Feb 24, 2025  
Fall 2025 Catalog 
Fall 2025 Catalog

Academic Information for Graduate Study

Academic Standards and Probation for Graduate Study

You must maintain at least a B average (3.00 grade point average) to remain in good standing in a graduate program. Graduate regular students who fail to maintain at least a B average will be placed on probation. You must raise your overall grade point average to a B or better with the next 9 graduate credits you take. While on academic probation you cannot carry a graduate assistantship appointment or be admitted to candidacy for a degree. If you fail to raise the overall grade point, you will be dropped from your degree program and will be automatically reclassified as a graduate non degree-seeking student.

Grades of C will be accepted in no more than 8 of the 30 credits that apply toward a degree. Coursework with a grade below C may not be used to satisfy graduate degree requirements. You may not repeat a course unless you get approval from the dean of the college offering the course. For courses taken at this university, only the credit and grade earned in your second attempt will be figured into your grade point average, but the original grades are not taken off your record. If you plan to repeat a course, contact your Program Director for approval prior to registering.

If you need to take extra credits to raise your grade point average, you may take only 6 credits beyond the 30 credit minimum requirements for the degree.

Incomplete and Pass/Fail Grades. You must remove a grade of incomplete before the end of the next semester. If not, it automatically becomes a failure unless it is a culminating experience course. Normally courses with pass/fail grades do not apply to a graduate degree program. For exceptions, see the description of individual graduate degree programs.

Academic Progress Standards for Grad Students Receiving Financial Aid

You will maintain satisfactory academic progress for financial aid eligibility if you receive grades of A-C in 75 percent of the total graduate semester hours for which you are enrolled at UW-Stevens Point.

Your academic progress is determined each year in June. If you are not making satisfactory academic progress, you will be ineligible to receive financial aid until such time as you earn a sufficient number of credits to be making satisfactory academic progress. Additional conditions apply:

  1. “Total graduate semester hours for which enrolled” is defined as all the graduate credits for which you receive a grade of A, B, C, D, F, I, GP, P, W, or WF. Plus and minus grades are included.
  2. These standards are applied after you have accumulated 9 or more “semester hours enrolled.”
  3. Incomplete grades in thesis courses are excluded.
  4. Transfer credits are excluded.
  5. According to federal regulations, you are no longer eligible for financial aid after you attempt more than 48 graduate credits for a master’s degree.
  6. If you re-enter after being out of school one or more semesters, you must be making satisfactory academic progress at the time you re-enter in order to qualify for financial aid.
  7. If you are ineligible for financial aid due to unsatisfactory academic progress, you may appeal to the dean of your college for special consideration if you feel your lack of progress is due to extenuating circumstances.

Active/Inactive Status

Admission to a graduate program is usually granted to begin graduate coursework in a specific term (semester or summer session). If you delay your enrollment beyond the specific term of your admission (or if your admission letter does not include a specific term of admission), contact the Office of Admissions and Recruitment to find out what will be needed to enroll in a future term.

If you do not earn any graduate credit for a period of five consecutive terms, you will be considered inactive and must be readmitted before enrolling. Inactive students who reapply must meet admission standards and degree requirements that are in effect at the time of readmission.


The courses approved for graduate credit are listed in the undergraduate Course Information  section of this catalog by academic department. All courses in your approved Program of Study will be in the 500-999 group. You must have graduate standing to take courses 700 and above.

When you take dual numbered courses (300/500 and 400/600) as a graduate student you must meet at least one additional qualitative objective beyond the requirements for the undergraduate students in the same course. This might be a research project with a written and/or oral report, a term paper, a seminar or presentation given to the class, a product that can be used in class and shared with others, an essay or oral examination instead of an objective examination, etc. These additional qualitative objectives should be included in the course syllabus.

In addition, faculty members teaching dual numbered courses should use instruction methods that involve dialogue, student discussion/presentation. Where this is not feasible for the entire class, there should be additional discussion/seminar sessions for graduate students.

