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Students sitting at tables in a u-shape where one student is speaking to the group

This area is in the School of Behavioral and Social Sciences within the College of Letters and Science.

Jennifer N. Collins, Chair
Room D339, Science Building
Phone: 715-346-2883

Faculty and academic staff

J Blakeman, J Collins, G. Gunderson, B Mapes-Martins, S Park


Political science is the study of the government and politics of the United States, other nations, and international relations.

Law and Policy is an interdisciplinary minor, administered by the Political Science Department. For students interested in law school or law-related careers.

Peace Studies is an interdisciplinary minor, administered by the Political Science Department. For students interested in peace and justice issues and activism.

International Relations is a certificate, administered by the Political Science Department. For students interested in international and global affairs and related career paths.

Public administration and policy analysis is an interdisciplinary minor, administered by the Political Science Department. For students interested in public service or graduate education.

Credit-by-Exam Policy for Political Science

You may test-out and/or receive credit-by-exam for POLI 101 and POLI 160 by passing the appropriate Advanced Placement Program Examination (AP) or College Level Examination Program (CLEP) Subject Examination through the UW-Stevens Point Testing Service. You must score 3 or higher on AP exams to receive credit, and you must score in the 50th percentile or higher for CLEP exam credit.

You may test out of other GEP courses offered by the Political Science Department. You will not receive academic credit for those courses. To take a GEP course test, first consult with the department chair. The chair will then consult with the faculty member or members who have most recently taught the course and they will prepare a comprehensive written exam. You must receive a B or higher on the exam to have the GEP requirement waived. You may take the exam only once.

The Political Science Department assumes no responsibility for preparing you for test-out examination. Faculty may give you access to course syllabi, but it is your responsibility to access course readings and other relevant materials. You may not apply to test out of a course in which you are currently enrolled.

Peace Studies

Jennifer Collins, Coordinator