Oct 05, 2024  
2015-16 Catalog 
2015-16 Catalog FINAL VERSION - Closed for Revisions


Kym Buchanan, Head of the School of Education
Room 470, College of Professional Studies Building
Phone: 715-346-2906
Email: education@uwsp.edu
Web: www.uwsp.edu/education

Maggie Beeber, Advising Coordinator
Room 469, College of Professional Studies Building
Phone: 715-346-2040
Email: mbeeber@uwsp.edu

John Gaffney, Retention and Recruitment Coordinator
Room 469 College of Professional Studies Building
Phone: 715-346-2040
Email: jgaffney@uwsp.edu

This school is in the College of Professional Studies .

Faculty: K Anyanwu, A K Bahar, P Bork, K Buchanan, C Cate, P Cook, P DeHart, C Gould, M Herr, S Jones, N Logan, L McClain, Y Ogunnaike-Lafe, C Olds, J O’Neil, T Wright.


ADVE = Adventure Education
COAC = Coaching
CSD = Communication Sciences and Disorders
CPS = College of Professional Studies
ECED = Early Childhood Education
ECSE = Early Childhood Special Education
EDUC (or Educ or Ed) = Education
HD = Human Development
HEC = Health Enhancement Center
HLED = Health Education
HP/W = Health Promotion/Wellness
MATH = Mathematics
P ED = Physical Education
PEP = Professional Education Program
PEX = Physical Education for the Exceptional Individual
PSYCH = Psychology
WLNS = Wellness

InTASC Core Teaching Standards

To receive a license to teach in Wisconsin, you must complete an approved program and demonstrate proficient performance in the knowledge, skills and dispositions under the following 10 standards. The standards have been grouped into four general categories to help users organize their thinking about the standards:

The Learner and Learning

Teaching begins with the learner. To ensure that each student learns new knowledge and skills, teachers must understand that learning and developmental patterns vary among individuals, that learners bring unique individual differences to the learning process, and that learners need supportive and safe learning environments to thrive. Effective teachers have high expectations for each and every learner and implement developmentally appropriate, challenging learning experiences within a variety of learning environments that help all learners meet high standards and reach their full potential. Teachers do this by combining a base of professional knowledge, including an understanding of how cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical development occurs, with the recognition that learners are individuals who bring differing personal and family backgrounds, skills, abilities, perspectives, talents, and interests. Teachers collaborate with learners, colleagues, school leaders, families, members of the learners’ communities, and community organization to better understand their students and maximize their learning. Teachers promote learners’ acceptance of responsibility for their own learning and collaborate with them to ensure the effective design and implementation of both self-directed and collaborative learning.

Standard #1: Learner Development.

The teacher understands how learners grow and develop, recognizing that patterns of learning and development vary individually within and across the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical areas, and designs and implements developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences.

Standard #2: Learning Differences.

The teacher uses understanding of individual differences and diverse cultures and communities to ensure inclusive learning environments that enable each learner to meet high standards.

Standard # 3: Learning Environments.

The teacher works with others to create environments that support individual and collaborative learning, and that encourage positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation.


Teachers must have a deep and flexible understanding of their content areas and be able to draw upon content knowledge as they work with learners to access information, apply knowledge in real world settings, and address meaningful issues to assure learner mastery of the content. Today’s teachers make content knowledge accessible to learners by using multiple means of communication, including digital media and information technology. They integrate cross-disciplinary skills (e.g., critical thinking, problem solving, creativity, communication) to help learners use content to propose solutions, forge new understandings, solve problems, and imagine possibilities. Finally, teachers make content knowledge relevant to learners by connecting it to local, state, national, and global issues.

Standard # 4: Content Knowledge.

The teacher understands that central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline(s) he or she teaches and creates learning experiences that make the discipline accessible and meaningful for learners to assure mastery of the content.

Standard #5: Application of Content.

The teacher understands how to connect concepts and use differing perspectives to engage learners in critical thinking, creativity, and collaborative problem solving related to authentic local and global issues.