Coursework Criteria/Graduate Level

  1. Graduate coursework has a greater level of academic/ intellectual rigor, is more specialized, and requires significantly greater depth and intensity of study than does UW-Stevens Point undergraduate coursework.
  2. Graduate coursework involves a balance of theory and practice. Some courses in a master’s program will place more emphasis on theory while others will emphasize practice.
  3. The methods of instruction in graduate courses reflect a high level of personal interaction between the instructor and individual students. This requires small graduate course sections, regular and personalized advising, and interactive teaching methods.
  4. Graduate coursework requires more student self-directed learning than found in undergraduate courses and requires extensive use of learning resources that include but are not limited to library resources, laboratories, and computer facilities.
  5. Graduate coursework focuses on advanced disciplinary content, usually an extension of what was presented at the undergraduate level. When graduate work serves an introductory function, it introduces content that is not offered at the undergraduate level but is dependent upon understandings acquired at the lower level. However, introductory graduate coursework may also be used in an accelerated way to create a basic background for an individual with an undergraduate degree in another field or who lacks background from undergraduate preparation.
  6. All graduate coursework should contribute to degree program goals.
  7. Grades assigned in graduate courses distinguish between levels of achievement at the graduate level.
  8. Graduate courses should only be taught by graduate faculty or by those with similar qualifications. Evidence of graduate level coursework should be present in the form of specific, additional assignments when part of a slash (300/500 or 400/600) course.

Credit Load and Limitations

You should register for credit any time you use the physical or personnel resources of the university to fulfill the requirements of your degree program. You can register on a per credit basis when you are doing research and/or working on a project, paper, or thesis at UW-Stevens Point. The instructor or graduate adviser determines the number of credits according to the scope of the project.

The normal graduate course load for a semester is 9 to 12 credits. If you register for 9 or more credits you are considered a full-time graduate student. Undergraduate credits count when determining your credit load. Once you have completed all degree requirements except for your thesis, we consider you full time for one semester while you work on your thesis.

You may register for no more than 15 credits during the semester and no more than 9 credits (6 credits in any four week period) for the summer session. If there are exceptional circumstances, you can appeal to the dean of your college for permission to carry more than the maximum load. To do this you will need to submit an overload form for your dean’s signature BEFORE you register for the overload. You will not be allowed to register unless your overload has had prior approval.

The normal graduate course load for the eight week summer session is 6 credits (3 credits in each four week term or 6 credits in the eight week term). If you register for 5 or more credits in the summer, you are considered a full-time graduate student. You may register for up to 9 credits in the summer. However, be aware that the concentrated nature of summer courses with the extra commitment of time and energy places a strain on your academic performance. Taking more than 6 credits in summer is not advised.

If you are supported by a full-time assistantship, we expect you to devote at least half of your time to your assistantship duties. Therefore, you should enroll for a maximum of 9 credits per semester.

You do not need to be registered during the semester of your graduation. However, some programs require you to be enrolled in thesis or project credits each semester in order to maintain your status as a degree candidate. If your last semester only involves completing your thesis, you may enroll in RSCH 798  with the approval of your graduate adviser and graduate program coordinator. This zero credit “course” will allow you to use email, retain graduate student library privileges, and postpone federal loan payments. Or if necessary, the registrar will write a letter certifying that your thesis work involves at least 50 percent of your time.

Culminating Experience for Graduate Study

You must successfully complete a culminating experience. The individual colleges or departments determine the nature of this experience subject to approval by the Graduate Council. Examples of experiences meeting this requirement include: thesis, seminar paper, oral and/or written comprehensive examination, clinical paper or semester, integrative course, exhibition, or recital. Most programs will require more than one of these experiences.

Degree Completion Time Limit

All credits accepted toward a degree, including transfer credits, must be earned within a seven-year period. The time period starts with the beginning of the term in which the first course approved for your program of study was taken. For example: You are accepted into a UW-Stevens Point graduate program in fall 2007. Part of your approved plan of study for your master’s degree includes a course taken in spring 2005. Thus, your seven-year time period to complete the degree starts with the beginning of the spring 2005 semester, NOT the semester in which you were accepted into your graduate program.

Drop/Add Procedure

Go to the Academic Policies section of this catalog for drop/add (change of registration) instructions.

Employed Students

If you are employed, you should consider the time demands of your job when planning an academic program. Certain fellowships, assistantships, and scholarships specifically limit other employment. You have the obligation to learn these restrictions and abide by them if you receive one of these awards. As a graduate student at UW-Stevens Point, you are considered a student first. Employment within or outside of the university is of secondary consideration when determining the time devoted to the academic program.

Fees Assessments for Graduate Credits

Graduate fees are assessed for graduate credits. Undergraduate fees are assessed for all undergraduate credits.

If you wish to take graduate courses as an undergraduate, complete the Undergraduate/Graduate Split Program Status E-form found in your Forms Tile in accesSPoint. You pay graduate fees for graduate credits taken during the split program period. Please note there is no guarantee that these credits will be accepted into a master’s program.

