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A college student helping younger children complete their worksheets at a table

This school is within the College Professional Studies.

Timothy Wright, Assistant Dean, School of Education
Room 472, College of Professional Studies Building
Phone: 715-346-4822

Maggie Beeber, Undergraduate Advising Coordinator & Teacher Certification Officer
Room 469, College of Professional Studies Building
Phone: 715-346-2040

Breanna Cychosz, Undergraduate and Graduate Advising
Room 462, College of Professional Studies Building
Phone: 715-346-2040

Karla Landwer, Undergraduate and Graduate Advising
Room 460, College of Professional Studies Building
Phone: 715-346-2040

Faculty and academic staff

A Baker, S Beaulieu, S Bueno, P Cook, L Fernholz, A Garbe, P Haas, A Hockett, Y Li, N Logan, E Redman, K Roth, A Wallin, T Wright


  • ADVE = Adventure Education

  • COAC = Coaching

  • CSD = Communication Sciences and Disorders

  • CPS = College of Professional Studies

  • ECED = Early Childhood Education

  • ECSE = Early Childhood Special Education

  • EDUC (or Educ or Ed) = Education

  • HD = Human Development

  • HLED = Health Education

  • HPW = Health Promotion/Wellness

  • MATH = Mathematics

  • MCCH = Marshfield Clinic Health System Champions Hall

  • PEP = Professional Education Program

  • PEX = Physical Education for the Exceptional Individual

  • PHED = Physical Education

  • PSYCH = Psychology

  • WLNS = Wellness

Wisconsin Teaching Standards

To receive a license to teach in Wisconsin, you must complete an approved program and demonstrate proficient performance in the knowledge, skills and dispositions under the following 10 standards. The standards have been grouped into four general categories to help users organize their thinking about the standards:

The Learner and Learning

Teaching begins with the learner. To ensure that each student learns new knowledge and skills, teachers must understand that learning and developmental patterns vary among individuals, that learners bring unique individual differences to the learning process, and that learners need supportive and safe learning environments to thrive. Effective teachers have high expectations for each and every learner and implement developmentally appropriate, challenging learning experiences within a variety of learning environments that help all learners meet high standards and reach their full potential. Teachers do this by combining a base of professional knowledge, including an understanding of how cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical development occurs, with the recognition that learners are individuals who bring differing personal and family backgrounds, skills, abilities, perspectives, talents, and interests. Teachers collaborate with learners, colleagues, school leaders, families, members of the learners’ communities, and community organization to better understand their students and maximize their learning. Teachers promote learners’ acceptance of responsibility for their own learning and collaborate with them to ensure the effective design and implementation of both self-directed and collaborative learning.

Standard #1: Learner Development.

The teacher understands how learners grow and develop, recognizing that patterns of learning and development vary individually within and across the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical areas, and designs and implements developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences.

Standard #2: Learning Differences.

The teacher uses understanding of individual differences and diverse cultures and communities to ensure inclusive learning environments that enable each learner to meet high standards.

Standard #3: Learning Environments.

The teacher works with others to create environments that support individual and collaborative learning, and that encourage positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation.


Teachers must have a deep and flexible understanding of their content areas and be able to draw upon content knowledge as they work with learners to access information, apply knowledge in real world settings, and address meaningful issues to assure learner mastery of the content. Today’s teachers make content knowledge accessible to learners by using multiple means of communication, including digital media and information technology. They integrate cross-disciplinary skills (e.g., critical thinking, problem solving, creativity, communication) to help learners use content to propose solutions, forge new understandings, solve problems, and imagine possibilities. Finally, teachers make content knowledge relevant to learners by connecting it to local, state, national, and global issues.

Standard # 4: Content Knowledge.

The teacher understands that central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline(s) he or she teaches and creates learning experiences that make the discipline accessible and meaningful for learners to assure mastery of the content.

Standard #5: Application of Content.

The teacher understands how to connect concepts and use differing perspectives to engage learners in critical thinking, creativity, and collaborative problem solving related to authentic local and global issues.