Instructional Practice

Effective instructional practice requires that teachers understand and integrate assessment, planning, and instructional strategies in coordinated and engaging ways. Beginning with their end or goal, teachers first identify student learning objectives and content standards and align assessments to those objectives. Teachers understand how to design, implement and interpret results from a range of formative and summative assessments. This knowledge is integrated into instructional practice so that teachers have access to information that can be used to provide immediate feedback to reinforce student learning and to modify instruction. Planning focuses on using a variety of appropriate and targeted instructional strategies to address diverse ways of learning, to incorporate new technologies to maximize and individualize learning, and to allow learners to take charge of their own learning and do it in creative ways.

Standard #6: Assessment.

The teacher understands and uses multiple methods of assessment to engage learners in their own growth, to monitor learner progress, and to guide the teacher’s and learner’s decision making.

Standard #7: Planning for Instruction.

The teacher plans instruction that supports every student in meeting rigorous learning goals by drawing upon knowledge of content areas, curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills, and pedagogy, as well as knowledge of learners and the community context.

Standard #8: Instructional Strategies.

The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies to encourage learners to develop deep understanding of content areas and their connections, and to build skills to apply knowledge in meaningful ways.

Professional Responsibility

Creating and supporting safe, productive learning environments that result in learners achieving at the highest levels is a teacher’s primary responsibility. To do this well, teachers must engage in meaningful and intensive professional learning and self-renewal by regularly examining practice through ongoing study, self-reflection, and collaboration. A cycle of continuous self-improvement is enhanced by leadership, collegial support, and collaboration. Active engagement in professional learning and collaboration results in the discovery and implementation of better practice for the purpose of improved teaching and learning. Teachers also contribute to improving instructional practices that meet learners’ needs and accomplish their school’s mission and goals. Teachers benefit from and participate in collaboration with learners, families, colleagues, other school professionals, and community members. Teachers demonstrate leadership by modeling ethical behavior, contributing to positive changes in practice, and advancing their profession.

Standard #9: Professional Learning and Ethical Practice.

The teacher engages in ongoing professional learning and uses evidence to continually evaluate his/her practice, particularly the effects of his/her choices and actions on others (learners, families, other professionals, and the community), and adapts practice to meet the needs of each learner.

Standard #10: Leadership and Collaboration.

The teacher seeks appropriate leadership roles and opportunities to take responsibility for student learning, to collaborate with learners, families, colleagues, other school professionals, and community members to ensure learner growth, and to advance the profession.

Professional Education Program (PEP) Admission Procedures

If you are interested in any teacher certification program, you must officially declare your teaching intent by making an appointment with the School of Education, Advising, Recruitment and Retention Office, 715-346-2040. You must apply for conditional admission to the Professional Education Program after you complete 24 credits. Full admission to the PEP will be granted after you complete 40 credits while maintaining a 2.75 cumulative GPA. University approved credits for Advanced Placement (AP), CLEP, and test out may apply toward the 24/40 credits. Applications are available from the School of Education Advising, Recruitment and Retention Office, Room 469 CPS Building. Applications are processed two times each year, February 22 and September 22. Applications received after the deadline will be processed during the next deadline period.

In order to enroll in EDUC 200 , junior and senior level early childhood and education courses, as well as some methods courses in other departments, you must be admitted to the PEP.

You must have completed the following minimum criteria and have passing scores on file in the School of Education Advising, Recruitment and Retention Office to be eligible to apply for admission to PEP. Criteria may change at any time.

