Feb 18, 2025
Spring 2020 Catalog FINAL VERSION - Closed for Revisions
Medieval and Renaissance Studies Interdisciplinary Certificate
This certificate is administered by the Department of English .
The Medieval and Renaissance Studies Certificate allows you to focus on a major epoch in Western civilization, drawing on the resources of multiple disciplines. The MRS certificate gives you a deeper understanding of the different ways of thinking and types of knowledge produced by the various disciplines and how these can work together to create fuller and richer knowledge of the period. The certificate provides excellent preparation for students interested in graduate study in the field and can enhance the general education of any student.
The Medieval and Renaissance Studies Certificate satisfies the Interdisciplinary Studies GEP requirement. For more information, see the GEP section of the Catalog.
Consists of 13 credits.
Required, 3 credits
Choose from: Note
Special Topics courses (HIST 315 , HIST 369 ) with an appropriate subtitle may be substituted with the approval of the coordinator. Required, 3 credits
Choose from: Note
Students with appropriate preparation may substitute a literature course in World Languages and Literatures with the approval of the coordinator. Required, 3 credits
Choose from: Additional Courses, 3 credits
Choose 3 additional credits from the courses listed above. Note
This course is to be taken in or after the semester in which you complete the coursework listed above. |