This discipline is within the College of Natural Resources.
Melinda Vokoun, Discipline Coordinator |
Faculty and academic staff |
L Anderson McIntyre, M Demchik, P Doruska, H Petrillo, M Tiller, M Vokoun, L Werner |
Accreditation: The educational programs in forest management, forest recreation, urban and community forestry and forest ecosystem restoration and management leading to the bachelor of science professional degree in forestry are accredited by the Society of American Foresters (SAF).
Definition: Forestry is the science, art, and practice of creating, managing, using, and conserving forests and associated resources. Biological, quantitative, managerial, and social sciences are applied to forest management and conservation in urban and rural environments.
Objectives of the Forestry Program
To provide a sound undergraduate program of forestry education. The core of required forestry courses is based on standards for professional training established by the Society of American Foresters. Our program adds flexibility to help meet your professional objectives through the selection of collateral courses and specialized training.
To support and enhance the other majors in the College of Natural Resources and other academic programs of the university. The philosophy of the College of Natural Resources emphasizes the oneness of the environment. To that end all majors in the college require training in forestry, soils, water, and wildlife. You can combine minors or concentrations in these other disciplines with your forestry major to enhance your qualifications as a forestry professional.
To pursue new knowledge. Research is the basis of the graduate program. Research primarily in applied forestry is allied to the undergraduate program.
To apply contemporary forestry knowledge through continuing education and extension. The forestry program serves as a center for the exchange of knowledge through sponsorship of symposia, workshops, and seminars on contemporary subjects for forestry professionals and forest landowners.
To develop professionalism and an esprit de corps among students, alumni, and faculty. The faculty encourages continuing participation in professional and university activities by coordinating activities with the Society of American Foresters, the student chapter, local chapters, sections of the society, and the university alumni association.
Forestry Transfer Students
If you are transferring here from an accredited institution to pursue a degree in forestry, you must complete at least 21 credits of 300 and 400 level UW-Stevens Point forestry courses.