  1. Earn a 2.75 cumulative grade point average (GPA) from all accredited institutions attended. The School of Education honors academic bankruptcy and UW-Stevens Point course repeat policies at the time of admission to the PEP, but you must have a 2.75 GPA overall and a 2.75 GPA in your major, minor, concentration, and teacher certification coursework for student teaching, regardless of academic bankruptcy or GPA requirement waiver. If you declare academic bankruptcy, you must have at least a 2.75 GPA in 24 credits of courses you complete after declaring academic bankruptcy and any courses taken at other institutions.
  2. Freshman English Requirement:
    1. Receive a B- or better in ENGL 101  or ENGL 150 
    2. Receive a 2.50 in ENGL 101 /ENGL 202 
    3. Test out of  ENGL 101  and ENGL 202 
    4. Receive a grade of B- or better in ENGL 250 
    5. Satisfactorily complete the required work in the Professional Writing Competency Program. (Sign up and pay fee for this program in 469 CPS.)
  3. Communication Skills including Emerging Technology: receive a passing grade in EDUC 205  lecture portion (or transfer equivalent) OR COMM 101  (or transfer equivalent). One of these courses must be completed in order to apply to the program. Courses “In Progress” do not meet the application requirement.
  4. Basic Skills Standardized Test Requirement.
    1. ACT Scores: Composite score of 23 or higher with minimum scores of 20 on each section of English, Math, and Reading. Scores must have been earned within 10 years of applying to the Professional   Education Program.
    2. ACT Plus Writing: Composite score of 22 or higher and combined English/Writing score of 20 or higher. Scores must have been earned within 10 years of applying to the Professional Education Program.
    3. SAT Scores: Composite score of 1070 with minimum scores of 450 on Math and Verbal. Scores must have been earned within 10 years of applying to the Professional Education Program.
    4. CGRE Scores (since 8/1/2011): Composite score of 298 with a minimum score of 150 on Verbal and 145 on Math. Scores must have been earned within 10 years of applying to the Professional Education Program.
    5. GRE Scores (priorto 7/31/2011): Minimum sub scores of 540 on Quantitative Reasoning, 450 on Verbal Reasoning, and 3 on Analytical Writing. Scores must have been earned within 10 years of applying to the Professional Education Program.
    6. Praxis I Pre-Professional Skills Test: Receive passing scores on all three sections of the Praxis I Test (Written version requirements and computer version requirements after January 2002: Reading 175, Writing 174, Math 173. Computer version requirements prior to January 2002: Reading 322, Writing 320, Math 318).
    7. Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators (Core): Receive passing score on all three sections of the Praxis Core test (Reading 156, Writing 162, Math 150)
  1. If you are an early childhood education major, elementary education major, special education major, or Physical Education major, you must receive a passing score of 15 or higher on the Pre-Professional Interview. You may repeat this interview once if you do not receive a passing score.
  2. See the department of your major or minor for additional requirements and enrollment cap policies. All secondary/K-12 programs have additional requirements to apply.
  3. If you meet the following criteria you may apply for an exception of either the Praxis I/Core score requirements OR the 2.75 grade point requirements AND/OR the Pre-Professional Interview score requirement by using the formal exception application available in the School of Education Advising, Recruitment and Retention Office. If granted, this exception allows you to apply to PEP without meeting the requirements, although your actual scores or GPA will still be used in calculating rank. Deadlines for exception requests are September 11 and February 7.

    The Department of Public Instruction limits universities to granting exceptions to up to 10% of our PEP admitted student population.
    1. You will be ranked using 50% overall GPA and 50% largest score deviation. For those requesting GPA exceptions, only GPA will be used.
    2. Once you are ranked, up to 10% of each major program’s semester enrollment cap will be approved first.
    3. Remaining exception seats will be approved by rank of remaining students.
    4. Final exception decisions will be determined by the SOE Exception Committee. Exception approvals are not appealable.
      1. Praxis I/Core score exception requirements:
        1. Take & receive scores for Praxis I/Core Test at least twice.
        2. Scores cannot exceed a ten point deviation for the cut off.
        3. Related coursework must have grades of 3.0 or higher.
        4. Overall grade point average of at least 2.75 from all accredited institutions attended.
        5. Twenty-four credits of instruction completed.
        6. Copies of the Praxis I/CoreTest results from both attempts and transcripts from all institutions.
        7. Letter explaining reasons for exception request.
      2. Grade point exception requirements:
        1. Passing scores on all three parts of the Praxis I/Core Test.
        2. Twenty-four credits of instruction completed with a grade point average of at least 2.75.
        3. Grades that show a significant improvement over a minimum of two consecutive semesters.
        4. Copies of the latest Praxis I/Core Test results and transcripts from all institutions.
        5. Letter explaining reasons for exceptionrequest.
      3. Pre-Professional Interview score exception requirements
        1. Take & receive interview score at least twice.
        2. Overall grade point average of at least 2.75 from all accredited institutions attended.
        3. Copies of the latest Praxis I/Core Test results and transcripts from all institutions.
        4. Letter explaining reasons for exception request.
  4. If you are not currently registered for coursework at UW-Stevens Point at the time you apply to PEP, please see the special rule concerning admission requirements for transfer students below.
  5. Disposition Expectations: Students admitted to the Professional Education Program will be expected to meet disposition expectations throughout the academic program.