Instructional Practice

Effective instructional practice requires that teachers understand and integrate assessment, planning, and instructional strategies in coordinated and engaging ways. Beginning with their end or goal, teachers first identify student learning objectives and content standards and align assessments to those objectives. Teachers understand how to design, implement and interpret results from a range of formative and summative assessments. This knowledge is integrated into instructional practice so that teachers have access to information that can be used to provide immediate feedback to reinforce student learning and to modify instruction. Planning focuses on using a variety of appropriate and targeted instructional strategies to address diverse ways of learning, to incorporate new technologies to maximize and individualize learning, and to allow learners to take charge of their own learning and do it in creative ways.

Standard #6: Assessment.

The teacher understands and uses multiple methods of assessment to engage learners in their own growth, to monitor learner progress, and to guide the teacher’s and learner’s decision making.

Standard #7: Planning for Instruction.

The teacher plans instruction that supports every student in meeting rigorous learning goals by drawing upon knowledge of content areas, curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills, and pedagogy, as well as knowledge of learners and the community context.

Standard #8: Instructional Strategies.

The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies to encourage learners to develop deep understanding of content areas and their connections, and to build skills to apply knowledge in meaningful ways.

Professional Responsibility

Creating and supporting safe, productive learning environments that result in learners achieving at the highest levels is a teacher’s primary responsibility. To do this well, teachers must engage in meaningful and intensive professional learning and self-renewal by regularly examining practice through ongoing study, self-reflection, and collaboration. A cycle of continuous self-improvement is enhanced by leadership, collegial support, and collaboration. Active engagement in professional learning and collaboration results in the discovery and implementation of better practice for the purpose of improved teaching and learning. Teachers also contribute to improving instructional practices that meet learners’ needs and accomplish their school’s mission and goals. Teachers benefit from and participate in collaboration with learners, families, colleagues, other school professionals, and community members. Teachers demonstrate leadership by modeling ethical behavior, contributing to positive changes in practice, and advancing their profession.

Standard #9: Professional Learning and Ethical Practice.

The teacher engages in ongoing professional learning and uses evidence to continually evaluate his/her practice, particularly the effects of his/her choices and actions on others (learners, families, other professionals, and the community), and adapts practice to meet the needs of each learner.

Standard #10: Leadership and Collaboration.

The teacher seeks appropriate leadership roles and opportunities to take responsibility for student learning, to collaborate with learners, families, colleagues, other school professionals, and community members to ensure learner growth, and to advance the profession.

Professional Education Program (PEP) Admission Procedures

If you are interested in any teacher certification program, you must officially declare your teaching intent by making an appointment with the School of Education, Academic and Career Advising Center, 715-346-2040. You must apply for conditional admission to the Professional Education Program after you complete 24 credits. University approved credits for Advanced Placement (AP), CLEP, and test out may apply toward the 24 credits. Applications are available from the School of Education Academic and Career Advising Center, Room 469 CPS Building. Applications are processed two times each year, February 22 and September 22. Applications received after the deadline will be processed during the next deadline period.

In order to enroll in junior and senior level early childhood education courses, physical education, and PEX courses, as well as some methods courses in other departments, you must be admitted to the PEP.

You must have completed the following minimum criteria and have passing scores on file in the School of Education Academic and Career Advising Center to be eligible to apply for admission to PEP. Criteria may change at any time.

  1. Earn a 2.60 cumulative grade point average (GPA) from all accredited institutions attended. The School of Education honors academic forgiveness and UW-Stevens Point course repeat policies at the time of admission to the PEP, but you must have a 2.75 GPA overall and a 2.75 GPA in your major, minor, concentration, and teacher certification coursework for student teaching, regardless of academic forgiveness or GPA requirement waiver. If you declare academic forgiveness, you must have at least a 2.60 GPA in 24 credits of courses you complete after declaring academic forgiveness and any courses taken at other institutions.

  2. Freshman English Requirement:

    1. Receive a B- or better in ENGL 101 or ENGL 150


    2. Receive a 2.50 in ENGL 101/ENGL 202


    3. Test out of ENGL 101 and ENGL 202


    4. Receive a grade of B- or better in ENGL 250


    5. Complete at least five, ½ hour appointments with the UWSP Tutoring Learning Center Writing Lab, since the completion of either English 101 or 150


    6. A completed bachelor’s degree

    7. Be currently enrolled in ENGL 101 or ENGL 150 (If you apply using this criteria, you will be admitted to the Program and must receive a B- or better in ENGL 101 or ENGL 150 by the end of the semester for full admission to the Program, or complete at least five 1/2 hour tutoring sessions with a writing lab tutor in the Tutoring-Learning Center by the end of the following semester or admission to the program will be rescinded).

