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Student sitting at a desk with all studio audio equipment looking at the camera with a microphone up to their mouth

This area is in the School of Design and Communication within the College of Fine Arts and Communication.

Alex Ingersoll, Area Coordinator
Office: CAC 309

Faculty and academic staff

C Elza, L Fakazis, A Ingersoll, K Obsatz, K Wilz

Definition: The Media Studies major at UW-Stevens Point offers a forward-thinking curriculum giving students the knowledge, skills, and experience(s) they need to engage critically with media content and technologies by using media history, theory, aesthetics and criticism to inform their production practices. This approach, in which classrooms become sites for engaged inquiries that extend connections between culture and technology, has been termed “critical making.”

Test-out, Credit-by-Exam, and Retroactive Credit Policy

If you think you qualify for the above, contact the Media Studies Area coordinator who will determine whether the exam will be for test-out, credit-by-exam, and/or retroactive credit. A designated instructor will administer a written exam that evaluates your level of ability with the content of the course. A grade of B or better will qualify for test-out.

Courses that involve applied skills and/or oral performance may also require a second performance evaluation if you score well enough on the written exam.