The Pre-Professional Interview is offered every month except July. Dates, times and locations are listed on our website. A fee is charged. The Praxis I/Core Test is given through the ETS company for a fee and registration takes place at least four weeks in advance of a scheduled test. The Praxis I/Core Test results are available via the web and usually take two to six weeks to view. The ETS website has information on dates, times and registration procedures for all requirements at www.ets.org/praxis

Transfer Student Admission Procedure

If you are a transfer student or have an undergraduate degree from an accredited institution, you may be admitted to the Professional Education Program (PEP) if you complete items 1-8 above, are admitted to UW-Stevens Point, and have paid the required deposit. You must attach proof of admission to UW-Stevens Point when you apply.

Enrollment Caps for PEP

Enrollment caps are in effect for some certification areas. See your major/minor department for more information.

You may apply twice for admission to PEP in any one “program area.” You are not allowed to double major in Elementary Education and Early Childhood Education. If you wish to pursue both licenses you can do so by completing the major in Elementary Education, completing an approved 22 credit major, and completing the summer ECE Add-On Program.

You may appeal if you are denied admission to the program. You may contact the School of Education for information regarding the appeal process. The School of Education Appeals Committee will handle appeals for all certification programs. If you are not admitted, you will not be allowed to pursue teacher certification or a teaching major/minor at UW-Stevens Point or register for EDUC 200 , junior and senior level early childhood, education, and some methods courses.

If you do not apply to the program before you have completed 40 credits, you may be in jeopardy of taking coursework that is not necessary for an alternate program.

Block Courses

Many courses are offered in a series of “blocks.” Blocks are explained on our website and in the School of Education Advising Handbook you will receive when you declare your teaching intent.

Science Education Program

Majors/minors included: Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, Natural Science, and Physics

  1. If you are majoring and minoring in Biology, Chemistry, Natural Science, and Physics, the Letters & Science - Science Departments’ Committee on Admission to the School of Education shall oversee your application made to the School of Education. This committee shall be composed of the chair of the Departments of Biology, Chemistry, Geography and Geology, Physics and Astronomy, and the Coordinator of the Natural Science program; or their designees. The Coordinator of the Natural Science program shall be responsible for reviewing applications.
  2. The Office of the School of Education shall forward your application and any appropriate time lines to the Coordinator of the Natural Science program.
  3. As an applicant, you must:
    • Meet the minimum requirements for admission to the Professional Education Program as set by the School or Education. Applications are available in the School of Education Advising Office, 469 College of Professional Studies Building.
    • If you major in Biology, Chemistry or Natural Science: complete at least 10 credits in your declared science major (excluding collateral courses’).
    • If you major in Physics: complete at least 10 credits in your declared science (excluding all collateral courses except MATH 121 )
    • Have earned a 2.75 Grade Point Average (GPA) or better in all courses required by your declared science major (including collateral courses).
  4. You shall be ranked by considering your overall GPA and your GPA in all courses required by your declared science major. All transfer credits and UWSP credits will be used to determine overall and science major GPA. Science major GPA will include all collateral courses. If you declare two or more science majors, you will be ranked using the science major that gives the higher/highest ranking.
  5. The overall GPA and the science major GPA will be weighted equally by simply adding these two GPAs. You will be ranked according to this GPA sum. Enrollment cap: 25 per year.
  6. The two applicants with the best GPA sum from each science major (biology, chemistry, natural science, physics) will be admitted. (If you are one of the two applicants, you must meet the minimum requirements outlined In numbers, above)
  7. All other science major applicants will be considered together. You will be ranked and admitted or denied admission according to your GPA sum.
  8. In the event of a tie, if you have more science major credits, you will be ranked higher.
  9. If you are denied admission you may appeal by sending a letter to the School of Education and the Natural Science Coordinator with supporting documentation indicating why your denial should be reversed. This documentation could include letters of recommendation from faculty who know your current work and potential as a teacher. The deadline date will be In your denial letter from the School of Education.
  10. If you are a science major (biology, chemistry, natural science, and physics) and you are denied admission to the Professional Education Program, you will be allowed to make only one more application.
  11. Exceptions to these policies may be made only with a unanimous vote of the Committee.

