage for responsibilities to be missed or that work assignments missed as a result of outside activities be completed in alternative ways or at an alternative time.

  2. Administrators shall make reasonable accommodations for individuals wishing to engage in outside activities which require them to be absent from regular duties but shall give primary consideration to the responsibilities of the unit and the individual.

  3. If an administrator believes the number of absences of an individual to be excessive, the administrator shall consult with the appropriate administrative personnel.  If, following consultation, the administrator continues to believe the absences to be excessive, the administrator may disapprove the absences.

  4. In considering individual requests to be absent from regular university duties, administrators shall also determine at what point the individual may no longer receive remuneration from the university.

  5. An unclassified staff member whose request for approval of participation in outside activities has been denied or who has been denied university salary while engaged in outside activities, may file a grievance with the appropriate subcommittee.

  1. Outside activities which may result in a material conflict of interest.  Outside activities which may result in a material conflict of interest include but are not limited to

  • personal gain through contracting on the university’s behalf with companies in which the individual or a member of the individual’s immediate family holds a substantial financial interest;

  • personal gain at the expense of university responsibilities;

  • personal gain of a continuing or substantial nature while continuing to receive compensation from the university, where such outside activity occurs at the same time as one’s university responsibilities;

  • serving in a decision-making or major advisory capacity for personal gain for any organization doing business with the university or the University of Wisconsin system;

  • university research in which the staff member has a financial interest and which is funded completely or partially through grants, gifts, or contracts by non-governmental sponsors, or other university research for which the staff member has a private remunerative relationship with a sponsor other than the university;

  • situations which may result in research that would normally be carried out at the university being diverted to a private establishment to the detriment of the university; and

  • activities referred to under UWSP 8.03.

  1. Informal consultation regarding contemplated outside activities.  Members of the unclassified staff who are contemplating outside activities but are unsure whether the activities are permissible shall normally consult informally with their chairperson or dean.

    1. When consultation with a chairperson or dean does not provide a resolution, or when the ethical implications of the proposed activity seem unusual or unclear, either the staff member or the administrator may request that the Ethics Committee [see 8.035] consider the question.

    2. If informal consultation with the chairperson, dean, or Ethics Committee indicates that a material conflict may arise, the staff member shall either

  • drop the proposed activity;

  • modify the proposed activity to eliminate the perceived conflict; or

  • proceed under the provisions of UWSP 8.04.

  1. Reports of anticipated outside activities.  The vice chancellor shall annually distribute notice to all unclassified personnel of

  • the kinds of outside activities which may constitute conflict of interest;

  • those outside activities which must be reported;

  • where unclassified personnel may obtain the necessary reporting forms;

  • the date by when and the individual(s) with whom reports must be filed; and

  • the membership and role of the Ethics Committee.

  1. REPORTS PUBLIC.  Information required to be reported under this section shall, unless otherwise privileged by law, be a matter of public record.

UWSP 8.03 Standards of conduct. 


    1. No member of the unclassified staff may, in a manner contrary to the interests of the university, use or attempt to use a position with the university, or state property–including property leased by the state–to gain or attempt to gain anything of substantial value for the private benefit of the staff member, the staff member’s immediate family, or any organization with which the staff member is associated.

    2. No member of the unclassified staff may solicit or accept from any person or organization anything of value pursuant to an express or implied understanding that the staff member’s conduct of university business would be influenced thereby.

    3. No member of the unclassified staff may intentionally use or disclose confidential university information in any way that could result in the receipt of anything of value for the staff member, the staff member’s immediate family, or any other person or organization with which the staff member is associated.


    1. No member of the unclassified staff, the staff member’s immediate family, or any organization with which the staff member is associated, may enter into any contract or lease involving payments of $3,000 or more within a 12-month period, derived in whole or in part from university funds, if the staff member’s official capacity places the staff member in a position to approve or influence the university’s decision to enter into the contract or lease.

    2. An unclassified staff member who wishes to enter into any contract or lease involving payments of $3,000 or more within a 12 month period and with those funds derived in whole or in part from university funds and whose official capacity does not place the staff member in a position to approve or influence the university’s decision to enter into the contract or lease may enter into such a contract or lease only after first making known to the staff member’s dean, director, or other appropriate administrator the staff member’s association with the contracting or leasing organization.

      The administrator to whom such a disclosure is made shall approve a staff member’s interest in a lease or contract unless the administrator determines that the staff member’s personal interest in the agreement will conflict substantially and materially with the staff member’s university responsibilities.

    3. This subsection does not affect the application of Sec. 946.13, Stats.


    1. No member of the unclassified staff may participate in any way in the decision to hire, retain, grant tenure or indefinite appointment to, promote, or determine the salary of any of the staff member’s immediate family.

    2. No member of the unclassified staff in a supervisory or managerial position may give a family member preferential or favored treatment.

  4. STUDENT RESEARCH PROTECTION.  A member of the unclassified staff shall inform students engaged in research under the staff member’s supervision of any financial interest which the staff member has in the research activity, including but not limited to

  • financial arrangements involved in the direct support of the activity;

  • agreements made by the staff member to obtain data for the research; or

  • agreements concerning copyright or patent rights arising from the research.

  1. WAIVER.  The board may, upon written request and by action within a reasonable time of receipt thereof, waive any provision of this section whenever its literal application would be adverse to the best interests of the University of Wisconsin system or would work an unreasonable hardship on a member of the unclassified staff.

    1. Any unclassified staff member seeking board waiver of the provisions of this chapter shall forward the request for waiver to the board through the chancellor.

    2. A request for waiver shall not require the approval or authorization of any university administrator, and shall be forwarded by the chancellor to the board without comment.  If the individual requesting the waiver also requests comments from university administrators, any such comments shall be forwarded to the board by the chancellor with the request.

    3. If the board specifically requests comment from the chancellor or any other administrator of the university, a copy of the comments shall be sent to the individual requesting the waiver.

UWSP 8.035  Institutional ethics committee. 

  1. The chairperson of the Faculty Affairs Committee shall annually appoint 3 members and the chairperson of the Academic Staff Council shall annually appoint 2 members to the Ethics Committee.

    1. The Ethics Committee shall provide consultation and advice on the application of this chapter to any member of the unclassified staff seeking its assistance.

    2. Committee deliberations and actions upon requests for consultation or advice shall be in closed meetings, as required by Chapter UWS 8.035 and permitted under the provisions of Sec. 19.85 (1) (c), (f), and (h), Wis. Stats.

    3. Records obtained in connection with requests for consultation or advice shall be considered confidential university information.

    4. Summaries of advice provided by the Ethics Committee, which do not disclose the identities of persons requesting such advice, shall be reported annually to the Secretary of the Senate.

    5. The Secretary of the Senate shall publish these annual reports for placement in the University Library.

UWSP 8.04  Action to avoid possible conflict. 

  1. When it appears that a material conflict may arise between the personal interests of an unclassified staff member and the staff member’s responsibilities to the university, the staff member shall notify the dean, director, or other appropriate administrator by submitting a written statement describing the nature of the possible conflict.

  2. Within 15 days after receipt of the statement, the administrator shall advise the staff member in writing that:

    1. There is no conflict prohibited by this chapter and the staff member may proceed; or

    2. There may be a conflict and further consultation is necessary prior to reaching a determination; or

    3. There is a conflict which must be resolved in one of the following ways:

      1. The staff member shall not proceed with university duties which result in the conflict, so long as the conflict remains; or

      2. The staff member shall not proceed with the personal interests which result in the conflict, so long as the conflict remains.