  3. Criminal Background Check: You must submit with the PEP application the results from a mandatory criminal background check dated within the 6 months prior to the date of application.

  4. See the department of your major or minor for additional requirements and enrollment cap policies. All secondary/K-12 programs have additional requirements to apply.

    • If you meet the following criteria you may apply for an exception of the 2.75 grade point requirements by using the formal Exceptions Application available in the School of Education Academic and Career Advising Center. If granted, this exception allows you to apply to the Professional Education Program without meeting the requirements.

    • Deadlines for exception requests are September 11 and February 7. If a deadline falls on a weekend, the applications are due the Friday prior.

    • The Department of Public Instruction limits us to granting exceptions to 10% of our PEP admitted student population.

      1. You will be ranked using overall GPA.

      2. Final exception decisions will be determined by the SOE Exceptions Committee. Exception approvals are not appealable.

        Exception Applications can be found outside 469 CPS, or online at:

        Exception type

        exception requirements

        Grade Point Exception Requirement

        1. You have completed at least 24 credits with a grade point average of 2.60 OR better.

        2. You earn a 3.00 or higher semester GPA over the previous two consecutive semesters.

        3. You have attached a letter explaining reasons for requesting an exception.

  5. Disposition Expectations: If you are admitted to the Professional Education Program, you will be expected to meet disposition expectations throughout the academic program.

Transfer Student Admission Procedure

If you are a transfer student or have an undergraduate degree from an accredited institution, you may be admitted to the Professional Education Program (PEP) if you have met the application requirements above, are admitted to UW-Stevens Point, and have paid the required deposit. You must attach proof of admission to UW-Stevens Point when you apply.

Student Teaching

Kelly Seefeldt, Office of Field Experiences Manager
Room 464, College of Professional Studies Building
Phone: 715-346-2449

In this final step in your preparation for teaching, you demonstrate practical competence in one of many schools that cooperate with UW-Stevens Point in providing field experiences. As a student or intern teacher you will be assigned to a cooperating school system within our service area depending upon your personal preferences and the availability of qualified cooperating teachers.

The Office of Field Experiences and the cooperating school administration arrange all assignments. Please do NOT initiate contact with a cooperating teacher to arrange an assignment. Student Teaching will require additional fees. Please don’t plan to student teach in a school where your child is enrolled or where a relative is currently employed as an administrator or serves on the school board.

For most program areas, when student or intern teaching for initial certification, you are limited to a maximum of two assignments per semester (e.g. elementary and middle, or high school and middle). The semester before you student teach, you must attend an orientation meeting to get information about the requirements for student teaching.

Eligibility and General Requirements to Student Teach

  1. Be admitted to the Professional Education Program. Apply at the School of Education Advising, Recruitment and Retention Office, Room 469, CPS Building.

  2. Complete at least 12 credits at UW-Stevens Point prior to student teaching.

  3. Earn a 2.75 overall GPA as well as a 2.75 GPA in your major, minor, concentration, and education courses to student teach. Earn a 3.00 GPA for teaching intern. NOTE: Some teaching majors/minors may require a higher GPA.

  4. You must complete all teaching major, teaching minor and teaching methods/techniques courses BEFORE you student teach.

  5. If you are seeking a teaching license in French, German, or Spanish, you are required to submit passing scores on the ACTFL OPIC and WPT exams, regardless of your major/minor GPA.

  6. The semester before you student teach, you must attend an application meeting and submit your completed application forms by the date set by the Office of Field Experiences. These include written recommendations from the department chair or associate dean and the School of Education Advising Coordinator, a medical statement indicating that you have been examined and are free from tuberculosis, and a Conduct & Competency affidavit, including papers for a background check to be administered by the UW-Stevens Point Office of Field Experiences.

  7. You must register for student teaching in appropriate sections and for credits as your advisers approve.

  8. You will spend a full semester student teaching according to the daily schedule and semester calendar of an approved cooperating school. You will be asked to return to campus for seminars to confer with UW-Stevens Point instructors.

Student Teaching Options

Full Semester Student Teaching

You must student teach in your major. You will remain in the placement for the entire school district semester.

