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Two students walking and talking together with a building in the background

This area is in the School of Design and Communication within the College of Fine Arts and Communication.

Steve Hill, Area Coordinator
Office: CAC 303

Faculty and academic staff

T Bodor, S Hill

Definition: The Professional Communication major facilitates the development of skill sets to prepare graduates for success in contemporary workplaces.


Test-out, Credit-by-Exam, and Retroactive Credit Policy

If you think you qualify for the above, contact the Professional Communication Area coordinator who will determine whether the exam will be for test-out, credit-by-exam, and/or retroactive credit. A designated instructor will administer a written exam that evaluates your level of ability with the content of the course. A grade of B or better will qualify for test-out.

Courses that involve applied skills and/or oral performance may also require a second performance exam if you score well enough on the written exam.


Graduate Programs

Elizabeth Fakazis, Graduate Coordinator
Room 327, Communication Arts Center
Phone: 715-346-2238