  3. If the staff member is advised that either (2) (c) 1 or 2 above is applicable, the staff member may appeal the decision under UWSP 6 or UWSP 13, as appropriate, within 15 days after notice of the administrative decision.

UWSP 8.05 Sanctions. 

  1. Any person may file a written complaint charging a violation of this chapter.  The complaint shall state the name of the member of the unclassified staff alleged to have committed a violation and describe the violation.

  2. A complaint involving the chancellor shall be submitted to the president for investigation and disposition in accordance with system administration policies and procedures adopted pursuant to ch. UWS 11 or s. UWS 13.01, as appropriate.

  3. A complaint involving any other member of the faculty or the academic staff at the university shall be submitted to the chancellor.

    1. Where the complaint is against a faculty member, the chancellor shall proceed under the policies and procedures of UWSP 4 or UWSP 6.01, as appropriate.

    2. Where the complaint is against a member of the academic staff, the chancellor shall proceed under the policies and procedures of UWSP 11 or UWSP 13.01, as appropriate.

  4. Complaints involving limited appointees shall be submitted to the official who made the appointment and that official shall take appropriate action under the provisions of UWSP 4 or UWSP 6.01, or UWSP 11 or UWSP 13.01, as appropriate.

  5. Notwithstanding the other provisions of this section, the president or chancellor may investigate possible violations of this chapter whenever the circumstances warrant and proceed in accordance with (1) to (4) above.

  6. Possible criminal penalties for intentional violations of this chapter may be found in Sec.19.58, Wis. Stats.

UWSP 8.06 Reports. 

The chancellor and all contracting personnel shall annually, on or before April 30, file a statement of economic interest with the secretary of the board.  The statements shall be filed on a form provided by the secretary, and shall be considered matters of public record.  The statements shall contain the information required by Sec. 19.44, Wis. Stats.




  1. The definitions of Chapter UWSP 1 and the policies and procedures of UWSP 8 to 13 apply to all academic staff appointments.

  2. EFFECTIVE DATE.  These policies and procedures shall become effective when approved by the chancellor and forwarded to the Board.

  3. BOARD REVIEW.  The Board may undertake a review of any or all of these policies and procedures and any subsequent amendments thereto but shall complete such review within 90 days of the receipt of them.  Should the Board within 90 days return to the university any of these policies and procedures as disapproved, that portion shall be suspended until reconsideration and resubmission has taken place.



    1. The Academic Staff Council, hereafter referred to as “the Council,” shall be a standing committee of the Senate.

    2. The Council shall have the authority to recommend to the Senate policies and procedures pertaining to the members of the academic staff, and pursuant to Chapter UWS 9 shall consult with and advise the chancellor on all policies and procedures adopted by the university pursuant to Chapters UWS 8-13 and UWSP 8-13.

    3. Composition of the Council, eligibility for membership, term of office, and nomination and election shall be as stated in the Faculty Constitution (see Article XIV).

  2. FACULTY STATUS.  Actions by the Faculty Senate (Resolution 1980-1981-021) and the chancellor have designated members of the academic staff as having faculty status.  Faculty status does not confer rank or tenure, or convert an academic staff appointment into a faculty appointment.  Academic staff members who have been given faculty status for governance purposes have employment rights under the policies and procedures concerning academic staff.


 Amendments to these policies and procedures may be recommended for adoption to the Senate and to the chancellor at a regular meeting of the Council by a majority vote.

  1. Any proposed amendment shall have been published and distributed to all members of the Council and to all members of the academic staff at least 2 weeks prior to the Council meeting at which such amendment is to be considered.
  2. Amendments shall be in force and effect when approved by the Council, the Sen­ate and the chancellor and forwarded to the Board, as described in 9.01 (3).


The hearing body referred to throughout Chapters UWS 9-13 and UWSP 9-13, and in UWS 8 and UWSP 8 where the reference is to academic staff, shall be a hearing committee appointed by the chairperson of the Academic Staff Mediation Subcommittee, a permanent subcommittee of the Academic Staff Council.

  1. Any such hearing committee shall have the authority to conduct hearings on any of the following:  nonrenewal of probationary appointment; failure to reappoint to a fixed term appointment after the 7th year an academic staff member who has served 7 years or more on .5 FTE or more fixed term appointment; dismissal; layoff and termination for reasons of budget or program; and complaints or grievances.

  2. Hearings conducted for an academic staff member shall provide for adequate due process.



  1. Academic staff appointments may be fixed term, probationary, or indefinite.  An appointment shall be limited to an operational area (e.g., an academic department) specified at the time of the appointment and shall not carry rights beyond that limitation.

  2. In accordance with 36.05 (8), Wis. Stats., academic staff appointments may be converted to faculty appointments by the action of the Board upon the recommendation of the department in which the faculty member will hold rank, and of the chancellor.  Before making the recommendation to the Board, the chancellor shall secure the advice of the appropriate administrative officers.  Such faculty appointees shall enjoy all rights and privileges of faculty.

UWSP 10.02 Recruitment and Letter of Appointment. 

  1. Each department/unit, with the approval of the chancellor, shall develop procedures relating to the recruitment of members of the academic staff for that operational area.  Procedures shall be consistent with all departmental/unit, university, and System personnel rules and procedures.

  2. Each person to whom an appointment is offered must receive an appointment letter in which the chancellor or a designee details the terms and conditions of the appointment, including but not limited to:  type of appointment (fixed term, probationary, or in­definite); name and title of immediate supervisor; duration of the appointment; salary and source of funding (GPR or other); starting and ending dates; general position responsibilities; definition of operational area; probationary  or indefinite appointment status or potential; and crediting of prior service, if any.  Accompanying the initial letter of appointment shall be an attachment detailing institutional and System rules and procedures relating to academic staff appointments.  If the appointment is subject to the advance approval of the Board, a statement to this effect must be included in the letter.  The pro­portion of time provided for in the appointment letter may not be diminished or increased during the term of the appointment without the mutual consent of the parties, unless the academic staff member is dismissed for just cause, pursuant to 36.13 (5), Wis. Stats., or is terminated or laid off pursuant to 36.21, Wis. Stats. (see Chapters UWSP 11 and UWSP 12).  An amended letter of appointment shall be sent in situations where a significant change in position responsibility occurs; however, no such change may be made during a contractual period without the mutual consent of the parties, except as may be necessary under 36.21, Wis. Stats., and Chapter UWSP 12.

UWSP 10.03  Appointment Policies. 

  1. Fixed Term Appointments.
    1. Fixed term appointments shall be for a definite period of time specified in the letter of appointment, are renewable solely at the option of the university, and carry no expectation of reemployment beyond their stated term, regardless of how many times renewed.

    2. An academic staff member who has served 7 or more years on .5 FTE or more fixed term appointment and whose appointment is not renewed shall have the right to a written statement of reasons and a reconsideration by the decision-maker.  If reconsideration affirms the original decision, the fixed term appointee shall have the right to grieve that decision except when it is based on reasons of budget or program need as determined by the department/unit head and agreed to by the dean or other appropriate administrator.  To grieve such a decision, the academic staff member shall file a grievance under the provisions of Chapter UWSP 13.

      1. The academic staff member shall have 20 days from the date of receipt of notification that reconsideration has affirmed the original decision not to renew the staff member’s appointment to file a written statement of grievance with the appropriate mediation subcommittee.

        1. Academic staff hired primarily for classroom teaching may elect to file their grievance with either the Academic Staff Mediation Subcommittee or the Faculty Mediation Subcommittee but shall have access to only 1 subcommittee for each case.

        2. Academic staff wishing to file a grievance under this subsection shall send written notification to the chairperson of the Academic Staff Mediation Subcommittee or, where appropriate, to the chairperson of the Faculty Mediation Subcommittee.

