Feb 12, 2025  
Fall 2020 Catalog 
Fall 2020 Catalog FINAL VERSION - Closed for Revisions

Health Promotion and Human Development

Corey Huck, Head of the School of Health Promotion and Human Development
Room 101, College of Professional Studies Building
Phone: 715-346-2515
Email: hphd@uwsp.edu
Web: www.uwsp.edu/hphd

This school is in the College of Professional Studies .

Faculty: T Aittama, K Damrow, C Huck, B Krolczyk, C Li, K Schoonaert, S Scovill, J Steinmetz, D Tang, S Turgeson, S Wall, A Wetter, T Wetter.

Adjunct Support: T Akins, M Goetsch, A Hagel, J Horay, T Kuckkahn, D Lafler, K Rauter-Egge, B Rotering, L Wiebe, A Wirkus

COL = Community & Organizational Leadership
CYFS = Child, Youth & Family Studies
ECED = Early Childhood Education
FCS = Family and Consumer Sciences
FN = Food and Nutrition
HD = Human Development
HP = Health Promotion
HPW = Health Promotion and Wellness
HWM - Health and Wellness Management
SFN = Sustainable Food and Nutrition
SHP = Safety and Health Protection
WLNS = Wellness

Child Life Specialist Preparation Certificate

Contact: Becky Konietzki
Room 242A, College of Professional Studies
Phone: 715-346-3233
Email: BKonietz@uwsp.edu

Description: This certificate is ideal for you if you are seeking a career as Child Life Specialists and helps you meet the first, academic, steps towards certification. It is also beneficial if you are seeking skills and understanding that can be employed in a variety of settings such as hospitals, child advocacy centers, schools, camp and bereavement programs, women’s shelters, hospice, trauma centers and more. Students from any major may complete the certificate which is particularly well suited if you are pursuing a major in Family & Consumer Sciences Child Life and Family Studies.

Using the national Association of Child Life Professionals (ACLP) academic eligibility requirements as a guide this certificate encompasses the 10 required course content areas. Each of the courses in our program has been pre-approved by ACLP helping to expedite child life course verification as part of the eligibility assessment requirements needed to qualify to sit for the national examination.

This certificate by itself does not qualify you to work or identify yourself as a Certified Child Life Specialist. It is designed to meet the mandatory academic requirements designated by ACLP. Additional requirements are needed for full certification such as volunteer hours in and out of medical settings, practicum(s), internship(s), and completion of the national exam. See the national ACLP website at childlife.org for a comprehensive list of all requirements to become an official Certified Child Life Specialist.


Definition: When you complete an approved program in dietetics, you gain the foundation knowledge in the field of food and nutrition. Students who meet the minimum academic requirements to obtain a verification statement qualify for application to a dietetic internship program. When you complete an accredited dietetic internship and graduate, you are eligible to write the registration examination to become a registered dietitian.

Accreditation: The dietetics program at UW-Stevens Point is granted accreditation by the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 120 South Riverside Plaza, Suite 2000, Chicago IL 60606, 312-899-0040. This professional organization for dietetics practitioners is the advocate of the dietetics profession, serving the public through the promotion of optimal nutrition, health and well-being.

Academic Standards for the Dietetics Major
  1. You must maintain a 2.75 cumulative GPA through graduation. Transfer students must have a 2.75 cumulative GPA to enter.
  2. You must earn a B+ or better in FN 253 and a C- or better in CHEM 260 to continue in the dietetics major.
  3. To be eligible for a verification statement, you must meet all ACEND competencies and earn a B- or better in all FN 400-level courses.

Dietetics, B.S. + M.S. (4 + 1 Track)

This is an option for early application into either one of the two graduate programs offered by the School of Health Promotion and Human Development:

If you are completing semester 4 of your undergraduate program in dietetics, you can apply by April 1 of that year into the B.S. + M.S. (4+1 track).  You should discuss your suitability for the accelerated track with your academic advisor prior to submitting an application.  Acceptance into the (4+1 track) requires completion of your B.S.

