This area is in the School of Humanities and Global Studies within the College of Letters and Science .
Vera Klekovkina, Chair |
Faculty and academic staff |
T Barske, R Craig-Odders, V Klekovkina, T Leek, A Toumi |
The Department of World Languages and Literatures offers courses in Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Russian, and Spanish, and Teaching English as a Second Language.
Placement/Advanced Standing
When you enter UW-Stevens Point as a first-year or transfer student and elect to take courses in French, German, Russian, or Spanish, you are required to take the UW System placement examination. It works out best if you make arrangements with your guidance office to take this exam before your assigned registration day.
After you take the exam, you will be placed in the appropriate world language course according to the following rules.
On the basis of the placement exam the department will grant up to 16 credits for foreign language courses you completed in high school. Then you must complete the course into which you are placed with a grade of B- or better to receive the retroactive credits.
The department may also grant credit for language proficiency you have gained through nonacademic means. After you take the placement exam you must complete the course into which you are placed with a grade of B- or better to receive credit for prerequisite courses which you have not taken formally.
Please realize that the department will not recommend granting credit for high school work or other language proficiency until AFTER you have completed a world language course on this campus.
There may be other situations where students who demonstrate proficiency in a world language will be placed in the appropriate world language course by the department.