      2. Regardless of the subcommittee with which the grievance is filed, the academic staff member’s grievance shall be dealt with under the provisions of Chapter UWSP 13.

    3. Fixed term appointments are appropriate only under 1 or more of the conditions listed below, and shall be given in every instance in which 1 or more of the conditions obtain:

      1. the appointment is primarily for classroom teaching duties;

      2. the appointment is less than one-half time;

      3. the appointment is for a term of 1 year or less, to replace someone on leave;

      4. the appointment is funded by non-GPR money, except that certain appointments specified by the chancellor shall normally be limited appointments with a concurrent probationary academic staff appointment; or

      5. the appointment is to a position designated as appropriate for fixed term employment by the Academic Staff Council and the chancellor, at the request of the hiring unit prior to the initial appointment.

        1. Such request shall be made in writing prior to the advertising of the position, or

        2. in the case of personnel or academic staff appointment at the time such a request is approved by the Academic Staff Council and by the chancellor, the change will be effective at the proffer of the next contract or appointment.

    4. Academic staff personnel employed primarily for classroom teaching duties may be hired only upon the affirmative recommendation of the department in which the person will hold the appointment.  Such academic staff shall be evaluated for all personnel actions by the department in which the person holds the appointment, according to procedures developed by the department.

    5. Any person who has served for 10 years or longer on fixed term appointments may request and shall receive review for indefinite appointment.  If the review leads to an in­definite appointment, the academic staff member shall enjoy all rights, privileges, and protections accorded indefinite appointment academic staff.  If the review does not lead to indefinite appointment, the person may continue to be employed on fixed term con­tracts.  The Academic Staff Council, in consultation with the chancellor, shall develop appropriate policies and procedures for such review of fixed term academic staff.

    6. Appointments of .5 FTE or more shall normally be for 1-year periods or more during the first 7 years of service, for 2-year terms or more during the 8th through 10th years and for 3-year terms or more thereafter.  If appointments are for less than these periods, the academic staff member may request and shall receive a written statement of reasons.

    7. If a department wishes, search-and-screen will not be necessary to hire fixed-term teaching academic staff who have taught during 1 of the 2 semesters immediately pre­ceding the one under consideration, nor will it be necessary to recruitment to hire fixed-term, non-teaching academic staff who have been employed for at least 5 months at a 0.33 FTE appointment or more during the preceding 12 months.


  1. Indefinite and Probationary Academic Staff Appointments.  Academic staff appointments of one-half time or more, other than fixed term, shall be probationary or in­definite appointments.
    1. Probationary academic staff appointments.
      1. Probationary appointments are appointments of .5 FTE or more which lead to a review and a decision on an indefinite appointment.  The probationary period shall not exceed 7 consecutive academic years in a full-time appointment and shall not exceed 10 consecutive academic years in a part-time appointment.   Although a person may be hired on an indefinite appointment, normally a person may be recommended for indefinite appointment only after 3 years of full-time probationary service (or equivalent part-time probationary service) at UWSP.

      2. A leave of absence or an approved professional improvement leave shall not constitute a break in continuous service nor shall it be included in the probationary period.

      3. For a probationary academic staff member who wants to continue working but needs to reduce professional responsibilities, there are additional circumstances which do not constitute a break in continuous service and that shall not be included in the probationary period.  These include, but are not limited to, significant responsibilities with respect to childbirth/adoption, significant responsibilities with respect to elder/dependent care obligations, disability/chronic illness, or circumstances beyond the control of the academic staff member, when those circumstances significantly impede the academic staff member’s progress toward achieving indefinite status.  Within a reasonable time before or after the fact, a request must be made before the semester in which an indefinite status review commences under 10.03 (2).  A request for a specified amount of additional time because of responsibilities with respect to childbirth or adoption shall be initiated in writing by the probationary academic staff member and shall be submitted to the individual’s cabinet officer who shall be authorized to grant a request following consultation with the academic staff member’s supervisor.  The cabinet officer shall specify the length of time for which the request is granted.  It shall be presumed that a request made under this section because of responsibilities with respect to childbirth/adoption shall be approved.  More than one request may be granted because of responsibilities with respect to childbirth or adoption.  Requests made because of circumstances under this section other than responsibilities with respect to childbirth/adoption shall be initiated in writing by the probationary academic staff member and shall be submitted to the individual’s cabinet officer.  The request must be supported by credible justification.  The cabinet officer is authorized to grant a request following consultation with the academic staff member’s supervisor.  A denial of a request or a modification of the requested time shall be in writing and shall be based upon clear and convincing reasons.  More than one request may be granted to a probationary academic staff member but the total, aggregate length of time of all granted requests, excluding requests granted because of responsibilities with respect to childbirth or adoption, ordinarily shall be no more than one year.

      4. Any full-time academic staff member who has been in probationary status for more than seven years shall be evaluated at the completion of seven years of actual service, excluding time granted because of one or more of the reasons set forth in subs 2 or 3.  The university shall not expect additional activities during the excluded time.  Activities conducted during the excluded time may be considered only at the request of the academic staff member.

      5. Each department/unit, in consultation with the chancellor, shall develop procedures for the annual review and evaluation of probationary academic staff.  Such procedures shall provide for the use of the standard evaluation instrument(s) for evaluation of academic staff, and the appropriate method for handling annual evaluations of academic staff personnel.   Additional evaluation instruments or questions added to the standard form, the procedures for evaluation, and the reporting of information from the evaluations shall be consistent with the provisions of this subsection and the appropriate sections of the University Handbook.  This may be accomplished through the establishment of a committee, or in units too small for committees, by the appropriate administrative officer, after consultation with the personnel of the unit.  All academic staff in a department/unit shall be notified in writing of the criteria for, and the method of, annual evaluation; copies of such statements shall be filed with the Academic Staff Council.  These procedures shall also provide for written notice of departmental/unit review to the academic staff member at least 20 days prior to the date of the review, and an opportunity to present information on the person’s behalf.  The probationary academic staff member shall be notified in writing within 20 days after each decision at each reviewing level.  In the event that a decision is made which results in a non-renewal, the procedures specified in 10.04 shall be followed.  All decisions relating to renewal of probationary appointments or the granting of indefinite appointments shall be made in conformity with the provisions of the Wisconsin Open Meetings Law, except that any person being considered for purposes of a recommendation or decision on granting of an indefinite appointment may request an open meeting, and such request shall be granted.

      6. Except as extended under 2 and 3 above, recommendations for indefinite appointment shall be made no later than in the 6th year of continuous full-time probationary service and no later than in the 9th year of probationary service for an academic staff member holding a probationary appointment of at least half-time.  Service prior to an initial academic staff appointment at the university, except as specified in the initial letter of appointment, shall not count as part of the probationary period.  The appointment letter must clearly state the amount of prior service to be counted.  All or a portion of full-time equivalent fixed term service may be counted as part of probationary service; all or a portion of prior service at another institution may be counted in the probationary period.

    2. Indefinite Appointment.
      1. An indefinite appointment is an appointment with permanent status for an unlimited term granted by the chancellor to an academic staff member.  Such an appointment is terminable only for cause under Chapter UWSP 11 or for reasons of program or budget under Chapter UWSP 12.  Indefinite appointments may be granted to any academic staff member who holds or will hold a half-time appointment or more.

      2. Indefinite appointment may be granted only to those who have met criteria clearly specified in departmental/unit procedures, and only after annual review and evaluation, following the procedures described under (2) (a) 1. above.