B.S. + M.S. (4+1 Track) Eligibility:
  • Undergraduate cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher
  • Completed application form (Application for accelerated BS-BA-MS FN programs ) of intent that describes academic experience, interests for graduate study, and future plans following graduate school
  • If you are not accepted, you can continue with the 4-year dietetics plan

Family and Consumer Sciences

Ideal for you if you are interested in helping individuals and families using a family lens. Typical graduates pursue a wide variety of careers helping children, youth, and families in community agencies and settings, including child life specialist. With additional graduate education, you can further broaden your options such as working in student affairs or as a marriage and family therapist (MFT).

Notes for Teacher Certification option
  1. See information about the Professional Education Program in the Education section of this catalog, and information about the Secondary Education for teacher certification in the Secondary/K-12 Education Curriculum for Teacher Certification  section of this catalog.
  2. To graduate with a major in family and consumer sciences (teacher certification option) you must meet the requirements for eligibility to student teach before you register for student teaching. You must achieve a 2.75 overall GPA and earn a grade of “pass” in all areas of student teaching in order to graduate.
  3. Before you can apply to the School of Education for the teacher certification option you must be currently enrolled in or have completed FCS 190 .
Notes for Child Life & Family Studies option

The child life & family studies option should be declared in the HPHD advising center. This option is for you if you are seeking certification as a teacher, but you want to work with children and families in a variety of community agency settings or in other more specialized areas such as child life specialists and marriage and family therapists (MFT).

Academic standards: To graduate with a major in the family and consumer sciences (child life & family studies option) you must achieve a 2.75 overall GPA for all coursework utilized to satisfy graduation requirements.

Financial Literacy Certificate

Susan Turgeson, Coordinator
Room 236, College of Professional Studies
Phone: 715-346-2263
Email: sturgeso@uwsp.edu

Description: The Financial Literacy Certificate is awarded upon successful completion of a series of courses that center on competence and proficiency in personal financial well-being. Valued by community organizations and public schools, the certificate demonstrates expertise in personal finance and prepares individuals to educate and assist others in achieving financial goals.

Health and Wellness Management (HWM)

Enrollment requirements:

  1. This degree completion program is designed for students who already have some college credits or a liberal arts-based associate degree. All 21 courses of the curriculum are required. Because of the unique nature of the program, all other courses may not be substituted for courses in the HWM curriculum, and there are no electives.
  2. Admission Requirements: You are eligible for admission to this degree if you have completed at least 60 semester credits of transferable coursework with a 2.0 or better grade point average (GPA).
  3. Application: Because the HWM degree is an online program, you must apply by using the University of Wisconsin System Online Admission Application https://apply.wisconsin.edu. Indicate UW-Stevens Point as your home campus and send your transcripts to the UW-Stevens Point Office of Admissions and Recruitment. For complete details about the program, including dates, applications procedures, etc., visit http://hwm.wisconsin.edu. Email questions to hwm@uwex.edu. If you are a current UW-Stevens Point student, you do not need to complete the University of Wisconsin System Online Admission Application, but you may change your major to HWM after consulting with the UW-Stevens Point HWM adviser and if program admission requirements are met. Email the Health Promotion and Human Development department office for contact information for the current HWM adviser. hphd@uwsp.edu.
  4. All applicants must have a 2.0 GPA from prior college coursework. To graduate with the Bachelor of Science degree in Health and Wellness Management you must complete all 21 HWM courses, all UW-Stevens Point general education requirements, and achieve an overall GPA of 2.5.
  5. Tuition for courses in the HWM program differs from the standard UW-Stevens Point tuition. For the current tuition rate visit http://hwm.wisconsin.edu/program-information/tuition.aspx.

Health Promotion and Wellness

Definition: The health promotion and wellness (HPW) major will train you to facilitate behavior change, promote healthy lifestyles, and deliver quality programming.

Accreditation: The UW-Stevens Point Health Promotion/Wellness program is accredited by the National Wellness Institute (NWI).

Premajor: When you declare the HPW major you become a premajor. The staff of the HPHD advising center will be your adviser.