Student Teaching

Patricia Marinac, Director of Field Experiences
Room 464, College of Professional Studies Building
Phone: 715-346-2449
Email: field.experiences@uwsp.edu

In this final step in your preparation for teaching, you demonstrate practical competence in one of many schools that cooperate with UW-Stevens Point in providing field experiences. As a student or intern teacher you will be assigned to a cooperating school system within our service area depending upon your personal preferences and the availability of qualified cooperating teachers.

The Office of Field Experiences and the cooperating school administration arrange all assignments. Please do NOT initiate contact with a cooperating teacher to arrange an assignment. Student Teaching will require additional fees. Please don’t plan to student teach in a school where your child is enrolled or where a relative is currently employed as an administrator or serves on the school board.

For most program areas, when student or intern teaching for initial certification, you are limited to a maximum of two assignments per semester (e.g. elementary and middle, or high school and middle). The semester before you student teach, you must attend an orientation meeting to get information about the requirements for student teaching.

Eligibility and General Requirements to Student Teach

  1. Be admitted to the Professional Education Program. Apply at the School of Education Advising, Recruitment and Retention Office, Room 469, CPS Building.
  2. Complete at least 12 credits at UW-Stevens Point prior to student teaching.
  3. Earn a 2.75 overall GPA as well as a 2.75 GPA in your major, minor, concentration, and education courses to student teach. Earn a 3.00 GPA for teaching intern. NOTE: Some teaching majors/minors may require a higher GPA.
  4. You must complete all teaching major, teaching minor and teaching methods/techniques courses BEFORE you student teach.
  5. Submit passing scores on the required state Praxis II exams, ACTFL OPI and WPT Tests (foreign language majors and minors) and Foundations of Reading Test for Wisconsin (early childhood education majors, elementary education majors, and special education majors and minors) no later than March 1 (if student teaching in the fall), and October 15 (if student teaching in the spring).
  6. The semester before you student teach, you must attend an application meeting and submit your completed application forms by the date set by the Office of Field Experiences.These include written recommendations from the department chair or associate dean and the School of Education Advising Coordinator, a medical statement indicating that you have been examined and are free from tuberculosis, and a Conduct & Competency affidavit, including papers for a background check to be administered by the UW-Stevens Point Office of Field Experiences.
  7. You must register for student teaching in appropriate sections and for credits as your advisers approve.
  8. You will spend a full semester student teaching according to the daily schedule and semester calendar of an approved cooperating school. You will be asked to return to campus for seminars to confer with UW-Stevens Point instructors.
  9. All student/intern teachers will be required to successfully complete the Education Teacher Performance Assessment during student teaching.

Student Teaching Options

Full Semester Student Teaching
You must student teach in your major. You will remain in the placement for the entire school district semester.

Split-Semester Student Teaching
You must student teach in your major in order to request another student teaching assignment. You must obtain written approval from both major and minor programs where applicable. If approved, additional assignments take place during the student teaching semester in sequences and locations coordinated by the Office of Field Experiences. Typically assignments change at the end of the school district quarter.