      3. An indefinite appointment is not acquired solely because of years of service.

UWSP 10.04  Nonrenewal of Probationary Academic Staff Appointments. 

  1. Request for Reasons.  Any academic staff member denied renewal of a probationary appointment may request of the decision-maker a written statement of reasons for non­renewal.  Such request shall be made within 10 days of receiving the notice of nonrenewal; the written statement shall be provided within 10 days of the request.

  2. Reconsideration. An academic staff member who has been denied renewal of a probationary appointment and who has requested a written statement of the reasons for the nonrenewal shall be granted a reconsideration by the decision-maker if the academic staff member has new and relevant material which was not considered in the original decision.  Otherwise, the person who has been denied renewal may respond to the written statement of reasons and request reconsideration by the decision-maker; the reconsideration may be granted at the discretion of the decision-maker.

    1. Reconsideration shall be requested within 10 days of the receipt of the written statement of reasons.  Any reconsideration shall be held within 20 days of the request, except that this time may be extended by mutual consent of the parties.

    2. The person granted a reconsideration shall be entitled to adequate notice of the time and place of the reconsideration, an opportunity to respond to the written reasons and to present new written or oral evidence or arguments relevant to the decision, and written notification of the decision resulting from the reconsideration.  Reconsideration is not a review or a hearing, and shall be non-adversarial.

  3. Appeal of a Nonrenewal Decision.  In the event that a reconsideration affirms the nonrenewal decision, or a request for reconsideration is denied, the following procedures shall be used:

    1. The person who has been denied renewal of a probationary appointment may request review of that decision by written appeal to the Academic Staff Mediation Subcommittee within 20 days of notice of nonrenewal (or 25 days if notice is by first class mail and publication); such a request must be preceded by a request for a written statement of reasons for the nonrenewal under subsection (1) above.  If a reconsideration has been granted under (2) above, the written appeal for a review shall be requested within 10 days of notification that the reconsideration has affirmed the decision not to grant renewal.

    2. A hearing committee appointed by the chairperson of the Academic Staff Mediation Subcommittee shall review the decision not later than 20 days after receipt of the written request, except that this time may be extended by mutual consent of the parties or by order of the hearing committee.  The appellant shall be given at least 10 days’ notice of the review.  The burden of persuasion in such an appeal shall be on the appellant, and the scope of the review shall be limited to the question of whether the decision was based in any significant degree upon 1 or more of the following factors, with material prejudice to the appellant:

      1. Conduct, expression, or beliefs which are constitutionally protected, or actions which are consistent with an appropriate professional code of ethics;

      2. Employment practices proscribed by applicable state or federal law;

      3. Improper consideration of qualifications for reappointment or renewal.  For purposes of this section, “improper consideration” shall be deemed to have been given to the qualifications of the staff member in question if material prejudice resulted because of any of the following:

        1. Procedures required by the chancellor or Board were not followed;

        2. Available data bearing materially on the quality of performance were not considered;

        3. Unfounded, arbitrary, or irrelevant assumptions of fact were made about work or conduct.

    3. The hearing committee shall report on the validity of the appeal to the academic staff member, the decision-maker, the appropriate vice chancellor or dean, the provost, the chancellor, and other appropriate individuals.

    4. If the committee finds for the appellant, the report may include remedies which may, without limitation because of enumeration, take the form of a reconsideration by the decision-maker, a reconsideration by the decision-maker under instructions from the hearing committee, or a recommendation to the next higher administrative level.

      1. Cases shall be remanded for reconsideration by the decision-maker in all instances unless the hearing committee specifically finds that such a remand would serve no useful purpose.

      2. The hearing committee shall retain jurisdiction during the pendency of any reconsideration. 

      3. The recommendation of the hearing committee becomes the decision of the chancellor within 30 days of the receipt of the committee’s report by the chancellor unless the chancellor modifies the recommendation.

        1. If the chancellor contemplates a decision substantially different from the recommendations of the committee, the chancellor shall afford the committee an opportunity to discuss the report and the chancellor’s proposed decision before written notification of decision to the appellant.

        2. The chancellor shall send written notification of decision to the appellant, the chairperson of the hearing committee, and other appropriate individuals within 30 days of the receipt of the committee’s report.

      4. The decision of the chancellor shall be final on such matters.

UWSP 10.05 Notice Periods. 

  1. Fixed term appointments.  Written notice that a fixed term appointment will not be renewed shall be given to those holding less than .5 FTE appointments in advance of the expiration of the appointment as follows:

    1. at least 3 months before the end of the appointment in the first 2 years, and 6 months thereafter;

    2. in addition, academic staff members holding a .5 FTE or more appointment or those who have accumulated 7 academic years of service at .5 FTE or more per semester shall be notified at least 6 months before the end of the appointment in the 3rd through 7th years, at least 9 months before the end of the appointment in the 8th through 10th years, and, thereafter, at least 12 months before the end of the appointment;

    3. when the letter of appointment states that renewal is not intended, no further notice of nonrenewal is required.

  2. Probationary Appointments.  An academic staff member who is employed on probationary appointment shall be notified in writing by the chancellor or a designee of reappointment or nonrenewal for another term in advance of the expiration of the current appointment as follows:

    1. at least 3 months before the end of the appointment in the 1st year;

    2. at least 6 months before the end of the appointment in the 2nd year;

    3. after 2 or more years of continuous service at the university, such notice shall be given at least 12 months before the expiration of the appointment.

  3. Absence of Proper Notification.  If proper notice is not given in accordance with 10.05 above, the aggrieved person shall be entitled to a 1-year terminal appointment (academic year appointment if appropriate) without penalty.  Such appointment, however, shall not result in the attainment of indefinite status.


UWSP 11.01 Indefinite Appointments. 

  1. An academic staff member having an in­definite appointment may be dismissed only for just cause and only after due notice and hearing and only in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter.

  2. An academic staff member is entitled to enjoy and exercise all the rights and privileges of a United States citizen, and the rights and privileges inherent in the appropriate professional code of ethics.  This policy shall be observed in determining whether or not just cause for dismissal exists.  The burden of proof of the existence of just cause for a dismissal is on the administration.

  3. Layoff or termination of academic staff in accordance with the provisions of Chapter UWSP 12 shall not constitute dismissal under the provisions of this chapter.

UWSP 11.02 Responsibility for Charges. 

  1. Whenever the chancellor receives an allegation concerning an academic staff member holding an indefinite appointment, which appears to be substantial, and which, if true, might lead to dismissal under 11.01, the chancellor shall request within a reasonable time that the appropriate dean or director investigate the allegation, offer to discuss it informally with the individual, and provide information of rights to which academic staff members are entitled under this chapter.  If the investigation and discussion do not result in a resolution of the allegation, and if the allegation is deemed sufficiently serious to warrant dismissal, the dean or director shall prepare a written statement of specific charges.  An academic staff member may be dismissed only after receipt of such a statement of specific charges and, if a hearing is requested by the academic staff member, after a hearing held in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.  If the staff member does not request a hearing, dismissal action shall proceed along normal administrative lines but the provisions of 11.03, 11.08 and 11.09 shall apply.  In those cases, where the immediate supervisor of the academic staff member concerned is a dean or director, the chancellor shall, to avoid potential prejudice, designate an appropriate administrative officer to act for the dean or director under this section.

  2. Any formal statement of specific charges for dismissal sent to an academic staff member shall be accompanied by a statement of the appeal procedures available to the academic staff member.

  3. Any formal statement of specific charges shall be served personally or by certified mail, return receipt requested.  If such service cannot be made within 20 days, service shall be accomplished by first class mail and by publication as if the statement of charges were a summons and the provisions of Sec. 801.11 (1) (c), Wis. Stats., were applicable.  Such service by mailing and publication shall be effective as of the first insertion of the notice of statement of charges in the newspaper.

