Contact: Jasia Steinmetz, Professor, Didactic Program in Dietetics Director
Office: Room 202, College of Professional Studies Building
Phone: 715-346-3766
Email: health@uwsp.edu
Definition: When you complete an approved program in dietetics, you gain the foundation knowledge in the field of food and nutrition. Students who meet the minimum academic requirements to obtain a verification statement qualify for application to a dietetic internship program. When you complete an accredited dietetic internship and graduate degree, you are eligible to write the registration examination to become a registered dietitian.
Accreditation: The Dietetics program at UW-Stevens Point is granted accreditation by the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 120 South Riverside Plaza, Suite 2000, Chicago IL 60606, 312-899-0040. This professional organization for dietetics practitioners is the advocate of the dietetics profession, serving the public through the promotion of optimal nutrition, health and well-being.
Dietetics, BS + MS (4+1 Track)
This is an option for early application into either one of the two graduate programs offered by the School of Health Sciences and Wellness:
Sustainable and Resilient Food Systems, MS or
Community & Organizational Leadership, MS
If you are completing semester 6 of your undergraduate program in dietetics, you can apply by April 1 of that year into the BS + MS (4+1 Track). You should discuss your suitability for the accelerated track with your academic adviser prior to submitting an application. Formal acceptance into the MS program requires completion of your BS.
BS + MS (4+1 Track) Eligibility:
To be considered for the 4 + 1 Track, you must have an undergraduate cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher at the time of application.
Completed application form (Application for accelerated BS-BA-MS FN programs) of intent that describes academic experience, interests for graduate study, and future plans following graduate school.
If you are not accepted, you can continue with the 4-year dietetics plan.
Sustainable Food and Nutrition
Contact: Becky Konietzki, Academic and Career Adviser
Office: Room 216, College of Professional Studies Building
Phone: 715-346-3233
Email: BKonietz@uwsp.edu
Definition: The BA in Sustainable Food and Nutrition (SFN) prepares graduates to support sustainable food systems that address nutritional needs and preventable diet-related health conditions, working primarily within communities to ensure meaningful connections among regional food economies, natural resources stewardship, and health and wellness. The goal of the program is to provide you with a structured set of educational experiences that will develop student competencies in terms of critical thinking, problem-solving, systems analysis, inter-cultural knowledge, tolerance and respect, and community development. The SFN major directly attends to three focus areas by partnering with community and private entities to foster a resilient regional food system that will promote healthy nutrition and a diversified economy and also build upon the sustainable leveraging of natural resources to further the agricultural legacy of the Central Wisconsin region. The program emphasizes principles and practices in sustainability through required coursework in natural resources, local food systems, and community nutrition. Practicum experiences in community organizations will build critical thinking and creative problem solving skills.
To graduate from UWSP with the SFN degree, students must earn a minimum of 120 credits, satisfy all major requirements and complete the General Education Program (GEP) requirements.
Sustainable Food and Nutrition, BA + MS (4+1 Track)
There is an option for early application into either the Sustainable and Resilient Food Systems, MS (SRFS) or Community & Organizational Leadership, MS (COL).
If you are completing semester 6 of your undergraduate program in SFN, you can apply by April 1 of that year into the BA and MS 4+1 track. You should discuss your suitability for the accelerated track with your academic adviser prior to submitting an application. Formal acceptance into the MS program requires completion of your BA.
BA + MS (4+1 Track) Eligibility:
To be considered for the 4 + 1 Track, you must have an undergraduate cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher at the time of application.
Completed application (Application for accelerated BA-MS FN programs)
If you are not accepted, you can continue with the 4-year SFN plan
Graduate Programs
Annie Wetter, Professor, COL & SRSF Program Director
Room 236, College of Professional Studies Building
Phone: 715-346-2108
Email: awetter@uwsp.edu
Web: https://www.uwsp.edu/health/school-of-health-sciences-and-wellness/