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2 students with stethoscopes around their necks stand on either side of the professor


Contact: Lorraine Zoromski, Nursing Program Director
Office: Room D141 Science Building
Phone: 715-346- 2803

Accreditation: UW-Stevens Point RN to BSN Nursing completion program is accredited through the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (CCNE).

Definition: Nursing (BSN) is a degree completion program that enables licensed registered nurses (RNs) holding either a Diploma or Associate Degree in Nursing to obtain a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing. Coursework will prepare registered nurses for leadership roles and broaden theoretical understanding and clinical skills for caring for patients in various acute, community, and ambulatory health settings. Students will increase skills in technology and communication while gaining a greater appreciation for the interdisciplinary aspect of nursing practice. UWSP offers courses in the Nursing Program in face-to-face, hybrid, and/or internet format. Online courses may be taught by UWSP faculty or by faculty from the six partner campuses: UW-Stevens Point, UW-Eau Claire, UW-Green Bay, UW-Oshkosh, UW-Madison, and UW-Milwaukee through the BSN@Home program: Students holding an Associate Degree in Nursing may be eligible for up to 60 transferable credits (30 general education and 30 nursing) based on articulation agreements. Students identifying UW-Stevens Point as their home campus when enrolling in BSN@Home courses receive student services from the University.


Contact: Jeff Christensen, Academic Program Specialist
Office: Room 240B, College of Professional Studies Building
Phone: 715-346-2603

You may complete a Bachelor of Science in nursing degree by initially completing pre-nursing courses through UWSP and applying to nursing programs in the area that have cooperative agreements with UWSP. These programs include:

  • UW-Eau Claire through courses offered on site at Marshfield Clinic Health System, Marshfield, WI.

  • Mid-State Technical College, Nicolet College, or Northcentral Technical College. All have collaborative partnership agreements with UWSP that allows pre-nursing students a smooth transition to their nursing programs via our 1+2+1 Nursing Partnership program.

  • If you complete an Associate Degree in nursing in any of the Technical College programs, you are eligible to complete your Baccalaureate Degree in Nursing at UWSP.