You may be recommended to apply as an intern teacher at any one of many levels. As an intern you are a licensed and contracted member of a school staff and you will spend an entire semester or year in that school system.During this time, you will be involved in a team providing educational services. Internships are determined by local agency requirements. To be considered for an internship program, you must earn a cumulative GPA of 3.00 or better, a 3.00 or better in your major, and a 3.00 GPA in your minor if you want to be certified in it.

Teacher Certification/Academic Standards

Maggie Beeber, Certification Officer
Room 469, College of Professional Studies Building
Phone: 715-346-2040
Email: mbeeber@uwsp.edu

Notes for Teacher Certification:

  1. You must receive a grade of C- or better in all required Early Childhood, Education, and Physical Education courses.
  2. Early Childhood Education and Education courses taken more than 10 years prior to student teaching may not be applied to the program requirements. You may appeal the currency of courses. The Associate Dean, School of Education (ADSOE) will convene a review panel of appropriate faculty/advising staff to make a decision about that appeal.
  3. Achieve a 2.75 overall GPA. In addition, you must earn at least a 2.75 GPA in major, minor, concentration, and education courses before student teaching. Some majors and minors require higher major/minor GPAs.
  4. Earn a grade of “pass” or a grade of C or better in all areas of student teaching. You CANNOT be certified if you do not pass student teaching in your major.
  5. State teacher licensing rules may change at any time due to legislative or licensing changes.
  6. For initial licensure in Wisconsin:
    1. Successfully demonstrate competence in the Wisconsin Teaching standards through portfolios.
    2. Determine content knowledge with passing scores on standardized tests approved by the state superintendent which include the Wisconsin Standards.
  7. Applications for initial licensure are processed only after you complete all degree and certification requirements and your degree is conferred.

State and Federal Reporting

To comply with mandates of Section 207 of Title II of the Higher Education Act, www.uwsp.edu/education/Pages/default.aspx lists the number of students in teacher education, the number of student teachers, numbers of several kinds of supervisors of student teachers, and a student/faculty ratio. More statistics related to teacher certification and licensure will be included on the website as they become available.

Certifiable Programs

UW-Stevens Point offers certification in the following majors (#), secondary education minors (@), elementary education minors (♦), concentrations (c), and graduate certifications (x). Elementary education majors may minor in any UW-Stevens Point minor, but can receive certification to teach ages 6-13 in certifiable minors. Due to changes in state requirements, this list may change at any time.

  Major Secondary Education Minor Elementary Education Minor Graduate Certificate
Biology # @    
Chemistry # @    
Coaching   c    
Communication Sciences and Disorders       x
Early Childhood Education #   add-on x
Earth Science   @    
Economics # @    
Elementary Education #      
English # @  
English as a Second Lang   @ x
Environmental Education     x
Family/Consumer Sci #     x
French # @  
Geography # @    
German # @  
Gifted and Talented       x
Health Education   @ x
History # @  
Mathematics # @  
Music Ed, General #      
Music Ed, Instrumental #      
Music Ed, Choral #      
Music Ed, Special Educ     add-on  
Natural Science #      
Physical Education #      
Phys Educ for Excep Indl     add-on x
Physics # @    
Political Science # @    
Psychology # @    
Reading       x
Social Science #    
Sociology # @    
Spanish # @  
Spec Ed w/specializations:        
  Early Chldhood Spec Ed*     add-on x
  Emotionl/Behavrl Disab # @ x
  Learning Disabilities # @ x
  Cognitive Disabilities # @ x

*Available only to ECSE majors or as an add-on after initial certification in ECSE or elementary

**Must also have certif major in a science or social science

NOTE: To be certified to teach at any level (elementary, secondary, K-12) you must meet current Department of Public Instruction (DPI) mandates. You must meet the newest requirements regardless of the requirements that were listed in the catalog when you entered the program.

Education Latent Courses: Not offered recently. See full course description in indicated (xx-xx) catalog.

724 Reducing Classroom Conflict, 3 cr.




      Educational SustainabilityEnglish EducationHealth EducationPhysical EducationPhysical Education for the Exceptional Individual (PEX)Page: 1 | 2 | 3