Split-Semester Student Teaching

You must student teach in your major in order to request another student teaching assignment. You must obtain written approval from both major and minor programs where applicable. If approved, additional assignments take place during the student teaching semester in sequences and locations coordinated by the Office of Field Experiences. Typically, assignments change at the end of the school district quarter.


You may be recommended to apply as an intern teacher at any one of many levels. As an intern you are a licensed and contracted member of a school staff and you will spend an entire semester or year in that school system. During this time, you will be involved in a team providing educational services. Internships are determined by local agency requirements. To be considered for an internship program, you must earn a cumulative GPA of 3.00 or better, a 3.00 or better in your major, and a 3.00 GPA in your minor if you want to be certified in it.

Teacher Certification/Academic Standards

Maggie Beeber, Undergraduate Advising Coordinator and Teacher Certification Officer
Room 469, College of Professional Studies Building
Phone: 715-346-2040

Notes for Teacher Certification:

  1. You must receive a grade of C- or better in all required Early Childhood, Education, Health Education and Physical Education courses that are required for a teaching major, teaching minor, or teacher certification requirements.

  2. Early Childhood Education, Education, Health Education, Adapted Physical Education, and Physical Education courses taken more than 10 years prior to student teaching may not be applied to the program requirements. You may appeal the currency of courses. The Assistant Dean, School of Education (ADSOE) will convene a review panel of appropriate faculty/advising staff to make a decision about that appeal.

  3. Achieve a 2.75 overall GPA. This overall GPA requirement may be appealed through the School of Education DPI approved policy. In addition, you must earn at least a 2.75 GPA in major, minor, concentration, and education courses before student teaching. Some majors and minors require higher major/minor GPAs.

  4. Earn a grade of “pass” in all areas of student teaching. You CANNOT be certified if you do not pass student teaching in your major.

  5. State teacher licensing rules may change at any time due to legislative or licensing changes.

  6. For initial licensure in Wisconsin:

    1. Demonstrate content knowledge following policy approved by the state superintendent which include the Wisconsin Standards. You must earn a 3.00 GPA in all teaching majors and teaching minors or pass the appropriate content test. NOTE: If you are seeking a teaching license in French, German, or Spanish, you are required to pass the ACTFL OPIC and WPT exams in your language, regardless of your major/minor GPA.

    2. Receive a passing score on the Foundations of Reading Test if you are being licensed in early childhood, elementary, reading teacher, reading specialist, or any area of special education. Special Education Majors only: you may complete a DPI approved UWSP Alternate to this requirement.

  7. Applications for initial licensure are processed only after you complete all degree and certification requirements and your degree is conferred.

Undergraduate Requirements: Secondary/K-12 Education Curriculum for Teacher Certification

State and Federal Reporting

To comply with mandates of Section 207 of Title II of the Higher Education Act, lists the number of students in teacher education, the number of student teachers, numbers of several kinds of supervisors of student teachers, and a student/faculty ratio. More statistics related to teacher certification and licensure will be included on the website as they become available.

UWSP Teaching Majors and Minors




Bilingual/Bicultural Education

Certificate = requires ESL minor

*Communication Science and Disorders License: Speech Language Pathology K-12th grade

Undergraduate major - *requires master’s degree for license

Early Childhood Education License: birth - 3rd grade regular education


Early Childhood Special Education License - birth-3rd grade


Elementary Education License: K-9th grade regular education including 4 year old kindergarten


English License: English and Language Arts 4th-12th grade - license allows the teacher to teach all areas of English and language arts


English as a Second Language - License: ESL K-12


Family and Consumer Science License: K-12th grade


German License: K-12th grade


Health Education License: K-12th grade


History and Social Studies License: Social Studies 4th-12th grade - license allows the teacher to teach all areas of history and social studies


Mathematics License: Mathematics 4th-12th grade



Music Education - Chorale, General and Instrumental - License: Music grades K-12th grade - license allows the teacher to teach all areas of music


Natural Science - Earth, Physical and Life - License: Science 4th-12th grade - license allows the teacher to teach all areas of science


Physical Education License: Physical Education K-12th grade Optional License: Adaptive Physical Education -6 additional credits


Spanish License: K-12th grade


Special Education License: K-12 Cross Categorical Special Education - does not include 4year old kindergarten



NOTES: Teaching minors or second majors - licensure grade level will match the grades of the initial major.