General Requirements for Master’s Degrees and Doctorate Degrees

  • Have a maximum of 9 credits completed at the time of admission.
  • Complete a minimum of 30 credits in graduate courses.
  • Take at least 15 credits in courses numbered 700 and above.
  • Have an approved Program of Study on file with your adviser and the graduate coordinator of your department, school, or college before you complete 15 credit hours toward the degree.
  • Maintain a minimum overall grade point average (GPA) of 3.00.
  • Apply no more than 6 credits total in special topics courses and independent study courses toward your master’s degree.
  • Successfully complete a culminating experience.

All credits accepted toward a degree, including transfer credits, must be earned within a seven-year period. The time period starts with the beginning of the term in which the first course approved for your Program of Study was taken. For example: You are accepted into a UW-Stevens Point graduate program in fall 2007. Part of your approved plan of study for your master’s degree includes a course taken in spring 2005. Thus, your seven-year time period to complete the degree starts with the beginning of the spring 2005 semester, NOT the semester in which you were accepted into your graduate program.

Requirements for All Master of Science in Teaching (MST) Degrees

In addition to the general requirements of all master’s degrees, the MST degree has the following requirements:

  • Be eligible for teacher certification in your area of specialization (biology, English, history) in Wisconsin or another state.
  • Complete a minimum of 30 graduate credits distributed among:
    Group I: Major area of specialization, 18-24 credits. These courses provide additional depth in your teaching field and increase familiarity with new knowledge, problems, and trends.
    Group II: Professional education, 6-9 credits. These courses enhance your understanding of education and improve performance in the art of teaching.
    Group III: Liberal studies, 0-6 credits. These courses are taken outside the content area of your specialization and broaden your knowledge and outlook.
  • Complete, at minimum, the equivalent of a major in your area of specialization at the completion of the graduate program.
  • Have a minimum grade point average of 3.00 in your area of specialization at the time of graduation.

Grading Standards

According to Graduate Study policy:

A Indicates superior work.
B Indicates satisfactory but undistinguished work.
C Indicates work below the standard expected of graduate students.
D/F Clearly indicates unsatisfactory work and does not apply toward your degree.
GP Indicates thesis and thesis-like courses in progress.

Graduation Requirements & Deadlines

You may apply for graduation online through your Graduation Tile in accesSPoint. Submit an application before the start of your last semester. Complete all requirements by the end of your graduation term. There is a onetime degree completion fee of $80.00.

You should check with your adviser and graduate program coordinator by the middle of your last term to be sure your file is complete except for the elements you know are outstanding, e.g., current courses, thesis approval, etc.

Since there are no August or January commencements, you may choose to participate in the prior May or following December ceremonies. Notify the Graduation Auditor at least one full semester before the commencement ceremony you wish to be in to allow time to include your name in the program.

Incompletes - Graduate Study

A grade of incomplete indicates that you have done satisfactory work in the course, but because of circumstances beyond your control, you have been unable to finish all requirements. The incomplete is not given to enable you to do additional work to bring up a deficient grade. A grade of incomplete must be removed before the end of the next semester. Except for culminating experience courses, if the incomplete is not removed within that time, it automatically becomes a failure.

Program of Study

You and your graduate adviser jointly develop a Program of Study that is primarily a listing of courses and other experiences that will be required for your degree. It is personally designed for you, taking into account previous academic strengths and weaknesses as well as your career goals. This plan is outlined on the Program of Study form that, once approved, becomes a contract-like agreement between you and the university. It is important that this agreement be made before you have accumulated 15 credits, since it is intended to be a realistic plan and defines all requirements necessary to complete your degree.

The Program of Study may include courses, both graduate and undergraduate, that are designed to add to your expertise or to correct deficiencies. These are in addition to the minimum of 30 graduate credits required of graduate-level degree candidates. The Program of Study also lists when courses are to be taken, the tentative title and completion date of the thesis or product, tentative dates for final examination and graduation, etc.

You may make minor changes in your approved Program of Study with the approval of your graduate adviser in consultation with the graduate committee members. Major changes such as course substitutions, changing of committee members, changing from thesis to nonthesis, etc. require formal concurrence of you, your major professor, your graduate committee, and the graduate coordinator of your department, school, or college.

Registration Information

For current registration procedures, go to the Office of the Registrar “Registration” page (www.uwsp.edu/regrec/Pages/registration.aspx). Click on “Register for Classes.” Registration instructions for off-campus and credit-outreach courses are available from Continuing Education and Outreach. See www.uwsp.edu/conted for more information.

Schedule of Classes

Be sure to check the online Schedule of Classes available from the Office of the Registrar website. Click on “Class Search” to view available courses listed by term. Note that not all of the courses listed in the catalog are offered each semester. You should consult the Schedule of Classes and your Program Director when planning for registration in any given term.

