Oct 18, 2024  
2014-2015 Catalog 
2014-2015 Catalog FINAL VERSION - Closed for Revisions

World Languages and Literatures

Richard Ruppel, Chair
Room 490A, Collins Classroom Center
Phone: 715-346-4410
Email: wlang@uwsp.edu
Web: www.uwsp.edu/forlang

This department is in the College of Letters and Science .

Faculty: E Armacanqui Tapacti, T Barske, D Breining, R Craig-Odders, V Klekovkina, K Leek, T Leek, M Mace, M Olsen, A Runnion, R Ruppel, R Sarma-Traynor, A Toumi.

The Department of World Languages and Literatures offers courses in Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Hmong, Japanese, Latin, Russian, and Spanish, Comparative Literature, and teaching English as a second language.

Placement/Advanced Standing

When you enter UW-Stevens Point as a freshman or transfer student and elect to take courses in French, German, Russian, or Spanish, you are required to take the UW System placement examination. It works out best if you make arrangements with your guidance office to take this exam before your assigned registration day.

After you take the exam you will be placed in the appropriate world language course according to the following rules.

  1. On the basis of the exam the department will grant up to 16 credits for foreign language courses you completed in high school. Then you must complete the course into which you are placed with a grade of B- or better to receive the retroactive credits.
  2. The department may also grant credit for language proficiency you have gained through nonacademic means. After you take the placement exam you must complete the course into which you are placed with a grade of B- or better to receive credit for prerequisite courses which you have not taken formally.

Please realize that the department will not recommend granting credit for high school work or other language proficiency until AFTER you have completed a world language course on this campus.

There may be other situations where students who demonstrate proficiency in world language will be placed in the appropriate world language course by the department.

Foreign Language Concentration in the Business Administration Major (French, German, Spanish)

See Business and Economics .

The area of concentration in a foreign language provides a cross-cultural experience for students planning to work in international or multicultural environments. The area of concentration emphasizes practical language skills and knowledge of appropriate cultural forms and behavior.

Comparative Literature

Richard Ruppel, Coordinator
Room 490, Collins Classroom Center
Phone: 715-346-3036
Email: forlang@uwsp.edu OR rruppel@uwsp.edu

Test-Out and Credit-by-Exam Policy for Comparative Literature

You may apply for test-out or credit-by-exam for comparative literature courses which carry general degree requirement (GEP) credit. The instructor who most recently offered the course will prepare, administer, and grade a comprehensive written exam on the material covered in the course. If you receive a B- or better on the written exam you may test-out of the GEP requirement. To be eligible for credit-by-exam you must receive a grade of B or higher on the written exam, earn a grade of B or higher on an 8-10 page paper on a literary topic covered in the course, and receive the positive recommendation of the department. Six credits maximum earned from credit-by-exam may count toward the comparative literature minor.

Academic Standards (Teaching) for the Department of World Languages and Literatures

  1. Student Teaching: The chair of the Department of World Languages and Literatures and the director of the Office of Field Experiences approve student teaching programs. You register for FLED 398  (1- 8 credits), FLED 400  (1-2 credits), and receive an assignment at the grade level for which you are seeking certification.
  2. Professional Education Program: Requirements for the Professional Education Program are listed in the Education  section earlier in this catalog.

Academic Standards (Nonteaching) for the Department of World Languages and Literatures

To graduate with a nonteaching major or minor in the Department of World Languages and Literatures, you must have a 2.0 cumulative GPA in all courses for the major/minor, including transfer courses, regardless of any declaration of academic bankruptcy. See the Grade-related Policies  section of this catalog for the course repeat policy.

Courses in world languages are open to all students who meet the prerequisites. If you are not accepted into teacher certification programs, you must have written consent from the chair to enroll in teaching methods courses.

Comparative Literature Latent Courses: Not offered recently. See full course description in indicated (xx-xx) catalog.

101 Masterpieces of the Western World, 3 cr, (03-05)
317 Novel before 1850, 3 cr, (01-03)
324 Literature and the Arts, 3 cr, (07-09)
550 Special Problems, 2-3 cr, (87-89)
399 Special Work, (01-03)
Last appeared in the 83-85 catalog: 231 Tragedy, 232 Comedy, 240 Bible, 250 Asian, 251 Asian Fiction, 252 Asian Drama, 253 Asian Poetry, 300 Classical Poetry, 301 Classical Prose, 302 Medieval, 303 Renaissance.

Foreign Language Latent Courses: Not offered recently. See full course description in indicated (xx-xx) catalog.

299 Independent Study, 1- 4 cr, (11-13)
499 Independent Study, 1-4 cr, (07-09)

Foreign Language Education Latent Courses: Not offered recently. See full course description in indicated (xx-xx) catalog.

533 Teaching Second Languages, 3 cr, (11-13)
733 Workshop in Second Language Education, 1-3 cr, (11-13)

Chinese Latent Courses: Not offered recently. See full course description in indicated (xx-xx) catalog.

300; 301. Continuing Chinese, 4 cr, (07-09)

Menominee Latent Courses: Not offered recently. See full course description in indicated (xx-xx) catalog.

101 Beginning Menominee Language, 4 cr, (93-95)
102 Beginning Menominee Language, 4 cr, (93-95)

Polish Latent Courses: Not offered recently. See full course description in indicated (xx-xx) catalog.

211 Second Year Polish, 4 cr, (97-99)
212 Second Year Polish, 4 cr, (97-99)
293 Specialized Studies in Polish, 1-3 cr, (97-99)
300 Continuing Polish, 4 cr, (97-99)
301 Continuing Polish, 4 cr, (97-99)

Russian Latent Courses: Not offered recently. See full course description in indicated (xx-xx) catalog.

216 Continuing Russian, 4 cr, (07-09)
316 Continuing Russian, 4 cr, (07-09)
360 19th Century Literature, 3 cr, (01-03)
370 20th Century Literature, 3 cr, (01-03)
381 Russian Culture and Civilization, 3 cr, (01-03)
493 Specialized Studies in Russian Literature, 1-3 cr, (01-03)
499 Independent Study, 1-4 cr, (01-03)

Spanish Latent Courses: Not offered recently. See full course description in indicated (xx-xx) catalog.

451/651 Cervantes, 3 cr, (01-03
460 19th Century Spanish Literature, 3 cr, (03-05)
470/670 20th Century Spanish Literature. 2-3 cr, (07-09)
471 20th Century Spanish-American Literature, 2-3 cr (07-09)




      ArabicChineseComparative LiteratureForeign Language

      See also listing under Courses in Foreign Language Education, below.

      Foreign Language EducationFrenchGermanHmongHungarianJapaneseLatinPolishRussianSpanishPage: 1 | 2