Major: Acceptance to the HPW major is a competitive process which involves an application and requires a 2.50 overall GPA (for transfer students, the cumulative GPA earned at your previous institution will be used). Application materials, procedures, and dates are available in the HPHD advising center.

  • Full acceptance: Completion of all Foundational Level GEP courses, all courses required as “Premajor requirements” in the major , and selection by the HPW application review committee.
  • Conditional acceptance: You may be conditionally accepted without completion of the second group of required Premajor courses mentioned above. Full acceptance will be granted upon successful completion (“C” or better) of those courses.
  • 300 and 400-Level HPW Courses: If you are not “fully” accepted into the major, you will not be allowed to take 300 and 400-level HPW courses.
  • Admittance appeal: If you are not admitted into the HPW program, you may reapply in subsequent semesters. You may appeal a denial. Contact the HPHD advising center for appeal procedures. The HPHD appeals committee reviews and acts on your appeal letter.

Graduation standards: To graduate with the HPW major you must maintain a 2.5 overall GPA.

Emphasis in Health and Wellness Coaching in Health Promotion/Wellness Major

The Health and Wellness Coaching Emphasis is recognition of the special set of competencies needed to help clients make and maintain healthy changes. You will have acquired a body of knowledge in exercise and nutrition, theory of change, and demonstrated specific skills in health and wellness behavior change coaching.

This emphasis is valued by employers in the fields of Health Promotion and in Medicine, in the specialty of health risk reduction. For more information on the specific requirements, make an appointment with the HPHD advising office.

Health Science Education Certificate

Susan Turgeson, Coordinator
Room 236, College of Professional Studies
Phone: 715-346-2263
Email: sturgeso@uwsp.edu

Description: The Health Science Education Certificate is awarded upon successful completion of a series of courses that center on competence and proficiency in teaching health science courses at the middle or high school level. The certificate demonstrates expertise in health science topics and curricular foundations and prepares individuals to educate middle and high school students in the health science career cluster and related pathways.

Sustainable Food and Nutrition

Definition: The B.A. in Sustainable Food and Nutrition (SFN) prepares graduates to support sustainable food systems that address nutritional needs and preventable diet-related health conditions, working primarily within communities to ensure meaningful connections among regional food economies, natural resources stewardship, and health and wellness. The goal of the program is to provide you with a structured set of educational experiences that will develop student competencies in terms of critical thinking, problem-solving, systems analysis, inter-cultural knowledge, tolerance and respect, and community development. The SFN major directly attends to three focus areas by partnering with community and private entities to foster a resilient regional food system that will promote healthy nutrition and a diversified economy and also build upon the sustainable leveraging of natural resources to further the agricultural legacy of the Central Wisconsin region. The program emphasizes principles and practices in sustainability through required coursework in natural resources, local food systems, and community nutrition. Practicum experiences in community organizations will build critical thinking and creative problem solving skills.

To graduate from UWSP with the SFN degree, students must earn a minimum of 120 credits, satisfy all major requirements and complete the General Education Program (GEP) requirements.

Academic Standards for the Sustainable Food and Nutrition Major
  1. You must maintain a 2.75 cumulative GPA through graduation. Transfer students must have a 2.75 cumulative GPA to enter.
  2. The following course satisfies Experiential Learning: FN 456 .
  3. The following courses satisfy Communication in the Major: FN 393  and FN 456 .
  4. The following course satisfies Capstone Experience: FN 438 .

Sustainable Food and Nutrition, B.A. + M.S. (3 + 2 Track)

There is an option for early application into either one of the two graduate programs offered by the School of Health Promotion and Human Development, Sustainable and Resilient Food Systems, M.S.  (SRFS) or Community & Organizational Leadership, M.S.  (COL).

If you are completing semester 4 of your undergraduate program in SFN, you can apply by April 1 of that year into the B.A. and M.S. 3+2 track. You should discuss your suitability for the accelerated track with your academic advisor prior to submitting an application. Successful students accepted into the 3+2 track will not be able to officially apply for admission into one of the graduate programs until completion of their B.A., by the July 1 deadline for fall admission.