Second Master’s Degree

If you have earned a graduate degree from UW-Stevens Point and wish to pursue another degree, you must submit a new application for admission. Normally, you do not need to furnish transcripts or other credentials previously submitted. Check with the Office of Admissions and Recruitment to be certain that your records are complete. Credits earned for one degree usually cannot be used to satisfy requirements for a second degree.

The Thesis

Some degree plans require a thesis. After you select a research topic, submit a proposal to your graduate adviser briefly describing what you want to do and how you plan to do it. Your graduate adviser and thesis committee review your proposal, determine how many credits (up to 6) you earn for the thesis, and approve or reject your proposal.

A thesis is a formal written work and should follow the standards of the style manual preferred by your program. Also consult the Graduate Study Thesis Manual and your graduate adviser for proper format. If you are working on your thesis the equivalent of half time and not enrolled in other classes, you may enroll in RSCH 798   with the approval of your graduate adviser and graduate program coordinator. This zero credit “course” will allow you to use email, retain graduate student library privileges, and postpone federal loan payments.

As a degree candidate, you defend your thesis in an open, public oral examination at least 30 days before you expect to graduate. Your thesis committee conducts the exam.

You must deposit a bound and an electronic copy of your thesis at the University Library in order to complete your degree. The library provides a service for binding your thesis at a nominal cost.


See Programs & Services .

Transferring Graduate Credits

UW-Stevens Point does not automatically accept transfer graduate credits from other institutions. You must submit a Graduate Transfer Credit E-form (found in your Forms tile in accesSPoint) for approval of such credits. While credits taken prior to admission to a graduate degree program may be considered at the discretion of the coordinator of that program, in most cases you should obtain approval for any transfer credit PRIOR to taking those courses. The graduate coordinator for each program will determine the acceptability of transfer credits using the following criteria:

  • The course must be from an institution regionally accredited at the graduate level.
  • You must have taken the course for graduate credit at the offering institution.
  • The course must be acceptable toward fulfilling degree requirements at the institution offering the course.
  • The format and number of contact minutes (minimum of 800 minutes instructional time per credit) must be at least as rigorous as those for UW-Stevens Point grad courses.
  • One credit hour per week is accepted.
  • The course may not be a correspondence and/or mass media course, independent study course, or from extension divisions outside the UW System. Continuing Education Units (CEUs) are not equivalent degree credits and are not transferable.
  • The amount of graduate credits transferred into a program is determined by each individual graduate program.
  • You must have earned grades of A, B, or equivalent.
  • You may not transfer credit applied toward another degree that you have already obtained.

If your graduate coordinator determines that the transfer course meets these minimum criteria, she/he may:

  • Accept the transfer course and have the credits apply toward your Program of Study.
  • Accept the transfer course as an addition to the normal 30-credit Program of Study.
  • Accept the course as either applying to your degree plan or as an addition to the degree plan, but at a reduced credit level if the course does not meet UW-System’s contact-hour-per-credit standards.

You must complete a Graduate Transfer Credit E-form (found in your Forms tile in accesSPoint) for approval before graduate credits from any institution other than UW-Stevens Point can be considered. Submit the Graduate Transfer Credit E-form upon successful completion of the transfer course. Your E-form must include (1) a copy of the catalog course description, and (2) a course syllabus (if available).

An official transcript showing successful completion of the course must be on file with the UW-Stevens Point Admissions Office or your Program Director at the time of the E-form submission.

After your graduate coordinator approves the transfer credit E-form, the Office of the Registrar will update your record accordingly and you will be notified when this is completed.

Continuing Education and Outreach

(also see Programs & Services  section of catalog)

Room 032 Main Building
Hours: 8:00 am-4:30 pm, Monday-Friday
Phone: 715-346-3838 or 800-898-9472
Web: www.uwsp.edu/conted

Online Collaborative Degree and Certificate Programs:  Fully online, semester-based programs at both the undergraduate and graduate level taught in partnership with various University of Wisconsin campuses through UW Extended Campus.  They offer quality education for personal and professional development of returning adult and/or graduate students.

Withdrawing from Classes

When you withdraw, you terminate your complete registration for the semester. To withdraw, complete the Term Cancellation/Withdrawal E-form found in your Forms Tile in accesSPoint. If you stop attending classes and do not officially withdraw, you will be considered as still registered and receive a grade of F for each of your classes. Please see the section on Academic Policies  earlier in this Catalog for more information.