UWSP 11.03 Hearing Committee. 

  1. Hearing committees appointed by the chairperson of the Academic Staff Mediation Subcommittee are charged with hearing dismissal cases and making recommendations under this chapter.  Any such hearing committee shall operate as the hearing agent for the chancellor pursuant to Sec. 227.46, Wis. Stats., and conduct the hearing, make a verbatim record of the hearing, prepare a summary of the evidence and transmit such record and summary along with its recommended findings of fact and decision to the chancellor according to UWSP 11.07.

  2. An academic staff member whose primary responsibility is classroom teaching may appeal a dismissal for cause to either the Faculty Mediation Subcommittee or to the Academic Staff Mediation Subcommittee but shall have access to only 1 Subcommittee for each case.  If the academic staff member selects the Faculty Mediation Subcommittee, the hearing shall nonetheless be held pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.

UWSP 11.04 Hearing. 

If the academic staff member requests a hearing within 20 days of service of the statement of charges (25 days if notice is by  first class mail and publication), such a hearing shall be held not later than 20 days after the request, except that this time limit may be extended by mutual written consent of the parties, or by order of the hearing committee.  The request for a hearing shall be ad­dressed in writing to the chairperson of the appropriate Subcommittee.  Service of written notice of hearing on the specific charges shall be provided at least 10 days prior to the hearing.

UWSP 11.05 Adequate Due Process. 

  1. A fair hearing for an academic staff member whose dismissal is sought under 11.01 shall include the following:

  1. a right to the names of witnesses and of access to documentary evidence upon the basis of which dismissal is sought;

  2. a right to be heard in one’s defense;

  3. a right to counsel and/or other representative, and to offer witnesses;

  4. a right to confront and cross-examine adverse witnesses;

  5. a verbatim record of all hearings, which might be a sound recording, provided at no cost;

  6. written findings of fact and decision based on the hearing record; and

  7. admissibility of evidence governed by Sec. 227.45 Wis. Stats.

UWSP 11.06 Procedural Guarantees. 

  1. Any hearing held shall comply with the requirements set forth in 11.05.  The following requirements shall also be observed:

  1. The burden of proof for the existence of just cause is on the administration or its representatives.

  2. No person who participated in the investigation of allegations leading to the filing of a statement of charges, or in the filing of a statement of charges, or who is a material witness shall be qualified to sit on the hearing committee in that case.

  3. The hearing shall be closed unless the academic staff member under charges re­quests an open hearing, in which case it shall be open (see 19.85 Wis. Stats., Open Meetings Law).

  4. The hearing committee may, on motion of either party, dis­qualify any of its members for cause by a majority vote.  If any members of the committee disqualify themselves or are disqualified, the remaining members shall, in consultation with the chairperson of the Academic Staff Mediation Subcommittee and the chairperson of the Academic Staff Council, select replacements.

  5. The hearing committee shall not be bound by common law or statutory rules of evidence and may admit evidence having reasonable probative value but shall exclude immaterial, irrelevant, or unduly repetitious testimony, and shall give effect to recognized legal privileges.

  6. If the hearing committee requests, the chancellor shall provide legal counsel after consulting with the hearing committee concerning its wishes in this regard.  The function of legal counsel shall be to advise the hearing committee, consult with it on legal matters, and such other responsibilities as shall be determined by the hearing committee.

  7. If an academic staff member whose dismissal is sought has requested a hearing, discontinuance of the proceedings by the institution is deemed a withdrawal of charges and a finding that the charges were without merit.  All reference to the initiation and dis­continuance of the proceedings shall be removed from the individual’s personnel file.

  8. Nothing in paragraph (f) shall prevent the settlement of cases by mutual agreement between the administration and the academic staff member, with the approval of the chancellor, at any time prior to a final decision by the chancellor, or when appropriate, with the Board’s approval prior to a final decision by the Board.

  9. Adjournments shall be granted to enable either party to investigate evidence to which a valid claim of surprise is made.

UWSP 11.07 Recommendations to the chancellor. 

The hearing committee shall send to the chancellor and to the academic staff member concerned as soon as practical after conclusion of the hearing, a verbatim record of the testimony and a copy of its report, findings, and recommendations.  As promptly as possible after receipt of this material the chancellor shall review it and afford the academic staff member an opportunity to discuss it.  The chancellor shall prepare a written decision as promptly as possible following the meeting with the academic staff member.  If the proposed decision differs substantially from the recommendations, the chancellor shall promptly consult with the hearing committee and provide it with a reasonable opportunity for a written response prior to making the final decision.  After receipt and review of any response from the hearing committee, the chancellor shall issue a written decision.  In that decision, the chancellor may order dismissal of the academic staff member, may impose a lesser disciplinary action, or may find in favor of the academic staff member.  This decision shall be deemed final unless the Board, upon request of the academic staff member, grants review based on the record.

UWSP 11.08 Suspension from Duties. 

Pending the final decision as to dismissal, the academic staff member on indefinite appointment shall not normally be relieved of duties.  If the chancellor, after consultation with the appropriate administrative officer and the Academic Staff Council, finds that substantial harm to the institution may result if the academic staff member is continued in the position, the academic staff member may be immediately relieved of duties, but salary shall continue until the chancellor makes a decision as to dismissal.

UWSP 11.09 Date of Dismissal. 

A decision by the chancellor ordering the dismissal shall specify the effective date of the dismissal.  In the event an appeal is granted by the Board and the Board concurs in the decision to dismiss, the decision of the Board shall specify the effective date of dismissal.

UWSP 11.10 Board Review. 

  1. An academic staff member on indefinite appointment who has been dismissed for cause by the chancellor following a hearing may appeal this action to the Board.  Any appeal shall be made within 30 days of the date of the receipt of the decision of the chancellor to dismiss.  Upon receiving an appeal, the Board shall review the case on the record.  Following such review, the Board may confirm the chancellor’s decision, or direct a different decision, or approve a further hearing before the Board with an opportunity for filing exceptions to the hearing committee’s recommendations or the chancellor’s decision and for oral argument on the record.  If further review with opportunity for oral argument on the record is provided, this review shall be closed unless the staff member requests an open hearing (see 19.85, Wis. Stats., Open Meetings Law).  All decisions of the Board, whether after review of the record or after oral argument, shall be expressed in writing and shall indicate the basis for such decision. 
  2. If, after review, the Board decides to take action different from the recommendations of the hearing committee or the decision of the chancellor, then before taking final action, the Board shall consult with the chancellor.

UWSP 11.11 Fixed Term or Probationary Academic Staff. 

An academic staff member holding a probationary or a fixed term appointment may be dismissed prior to the end of the contract term only for just cause or for reasons of budget or program under Chapter UWSP 12.  A nonrenewal of such an appointment for reasons of budget or program is not a dismissal under this section.

  1. Whenever the chancellor receives an allegation concerning a fixed term or probationary academic staff member, which appears to be substantial and which, if true, might lead to dismissal under this section, the chancellor shall request within a reasonable time that an appropriate administrative officer investigate the allegation, offer to discuss it informally with the individual, and provide information of rights to which such academic staff members are entitled under this section.  If the investigation and discussion do not result in a resolution of the allegation and if the allegation is deemed sufficiently serious to warrant dismissal, the officer conducting the investigation shall prepare a written statement of specific charges, including the effective date of dismissal.  An academic staff member may be dismissed only after receipt of such a statement of specific charges, and the proffer of an opportunity for a hearing before the appropriate vice chancellor or dean, or for those departments/units reporting directly to the provost, the provost.