Graduate Programs

Sydney Bueno, Director of Graduate Programs
School of Education Office of Graduate Studies & Professional Development
Room 442, College of Professional Studies Building
Phone: 715-346-2354

Erin N. Redman, Director of Educational Sustainability
School of Education Office of Graduate Studies & Professional Development
Room 438, College of Professional Studies Building

Cathy Scheder, Assistant Director of Educational Sustainability
School of Education Office of Graduate Studies & Professional Development
Room 438, College of Professional Studies Building

The School of Education offers the following graduate programs:

  • Education, MSE (Master of Science in Education)

  • Educational Sustainability EdD

You may also work toward:

  • Graduate level certification (for those who are already certified teachers): Adaptive Physical Education (860); English as a Second Language (395); Family and Consumer Sciences (210); Gifted/Talented (014); Health Education (910); Reading Teacher (316); Reading Specialist (17); Special Education including: Cross Categorical Special Education (801); Early Childhood Special Education (809).

  • Master of Science in Education: For more information, contact SOE Office of Graduate Studies & Professional Development, 715-346-2048.

Education, MSE

The Master’s of Education is for individuals with a bachelor’s degree who wish to broaden their skills and abilities in education. The degree requires a minimum of 30 credits. You must select 12 credits from an array of core courses. Three credits must be a research course. The remaining 15 credits can consist of a specialization or electives for a personally designed program. The specialization options include early childhood education, family and consumer science, health education, reading, or special education.

You can complete teacher licensure in those areas concurrently within the program, with additional requirements as determined by the Department of Public Instruction.

Admission to the Program - MSE-General

  • Submit an application to the School of Education to pursue graduate study at UW-Stevens Point. Once accepted by the School of Education, you will apply to the Office of Admissions and Recruitment and pay admission fee: Web:

    • We recommend that you apply no later than mid-semester of the semester before you want to be admitted.

  • Submit official transcripts for all undergraduate and graduate courses not taken at UW-Stevens Point.

  • Send a copy of your teaching license to SOE Office of Graduate Studies & Professional Development, if Pursuing an additional teacher certification.

  • Have an undergraduate grade point average of 3.00 or higher. If your GPA is less, you may be admitted on probation, but will then need to establish a minimum 3.00 GPA on your first 9 resident graduate credits at UW-Stevens Point to be fully admitted.

  • Admission to the MSE-General must occur prior to the completion of 9 graduate credits.

Following admission to the MSE-General, you will be assigned a faculty adviser and develop a program of study that suits your educational goals.

Educational Sustainability Doctorate (EdD)

The Doctorate in Educational Sustainability (EdD) at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point program is designed for working professionals from interdisciplinary fields in sustainability. The program will prepare graduates to be educators and leaders who hold a passion for transforming systems of teaching and learning. The curriculum is intended to provide students the opportunity to actively engage in coursework, research, and professional practice in the field of sustainability.

Program Features

  • 54-credits, three-year program

  • Online with limited residency requirement

  • Cohort-based learning environment

  • Global affiliate scholar program

Curriculum Design

The curriculum is designed around six core principles:

  • Transformative Learning

  • Systems Thinking

  • Futures Thinking

  • Ecological Thought

  • Ethical Action

  • Diversity and Social Justice

Residency Requirement and Expectations

The EdD in Educational Sustainability is a low-residency (4-5 days), cohort-based learning program. Residency is required for each year you are enrolled in the program. Our accreditation is approved with these residencies; therefore, it is mandatory per accreditation guidelines that students meet these requirements.

Residency Learning Objectives

The overarching objectives of the residency:

  1. To meet and receive assistance and guidance from faculty and staff

  2. Build a cohort community of practice

  3. Build cross-cohort communities of practice

  4. Network with affiliate scholars and practitioners

  5. Participate in various keynote and guest presentations

  6. Practice professionalism and scholarship

Residency Learning Outcomes

  1. Learn about interdisciplinary educational sustainability

  2. Subject matter knowledge related to upcoming course work

  3. Gain an appreciation for diverse perspectives related to educational sustainability

  4. Learn about the doctoral process at various stages of study from other cohorts

Program Enrollment

A new cohort for the EdD in Educational Sustainability is enrolled and launched each summer. Applications for summer cohorts are accepted beginning August 1 of each admissions year. Priority review of applications begins the second week in January of the cohort launch year. Applications received after that date will be reviewed if there are enrollment openings in the current cohort by April 15 of the cohort launch year, with applications accepted until the cohort is full. If you apply to the program following this deadline, your application will be placed into the subsequent cohort year for consideration.