B.A. + M.S. (3+2 Track) Eligibility:
  • Cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher
  • Application (Application for accelerated BS-BA-MS FN programs ) must include proposal for intended summer experience
  • Statement of purpose that describes academic experience, interests for graduate study, and future plans following graduate school
  • If you are not accepted, you can continue with the 4-year SFN plan



A new General Education Program was implemented in Fall 2013. If you entered UW-Stevens Point beginning Fall 2013 or later, your degree requirements are now embedded in the major and you will automatically need to complete the General Education Program (GEP) requirements. If you entered UW-Stevens Point prior to Fall 2013, you may opt to complete either the former General Degree Requirements (GDR) or the General Education Program requirements.

Notes for Wellness:
  1. In order to earn a bachelor’s degree, you must take a GEP course for wellness. For a complete list of Wellness GEP approved courses, please refer to the General Education Program Approved Courses  earlier in this Catalog. You may not repeat courses for this requirement.
  2. TRANSFER STUDENTS: If you transfer to UW-Stevens Point, you must fulfill the GEP requirement for wellness. Please refer to Wellness GEP courses listed under General Education Program Approved Courses .
Test-Out and Credit-by-Exam for Wellness:

Test-out credit is available for all courses meeting general degree (GDR) or general education (GEP) requirements in Wellness. You may attempt test-out for a maximum of 3 credits. You may earn a maximum of 2 credits in aerobic/activity (GDR:WLAA) or health enhancement (GDR:WLHE). The test-out option is available to all students.

GDR Aerobic/Activity Test-Out:

Sign up and get information for aerobic/activity (GDR:WLAA) test-out at the School of HPHD Main Office (101 CPS). Take the written exam that determines if you know how to design and implement your own physical fitness program. If you pass, take the multicomponent physical fitness assessment test that includes aerobic capacity. To pass, your scores must meet or exceed the norm of UW-Stevens Point students in four of the six areas. If you pass both exams, you will receive two credits of aerobic/activity.

Test-Out for GDR Health Enhancement or GEP Wellness (GEP: WLN):

Sign up and get information for health enhancement (GDR: WLHE) or wellness (GEP:WLN) test-out at the School of HPHD Main Office (101 CPS). Take a written exam covering eight major health enhancement topic areas or all seven dimensions of wellness. Specifically for GDR: WLHE, you will receive one credit of health enhancement if you pass four categories at a 70 percent level and two credits if you pass seven categories.

Academic Standards for Health Promotion and Human Development Majors

  1. You may declare a major in dietetics, family and consumer sciences, health promotion, or sustainable food and nutrition at any time.
  2. You must maintain a 2.75 cumulative GPA through graduation for dietetics, family and consumer sciences-teacher education option, health promotion, and sustainable food and nutrition majors. Transfer students must have a 2.75 cumulative GPA to enter. In the dietetics major you must have a C- or better in CHEM 260 to continue in the major.
  3. See the Grade-related Policies  section of this catalog for the policy on repeating courses.

Test-Out Policy for School of Health Promotion and Human Development

The School of Health Promotion and Human Development will offer test-out for all its General Education Program (GEP) courses. The comprehensive written examinations will be based on materials normally covered in the course. Grading will be pass/fail with the minimum passing grade equivalent to the most recent class average grade.

If you wish to take a test-out exam, first confer with the HPHD unit head. Then confer with the faculty member who most recently taught the course who will inform you in writing of the required minimum passing score prior to administering the exam and provide the results to you in writing within two weeks of taking the exam. You may take a test-out exam only once.

Master of Science Degrees

The two Master of Science degrees, Community & Organizational Leadership  and Sustainable and Resilient Food Systems  are described in the Graduate Study  section of this catalog.



    Bachelor DegreesMinorsUndergraduate Certificates


      Community and Organizational LeadershipFamily and Consumer SciencesFood and NutritionHealth and Wellness ManagementPage: 1 | 2 | 3