  2. Any formal statement of specific charges for dismissal shall be served personally or by certified mail, return receipt requested, and shall be accompanied by a statement of the appeal procedures available to the academic staff member.  If personal or certified mail service cannot be made within 20 days, service of charges shall be accomplished by first class mail and by publication, effective as of the first insertion of the statement of charges in the newspaper.

  3. If a hearing is requested, it shall provide the academic staff member with an opportunity to present evidence and argument concerning the allegations.  If the vice chancellor or dean or, for departments/units reporting directly to the provost, the provost decides that the allegations are true and warrant dismissal, dismissal shall be effective upon receipt of the written notice of this decision, unless a different dismissal date is specified by the vice chancellor or dean or provost.  If no hearing is requested, the dismissal is effective according to the specifications in the original notification of charges.

  4. An academic staff member who has received a formal statement of dismissal may appeal to the Academic Staff Mediation Subcommittee pursuant to the provisions of 11.03 through 11.07.

  5. In no event shall a decision favorable to the appellant extend the term of the original appointment.  If a proceeding on appeal is not concluded before the appointment expiration date, the academic staff member concerned may elect that such proceeding be carried to a final decision.  Unless such election is made in writing, the proceedings shall be discontinued at the expiration of the appointment.

  6. If the chancellor or the Board ultimately decide in favor of the appellant, salary lost during the interim period between the effective date of dismissal and the date of the chancellor’s or the Board’s decision or the end of the contract period, whichever is earlier, shall be restored.

UWSP 11.12 Teaching Members of the Academic Staff. 

Members of the academic staff having teaching responsibilities and holding an indefinite or fixed-term appointment of .5 FTE or more and who have accumulated 7 academic years of service at .5 FTE or more per semester may proceed under the provisions of 11.02 to 11.10.


UWSP 12.01 General. 

  1. Notwithstanding 36.15, Wis. Stats., and Chapters UWS 10 and 11, and UWSP 10 and 11, the chancellor or designee, may lay off a member of the academic staff holding either an indefinite or a fixed term or probationary appointment prior to the end of the appointment period when such action is deemed necessary due to budget or program decision requiring program discontinuance, curtailment, modification, or redirection.  Academic Staff Council must be notified of all Academic Staff Layoffs. A nonrenewal, regardless of reasons, is not a layoff under this section.

  2. The chancellor may lay off members of the academic staff for budgetary reasons when the budget supporting the position or program has been reduced substantially or the workload justifying the position has been reduced substantially.

  3. The chancellor may lay off members of the academic staff for reasons of program decision when 1 or more of the following conditions exists:

    1. increased workload in another area demands reallocation of resources;

    2. an external mandate for a new activity or service demands reallocation of resources;

    3. the need for a new support service for the instructional program or student welfare demands a reallocation of resources;

    4. the function(s) of the position(s) in question is being duplicated elsewhere; or

    5. the function(s) of the position(s) in question has been contracted or sold to an outside agency.

  4. Prior to providing layoff notice to any employees, the Department Head, Director, Dean, or equivalent administrator shall develop a plan under which a layoff will occur. The plan will document:

  1. the reason(s) for the layoff
  2. the anticipated date of separation (management should consider the total budgetary cost of separating an employee through layoff when determining an appropriate separation date)
  3. a listing of all vacant positions in the department which are in the same branch, role and competency level with a status of recruitment activity for those positions
  4. seniority choices if there are multiple layoffs in a unit
  5. what efforts the department made to avoid the layoff of the selected employee(s)
  6. a brief explanation why action other than layoff is not possible
  7. a management contact
  1. This plan will be submitted to Human Resources and, upon notification to the employee, shared with the Academic Staff Council.

UWSP 12.02 Layoff. 

For purposes of this chapter, “layoff” is the suspension of an academic staff member’s employment by the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, or an involuntary reduction in services and compensation during the appointment period for reasons of budget or program decision.  A laid off academic staff member retains the rights specified in 12.09 to 12.12 inclusive.  For the purposes of 36.21, Wis. Stats., termination occurs at the time of layoff.

UWSP 12.03 Individual Layoff Decision. 

  1. Within the operational area(s) which the chancellor has designated for layoffs, layoffs of academic staff for reasons of budget or program shall affect fixed term, probationary, and indefinite academic staff in that order, unless a clear and convincing case is made that program or service needs dictate other considerations.  Within each of these categories designation for layoff shall follow the order of seniority according to years of service at the university, unless a clear and convincing case is made that program or service needs dictate other considerations.

  2. Seniority is determined by the date of the beginning of employment at UWSP and by the years of full-time service here (e.g., someone who worked half-time for two years shall have acquired one full year of seniority).  For purposes of seniority, a full year of service shall be credited for 39 or more weeks of employment during any twelve-month period.  All leaves and Teacher Improvement Assignments granted prior to January 1, 1976, shall be counted in determining seniority.  All leaves for professional purposes granted with the concurrence of the department/unit after January 1, 1976, shall be counted toward seniority except that no more than two consecutive years of leave shall be counted.  Academic staff members holding joint or split appointments shall have a “home” department/unit or operational area, usually the department/unit or operational area in which the staff member has the larger percentage of appointment, and seniority shall be lodged in that department/unit or operational area.

  3. Each academic staff member who is being laid off shall receive written notification from the chancellor.

    1. For an academic staff member with an indefinite appointment, the effective date of layoff shall be 12 months after the date of notification, barring compelling reasons to the contrary (i.e., almost immediate cutoff of funds).

    2. For an academic staff member with a probationary appointment, notification of layoff must be given at least 3 months before the end of the appointment in the 2nd year; and 12 months thereafter, barring compelling reasons to the contrary (i.e., almost immediate cutoff of funds).

    3. For academic staff members with a .5 FTE or more fixed term appointment and those who have accumulated 7 academic years of service at .5 FTE or more per semester, notification of layoff must be given at least 3 months before the end of the appointment in the first 2 years and 6 months before the end of the appointment during the 3rd to 7th years, 9 months before the end of the appointment in the 8th through 10th years, and 12 months thereafter, barring compelling reasons to the contrary (i.e., almost immediate cutoff of funds).

    4. For an academic staff member with a fixed term appointment of less than .5 FTE, notification of layoff must be given at least 3 months before the end of the appointment in the first 2 years and 6 months before the end of the appointment thereafter, barring compelling reasons to the contrary (i.e., almost immediate cutoff of funds).

  4. For academic staff members with a probationary or indefinite appointment who have received notification of layoff, the chancellor may, prior to the effective date of the layoff, offer terminal leave and early retirement, offer relocation leave accompanied by resignation, or negotiate alternate employment at the university.  Acceptance by the academic staff member of either terminal leave and early retirement or relocation leave accompanied by resignation will terminate the academic staff member’s association with the university on the effective date of layoff.

  5. Once the layoff group has been determined, any employee from within the affected layoff group may elect to retire or voluntarily be laid off to avoid involuntary layoffs. The employer reserves the right to rescind a layoff notice and/or postpone the layoff date. However, once the employee has been officially notified of the intended layoff date, the employer may not make the layoff date any earlier.

UWSP 12.04 Hearing Committee.

Hearing committees appointed by the chairperson of the Academic Staff Mediation Subcommittee shall operate as the hearing agent for the chancellor pursuant to Sec. 227.46, Wis. Stats.  If a hearing is requested, any such hearing committee shall conduct the hearing, make a verbatim record of the hearing (which may be a sound recording), prepare a summary of the evidence, and transmit such record and summary along with its recommended findings of fact and decision to the chancellor.

