This area is in the School of Performing Artswithin the College of Fine Arts and Communication.
Mathew Buchman, Chair |
Faculty and academic staff |
B Baldauff, S Bender, S Berk, M Boothroyd, R Brashier, D Breisach, T Buchholz, M Buchman, A Cromwell, M Cruz, B Ellingboe, S Kapsa K. Kaspar, R Korb, P Lawrence, J Lynch, S Manasreh, M Markham, A Moran, S Morell, R Neece, Z Preucil, M Roseman, R Snyder-Turney, D Story, B Turney |
Mission Statement for Music
To provide a dynamic environment where innovation and leadership in creativity, teaching, performance, and advocacy set a new standard for education through music.
Professional Opportunities in Music
Our music programs prepare you for professional careers in a variety of areas including teaching, performance, composition, music business, music technology, music management, and other music-related occupations. The Bachelor of Music degree program offers three areas of emphasis: music education, music performance (with emphases in instrumental, piano, and vocal), and jazz studies. The Bachelor of Arts degree program offers a nondisciplinary music degree that incorporates studies in other disciplines for careers in many music-related professions.
Notes for Music
1. Admission to the Department of Music as an undergraduate music major or minor is by audition. You must complete the music theory diagnostic test, and if you wish to major in music, you must be evaluated by piano faculty for placement.
2. Special music scholarships are available to high school seniors with outstanding talent in musical performance. These scholarships are awarded each spring on the basis of special auditions held before members of the music faculty. Contact the Music Department for dates, times, and other details.
3. Every music major must enroll, participate, and receive a passing grade in a major ensemble every semester except the student teaching semester.
4. String music education majors and string applied majors need four semesters of chamber ensemble.
5. See the Music Department “Silent Adviser” for recital attendance requirements.
6. The following organizations are open to all students regardless of major: Pointer Pep Bands, Concert Choir or Choral Union, Wind Ensemble, Concert Band, Campus Band, Instrumental Jazz Ensemble, University Orchestra, Campus Orchestra, and numerous small ensembles.
Test-Out, Credit-by-Exam, and Music Placement for Music
If you are seeking advanced placement in music general degree requirement courses by testing out of a course or by gaining credit through exam, see the coordinator of the specific area in which the course is offered.
If you are transferring from another UW campus, while not required, we strongly encourage you to take the placement exams in musicianship and musicology to determine the proper course you should take in those areas. If you are transferring from institutions outside the UW System, you are required to take musicianship and musicology exams.
We require all music education students to apply for admission to the Professional Program with the School of Education and to meet with the coordinator of music education before registering for upper level music education courses.
Graduate Programs
Brent Turney, Graduate coordinator
Rachel Brashier, Graduate Music Coordinator
Room 318, Noel Fine Arts Center
Phone: 715-346-2227
Email: Rachel.Brashier@uwsp.edu OR music@uwsp.edu