Admission to the Program

The UWSP doctoral program in Educational Sustainability demands a high level of intellectual engagement, self-management, professionalism, and effective communication in person, in writing, and online. Our program philosophy includes sustaining natural and human systems, engaging with communities, practicing servant leadership, and educating for pluralism. We request several kinds of evidence to demonstrate your fit with our program and your readiness to succeed.


  • Application and Fee

  • Master’s degree

  • Minimum graduate GPA of 3.0 or higher

  • Official Transcript(s) from all post-secondary institutions from degreed programs

  • Letter of Intent (see website for specific content to address)

  • Curriculum Vitae or Resume

  • Name, phone, and email address of three professional references

  • Interview

Optional Supporting Documentation:

  • GRE Scores*

  • Statement of relevant/equivalent work experience(s)

  • Professional work sample(s) (e.g. peer reviewed articles, conference program and/or presentation, professional/community/organizational leadership)

*The School of Education recognizes standardized tests as one way for individuals to demonstrate their abilities. We also recognize some limits of any standardized test: a test may not measure some abilities, and particular individuals may have difficulty demonstrating their abilities via a test. When we indicate that a standardized test is optional, we neither want to encourage nor discourage submitting a score. Rather, we encourage each individual to provide what you believe is meaningful evidence of your abilities.

To apply to the program:

Admissions is a multi-step process:

  1. Apply to the EdD in Educational Sustainability at UW-Stevens Point. This is completed through the UW System website, but all application materials requested through the UW System are forwarded to the UWSP Office of Admissions and Recruitment, and then forwarded to the School of Education Office of Graduate Studies and Professional Development. Once your completed application (including all official post-secondary transcripts) is received by our Office of Admissions and Recruitment, you will receive notice from the director of the Office of Admissions and Recruitment stating your application has been received and will be forwarded to the School of Education. Notification of acceptance into the doctoral program is through the School of Education.

  2. All official post-secondary transcripts are required. These are sent directly to the Office of Admissions and Recruitment after you have completed the application. The GRE is not required for admissions, but if you have it and want to submit it with your application you may do so.

  3. Send the following information to the School of Education Graduate Office:

    • Please complete a letter of intent to the program in response to the following questions:

      • Admission Assignment. In a 1200-1500 word letter of intent, please address the following questions:

        1. Explain your interest related to informal or formal systems of teaching and learning and how is sustainability related to this?

        2. Explain one of the many challenges we face in the world related to sustainability; what prior knowledge, skills or dispositions will you bring to the program to share this challenge through your disciplinary background; and what new areas of study do foresee yourself learning, researching or acting on in this degree program to address this challenge?

        3. Describe how you envision school-work-life in a program that requires attention to both individual and collaborative, active participation? Especially connect this to your strategy related to time-management, technology skills, engagement with the instructor as well as peer support in a cohort-based online learning environment.

        4. Submit a current resume or curriculum vita (CV).

        5. Submit name, phone, and e-mail address of THREE references who can speak to your capabilities as a doctoral student.

        6. Any optional supporting documentation you would like to submit including GRE scores, statement of relevant/equivalent work experience, professional work samples.

Graduation (graduation credit check)

You may apply to graduate the semester before you expect to defend your dissertation through the Office of the Registrar. Prior to applying to graduate, you are required to complete and have approved study plan completion forms and credit check by the School of Education Office of Graduate Studies and Professional Development.

Note: There is no ceremony in August; however, you may request to participate in the May or the December ceremony.

Graduate Certification Programs - School of Education

The School of Education works with the Wisconsin Department of Instruction to offer graduate teacher certifications for initial teaching licenses and add-on teacher licenses for those who are already certified teachers. Applicants should forward a letter of intent, along with copies of your Wisconsin teaching license (if applicable) and transcripts from every college or technical school attended, to SOE Office of Graduate Studies & Professional Development indicating which certification you wish to pursue. A certification outline will be established for you and an adviser assigned.

  • Adapted Physical Education

  • Elementary Education

  • English as a Second Language

  • Family and Consumer Sciences

  • Gifted and Talented Certification

  • Health Education (910) Certification

  • Reading Teacher (316 license)

  • Reading Specialist (17 license)

  • Special Education