UWSP 12.05 Review and Hearing for Indefinite Appointments. 

  1. An academic staff member with an indefinite appointment who has been designated for layoff shall receive prompt written notification from the chancellor and shall, upon written re­quest made within 20 days after such notification, be given the following within 15 days of the request:

    1. a written statement of the reasons for the decision to layoff;

    2. a summary of the reasons and data leading to the selection of the colleges, schools, department/units, operational areas, or programs in which reductions are to be made;

    3. a statement of the basis on which the person was selected for layoff;

    4. a statement of the date on which the layoff is to be effective, which must be consistent with the provisions of 12.03; and

    5. a copy of these rules and such other information or procedural regulations as the chancellor or Academic Staff Council shall deem appropriate.

  2. An academic staff member with an indefinite appointment is entitled to a hearing.  If the staff member desires such a hearing, a written request must be received by the chancellor and the chairperson of the Academic Staff Mediation Subcommittee within 20 days after receipt of the statements in subsection (1) above.

    1. The request for a hearing shall specify the grounds to be used in establishing the impropriety of the decision.  A request for a hearing shall not forestall a layoff under this section.

    2. The staff member shall be given at least 10 days’ notice of such hearing.  The hearing shall be held not later than 20 days after the request, except that this time limit may be extended by mutual consent of the parties or by order of the hearing committee.  Anyone who participated in the decision to lay off or who is a material witness shall not serve on the hearing body.

  3. The academic staff member shall have access to the evidence on which the administration intends to rely to support the decision to lay off and shall be guaranteed the following minimal procedural safeguards at the hearing:

    1. a right to be heard in one’s defense;

    2. a right to counsel and/or other representatives, and to offer witnesses;

    3. a right to confront and cross-examine adverse witnesses;

    4. a verbatim record of all hearings, which might be a sound recording, provided at no cost;

    5. written findings of fact and decision based on the hearing record;

    6. admissibility of evidence governed by Sec. 227.45, Wis. Stats.;

    7. a closed hearing unless the staff member whose position is to be eliminated re­quests an open meeting, in which case it shall be open (see 19.85, Wis. Stats., Open Meetings Law);

    8. adjournments to enable either party to investigate evidence as to which a valid claim of surprise is made.

  4. The following requirements shall also be observed in the conduct of the hearing:

    1. The hearing committee may, on motion of either party, disqualify any of its members for cause by a majority vote.  If any committee members disqualify themselves or are disqualified, the remaining members shall, in consultation with the chairperson of the Academic Staff Mediation Subcommittee and the chairperson of the Academic Staff Council, select replacements.  No person who participated in the decision to lay off or who is a material witness may sit on the hearing committee.

    2. If the hearing committee requests, the chancellor shall provide legal counsel to the hearing committee.  The function of legal counsel shall be to advise the hearing committee, consult with it on legal matters, and carry out such other responsibilities as shall be deter­mined by the hearing committee within policies and procedures approved by the Common Council for hearings under UWSP 12.

  5. The first question to be considered in the review is whether 1 or more of the following factors improperly entered into the decision to lay off:

    1. Conduct, expressions, or beliefs on the staff member’s part which are constitutionally protected or actions which are consistent with an appropriate professional code of ethics.

    2. Employment practices proscribed by applicable state or federal law.

    3. Improper consideration of the qualifications of the staff member.  For the purposes of this section, “improper consideration” occurs if material prejudice resulted from any of the following:

      1. the procedures required by this chapter or by the Board were not fol­lowed;

      2. available data bearing materially on the quality of the staff member’s actual or potential performance were not considered; or

      3. unfounded, arbitrary, or irrelevant assumptions of fact were made about work or conduct.

  6. The academic staff member shall present evidence on whether 1 or more of the factors specified above entered into the decision to lay off.  The hearing committee shall then consider whether the evidence presented establishes a prima facie case that such factor or factors did enter significantly into the layoff decision.  If the hearing committee finds that a prima facie case has not been established, the layoff decision shall be found to have been proper and the hearing shall be ended.  The hearing committee shall report this finding to the chancellor and to the academic staff member.

  7. If the hearing committee finds that prima facie case has been established, the chancellor or a designee shall be entitled to present evidence to support the layoff decision and, thereafter, the academic staff member may present evidence in rebuttal.  On the basis of all the evidence presented, the hearing committee shall make its determination as follows:

    1. The hearing committee shall first consider whether 1 or more of the above specified factors improperly entered into the decision to lay off.  Unless the hearing committee is convinced that such factor or factors did improperly enter into that decision, the hearing commit­tee shall find the decision to have been proper.

    2. If the hearing committee believes that such factor or factors entered into the decision to lay off, then the hearing committee shall find that decision to be improper, unless the hearing ­committee is convinced (1) that there were bona fide program or budgetary reasons, and that the determination of such reasons was made in the manner prescribed by and in accordance with 12.01, and (2) that the decision to lay off the particular academic staff member was in accordance with the provisions of 12.03.

  8. In determining whether bona fide reasons existed for the layoff of the academic staff member concerned, the hearing committee shall presume that the decision to curtail the program was made in good faith and for proper reasons; the hearing committee shall not substitute its judgment or priorities for that of the administration.  However, if evidence has been presented to show that the chancellor’s decision to lay off the person is contrary to the advice provided by the Academic Staff Council pursuant to 12.01 (4) (f), the chancellor or a designee shall present evidence and data in support of the decision to the hearing committee.

  9. The hearing committee shall report its findings and recommendations to the chancellor and to the academic staff member.  If the hearing committee finds that the layoff was improper and so reports to the chancellor and the academic staff member, the chancellor shall review the matter, decide whether the staff member should be laid off, and notify the hearing committee and academic staff member of the decision.  This decision shall be final unless the Board, upon the timely written request of the academic staff member, grants review based on the record.

UWSP 12.06 Review for Fixed Term and Probationary Academic Staff Members.

  1. An academic staff member with a probationary appointment, or one with a fixed term appointment who has served at the university for a period of at least 3 years, who has been designated for layoff shall receive prompt written notification from the chancellor pursuant to 12.03 (4).

  2. Such academic staff members shall have the right to review and hearing pursuant to 12.05.

  3. Nonrenewal, regardless of reasons, is not a layoff under this section.

UWSP 12.07 Layoff Status. 

  1. An academic staff member who has been laid off in accordance with the provisions of this chapter shall, at the end of the appropriate notice period, be placed on layoff status unless the layoff notice has been rescinded prior to that time.  The academic staff member whose notice period has expired and who is placed on layoff status shall remain on layoff status until:

    1. For fixed term and probationary academic staff, 1 of the following occurs:

      1. The appointment expires under its own terms;

      2. The staff member fails to accept an appropriate alternative appointment.

    2. For academic staff on indefinite appointment, 1 of the following occurs:

      1. Reappointment to the position from which laid off.  Failure to accept such reappointment would terminate the staff member’s association with the university.

      2. Acceptance of an alternative continuing position in the university.  Failure to accept an alternate appointment would not terminate the staff member’s association with the university.

      3. Resignation.

      4. Failure by the affected staff member to notify the chancellor not later than December 1 of each year while on layoff status as to his/her location, employment status, and desire to remain on layoff status shall terminate the staff member’s association with the university.

      5. A period of 3 years from the date of layoff elapses.

UWSP 12.08 Alternative Employment.

