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Group of students working with equipment in a physics class

This area is in the School of Mathematics, Computing, Physics, and Astronomy within the College of Letters and Science .

Mark Holdhusen, Chair
Room 381-D Wausau
Room 433 Marshfield
Room B-109 Science Building, Stevens Point
Phone: 715-346-3508

Faculty and academic staff

P Banerjee, A Durbala, M Farzaneh, B Hinaus, M Holdusen, K Menningen, A Steffen, C Verzani, S Zamfir


Astronomy investigates the nature of celestial objects such as stars, planets, and galaxies, including their magnitudes, motions, distances and periods of revolution.

Engineering applies the knowledge of the mathematical and natural sciences to develop ways to use the materials and forces of nature for the benefit of society.

Physics is the branch of science that investigates the laws of motion and properties of matter. It is often divided into the sub-disciplines of mechanics, heat, sound, electricity, magnetism, optics, atomic and nuclear physics.

Notes for Astronomy:

  1. You may not take both ASTR 100 and ASTR 311 for credit.

  2. If you take ASTR 205 or ASTR 206, you may not subsequently take ASTR 100 for credit.

  3. You may take both ASTR 205 and ASTR 206 for GEP credit.

Notes for Physics:

  1. To major or minor in physics, you should register with the school office, B246 Science Building.

  2. PHYS 300, PHYS 315, PHYS 320, PHYS 335, PHYS 370, PHYS 383, PHYS 384, PHYS 385, PHYS 405, PHYS 435, and PHYS 470 are not offered every semester. See course description for details.

  3. You will not receive credit for a course if you have already successfully completed a similar or more advanced course in the same area. The following restrictions apply:

    If you received credit for:

    you cannot receive credit for:

    PHYS 100

    PHYS 101

    PHYS 101

    PHYS 100

    PHYS 240

    PHYS 100, PHYS 101, PHYS 201, PHYS 203

    PHYS 201

    PHYS 100, PHYS 101, PHYS 240, PHYS 203

    PHYS 202

    PHYS 100, PHYS 101, PHYS 204, PHYS 250

    PHYS 203

    PHYS 100, PHYS 101, PHYS 201

    PHYS 204

    PHYS 100, PHYS 101, PHYS 202, PHYS 250

    PHYS 250

    PHYS 100, PHYS 101, PHYS 202, PHYS 204

    PHYS 275

    PHYS 300

    PHYS 300

    PHYS 275

Test-Out and Credit-by-Exam Policy for Physics and Astronomy

We will offer test-out examinations for all General Education Program (GEP) requirement physics and astronomy. The exams will cover both lecture and laboratory topics.

If you wish to take a test-out exam, confer with the department chair who will arrange for a faculty member to administer and grade a comprehensive written exam. A passing grade will be at least five percent above the most recent class average. You will be informed of the required passing score before taking the exam. Results will be evaluated and (if appropriate) credit granted by the departmental Educational Policies Committee. You may not take an exam more than once.

Course credit can be granted for ASTR 205, ASTR 206, ASTR 311; PHYS 116, PHYS 240, PHYS 203, PHYS 204, PHYS 250. Credit will NOT be granted for ASTR 100 or PHYS 100 or PHYS 101, but the GEP requirement will be waived.