The university shall devote its best efforts to securing alternative appointments within the institution in positions for which academic staff laid off under this chapter are qualified under existing criteria.  Academic staff on layoff shall be notified of all classified and unclassified vacancies at the university.  In addition, the university shall seek to provide financial assistance for 1 year to those academic staff on indefinite appointment who are designated for layoff, to readapt within the department/unit or operational area or within another department/unit or operational area in the university, where such readaptation is feasible.  Further, the UW System shall devote its best efforts to insure that academic staff members laid off or terminated in any institution shall be made aware of openings within the System.

UWSP 12.09 Reappointment Rights. 

  1. The university shall establish administrative policies and procedures to insure that where layoff or terminations occur under this chapter, no person may be employed in that operational area in the institution within 3 years to perform reasonably comparable duties to those of the staff member laid off without first offering the laid off staff member reappointment without loss of rights or status.  The 3-year period shall be computed from the effective date of layoff as specified in the original notice.

  2. The university shall establish administrative policies and procedures to insure that where layoff of fixed term or probationary staff has occurred under this chapter, and the appointment has expired under its own terms, such appointees shall, for a period of 3 years from the effective date of layoff specified in the original notice, have all reappointment rights under this section provided that the staff member notified the chancellor by December 1 of each year as to his/her location, employment status, and desire to pursue reappointment rights.  Failure to provide such notification shall terminate the staff member’s reappointment rights under this section.

UWSP 12.10 Retention of Salary. 

An academic staff member reappointed to reasonably comparable duties within 3 years after layoff shall be reappointed with a salary at least equivalent to the salary rate when laid off, together with such other rights and privileges which may have accrued at that time.

UWSP 12.11 Rights of Academic Staff Members on Layoff. 

An academic staff member on layoff status in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter has the re­employment rights guaranteed by 12.09 and 12.10 and has the following minimal rights:

  1. Such voluntary participation in fringe benefit programs as is allowed by state regulations and university policies governing laid off employees.

  2. Such continued use of campus facilities as is allowed the academic staff by policies and procedures of the university; and use of departmental/unit facilities as determined by the individual department/unit.

  3. Such participation in department activities as is allowed by guidelines established by the department/unit.

  4. Such participation in university activities as is allowed by the Common Council, except that participation in university governance shall not be allowed.


UWSP 13.01 Complaints.

 The following procedure shall apply to all allegations by persons other than the academic staff member’s supervisor(s), including allegations from the administration, students, academic staff, university staff, faculty, or members of the public concerning conduct by an academic staff member which violates university rules or policies, or which adversely affects the staff member’s performance of duties, and which are serious enough, if true, to warrant disciplinary action short of dismissal.  Complaints which, if true, could lead to dismissal are governed under Chapter UWSP 11.

  1. Disciplinary action means any sanction imposed by the administration including: an official reprimand; a reduction in salary or in a recommended increase in salary, for other than budgetary reasons; a change in assigned duties; a temporary suspension from duties without pay; or any other action against an academic staff member for misconduct.

  2. Academic staff members shall be subject to discipline only for adequate cause, a finding of which must be based upon a determination that the person’s conduct violates university rules or policies or directly and substantially affects adversely the ability to carry out university responsibilities.  Exercise of rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution, by the Constitution of the State of Wisconsin, by Regent action or by UWS rules shall not constitute cause for discipline.

  3. Upon receiving a complaint against an academic staff member, the chancellor or a designee shall act quickly to determine whether sufficient evidence exists which could warrant disciplinary action; if it does not, the complaint shall be dismissed.  If the chancellor or the chancellor’s designee determines that sufficient evidence exists, the chancellor may:

  1. Consult with the academic staff member concerned and reach a mutually acceptable response to the complaint;

  2. Invoke an appropriate disciplinary action if consultation does not produce a mutually acceptable solution.  In this instance a hearing committee appointed by the chairperson of the Academic Staff Mediation Subcommittee shall conduct a hearing at the re­quest of the academic staff member;

  1. Academic staff hired primarily for classroom teaching may elect to file their request with either the Academic Staff Mediation Subcommittee or the Faculty Mediation Subcommittee.  Academic staff wishing to request a hearing under this subsection shall send written notification to the chairperson of the Academic Staff Mediation Subcommittee or, where appropriate, to the chairperson of the Faculty Mediation Subcommittee.

  2. Regardless of which Subcommittee is elected, the academic staff member shall have access to only 1 subcommittee for each case, there shall be only one hearing on any single case, and the hearing shall be conducted under the provisions of this subchapter and the procedures adopted by the Common Council for hearings under UWSP 13.01.

  1. Refer the complaint to the chairperson of the Academic Staff Mediation Subcommittee for a hearing.  If the chancellor or designee refers the case to the Subcommittee, the chancellor or the designee shall immediately notify the academic staff member concerned.

  1. The decision of the administrator on the recommendations from a hearing committee or on the complaint in the absence of a hearing committee recommendation, shall be final, except that the chancellor may, at the chancellor’s option, grant a review on the record.  If the chancellor grants review, the decision of the chancellor shall be final.  The academic staff member shall not again be put in jeopardy for the same alleged misconduct after a final decision.

UWSP 13.02 Grievances. 

  1. Academic staff members who feel that their rights have been violated or that they have been dealt with unfairly, shall first seek a mutually satisfactory resolution of the problem at the department/unit or operational area level, then at the next higher appropriate administrative level, unless the problem initially arises at a higher level.  If a mutually satisfactory resolution cannot be found, a hearing committee appointed by the chairperson of the Academic Staff Mediation Subcommittee shall conduct a hearing at the request of the academic staff member. The Academic Staff Mediation Subcommittee Chair or designee will act as the impartial hearing officer as required by Wis. Stat. 36.115 (4) and Wis. Stat. 230.44(1)(c) and 230.445 at the request of the academic staff member.

  1. ​Academic staff hired primarily for classroom teaching may elect to file their request with either the Academic Staff Mediation Subcommittee or the Faculty Mediation Subcommittee. 

  2. Every request for a hearing shall be in writing and addressed to the chairperson of the Academic Staff Mediation Subcommittee or, where appropriate, to the chairperson of the Faculty Mediation Subcommittee.  A request for hearing must be received by the chairperson of the Subcommittee not later than 60 days after the occurrence of the action which precipitated the grievance.

  3. Regardless of which Subcommittee is elected, the academic staff member shall have access to only 1 subcommittee for each case; there shall be only one hearing on any single case; and the hearing shall be conducted under the provisions of this subchapter and the procedures adopted by the Common Council for hearings under UWSP 13.02.

  1. After the conclusion of the hearing, the hearing committee shall recommend to the chancellor a solution to the grievance and shall transmit a written report of its findings and recommendations to the academic staff member, the chancellor, and other appropriate individuals.

  1. The recommendations of the hearing committee become the decision of the chancellor within 30 days of the receipt of the committee’s report by the chancellor unless the chancellor modifies the recommendation.

  1. If the chancellor contemplates a decision substantially different from the recommendations of the committee, the chancellor shall afford the committee an opportunity to discuss the report and the chancellor’s proposed decision before written notification of decision to the grievant.

  2. The chancellor shall send written notification of decision to the grievant, the chairperson of the hearing committee, and to other appropriate parties within 30 days of the receipt of the committee’s report.

  3. The decision of the chancellor shall be final on such matters except that the Board may, at its option, grant a review on the record, at the request of the grievant or the hearing committee.


Grievance Procedures for Academic Staff  

Dismissal for Cause Procedures for Academic Staff

Related Documents

UWS 13

Wis. Stat. § 36.115(4)

Wis. Stat. § 36.115(6)

Wis. Stat. § Chapter 230

Wis. Stat. § 230.44(1)(c)

Wis. Stat. § 230.445

Policy History

Draft revision 12/2/19