Feb 19, 2025  
2017-18 Catalog 
2017-18 Catalog FINAL VERSION - Closed for Revisions

Art & Design

Diane Bywaters, Chair
Room 163, Noel Fine Arts Center
Phone: 715-346-2669
Email: artdesign@uwsp.edu
Web: www.uwsp.edu/art-design

This department is administered by the College of Fine Arts & Communication .

Faculty and Academic Staff: L Ball, D Bywaters, C Chaffin, J Chapman, A Gary, M. Groshek, D Hoover, J Jo, S Morris, S Morrison, G Peñafiel, M Rosek, G Sippy, R Stolzer, K Thielking, L Walfish.

Definition: The Department of Art & Design offers two degree options. The BFA is a professional arts degree and the BA is a liberal arts degree. The BFA degree offers the following studio emphases: Two-Dimensional, Three-Dimensional, and Graphic Design. The BA degree offers Studio and Art History emphases. Research, critical thinking, technical, and conceptual components are integrated throughout the entire curriculum.

Accreditation: The Department of Art & Design is an accredited member of the National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD). It is one of five such accredited programs in the UW System.

Enrollment Management Plan

The Department of Art & Design is a limited enrollment program. Students admitted to the university are accepted into the department in order of application. We encourage you to apply as early as possible.

Professional Opportunities in Art & Design

Programs of study in the department prepare you for careers or graduate study in the visual arts, graphic design, art history, museums/galleries, private studio practice, education, arts administration, and many other possible art-related fields.

Recommended High School Preparation

In addition to the university requirements for admission and entry into any of the Art & Design programs, high school courses in art and design are highly recommended. If you are planning to enter the professional Art & Design BFA (Bachelor of Fine Arts) program, four years of English, one year of algebra, two years of foreign language, and two years of science in high school are recommended.

General Requirements for Art & Design Department

Study in a variety of areas of knowledge is required of all undergraduates, and these requirements vary depending on the particular major. The Department of Art & Design offers the Bachelor of Arts and the Bachelor of Fine Arts degrees. See the previous section of this catalog entitled General Education Program .

Courses for Non-Art Majors

Subject to availability, courses in the Department of Art & Design are open to all students who meet the prerequisites and secure department permission. You do not need prior consent for courses that are open to non-art majors

Exhibition Material

The department reserves the right to retain examples of student work for exhibition purposes.

Visiting Artist and Scholar Program, and Edna Carlsten Gallery

The department also maintains an ongoing program of visiting artists and scholars to supplement the curriculum, and a cooperative schedule of operations and exhibitions with the Edna Carlsten Gallery, housed in the Noel Fine Arts Center. The gallery regularly displays traveling shows and exhibits for student and public viewing.

Course Fees for Art & Design

Fees are charged for certain courses to cover the cost of models and consumable materials.

Academic Standards for the Art History Emphasis Area:

You must meet the minimum overall 2.67 GPA for all art courses (studio and history). If your GPA is below 2.67, you may not enter or continue in the Art History emphasis area (there is no academic probation in this program). 300-level and 400-level art history courses cannot be counted toward the art history emphasis area if the grade is below 2.67, but all art course grades count toward the art GPA.

Academic Standards for Art & Design

As an Art & Design student you must first meet the academic entrance requirements of the university. Since individual development is an expectation, you should be prepared to present a portfolio of artwork for review and evaluation periodically throughout the program as requested.

Transfer credits:

Please refer to the university policy on transferred credits in the Academic Policies  section of this catalog.

Credits in Residence:

Any student transferring into the Department of Art & Design from another institution must complete a minimum of 21 credits within the department for the BFA degree and 15 credits within the department for the BA degree.

Entry status:

All entering art & design majors (freshmen, changes of major, and transfers) are accepted into the art program as BA majors. Acceptance into the BFA is achieved by passing the BFA Portfolio Review, as described below.

The Department of Art & Design has the following standards for continuation in its programs:

Art Foundation Requirement:

You need a 2.67 or higher GPA in the art foundation (Studio Art Foundation and Art History Foundation combined), including transfer credits and regardless of any declaration of academic bankruptcy, to maintain your status as an art major and to qualify for the BFA Portfolio Review. The foundation consists of ART 101 , ART 102 , ART 103 , ART 104 , and 6 credits of 200 level Art History.

BFA Portfolio Review:

Passing the BFA Portfolio Review is required for admission into the BFA (professional) program. This review is conducted by Art & Design faculty. You must have completed ART 101 , ART 102 , ART 103 , ART 104  and a choice of six credits from other art studio courses.

The review must take place before you complete 24 studio art credits. If you complete 24 studio art credits during the fall semester, you must complete the review the following spring semester. You may attempt the BFA Portfolio Review only once.

At the time of the review, you may apply for up to three emphasis areas. If you do not pass the BFA Portfolio Review, you may maintain BA status in the Department of Art & Design. Graduating with a BA degree is contingent upon meeting the specific major requirements of the BA degree.

BFA Portfolio Review Appeals Process:

You may appeal any action taken by the Department of Art & Design that is based on departmental requirements and policies that are set forth in this catalog. You must appeal in writing to the department chair within 30 days of notification of the action taken. The department chair will determine whether a review is appropriate. If so, a review team, composed of a faculty member appointed by the chair and a faculty member that you select, will review the matter and give a recommendation to the chair.

BFA Review - Reconsideration Review:

You may be reconsidered for acceptance into the BFA after the department Academic Appeal 30-day limit has passed. This appeal must be made to the department chair and must include three letters of support from Art & Design faculty who have worked with the student in the classroom. The appeal will automatically trigger a new BFA review by a review team made up of faculty members from at least three emphasis areas. The new review must take place within 30 days of receiving the final letter of support. A reconsideration review may be attempted once.

BFA Requirement:

In order to complete the BFA program, you must satisfy the art foundation requirements, pass the BFA Portfolio Review, and maintain a 2.67 or higher GPA in all art courses. This includes transfer credits and applies regardless of any declaration of academic bankruptcy. For graduation, you must also successfully pass ART 491 .

BA Requirement:

In order to complete the BA program you must maintain a 2.67 or higher GPA, including transfer credits, regardless of any declaration of academic bankruptcy.

Contact the Department of Art & Design for further details. The chair may make exceptions to the above entrance and retention criteria under unusual circumstances.

Test-Out and Credit-by-Exam Policy for Art & Design

The Department of Art & Design has test-out and credit-by-exam procedures for all General Education Program requirement (GEP) art courses. If you wish to test out and receive credit-by-exam, you must first confer with the faculty member who teaches the course about requirements for the exam and grading procedures. If you pass the exam, the GEP requirement will be waived, you will receive credit for the course, and the course may count toward an art major and/or minor if appropriate.

The cumulative exam will consist of a specific exercise or series of exercises different from those used in the existing course. In a course with a significant research component, you may be required to do an appropriate project. You may take a test-out/credit-by-exam test only once.

Probation for Art Major

If your GPA is below the minimum requirement, you will receive a warning that your academic status is unsatisfactory. If your GPA falls below the minimum requirement for two consecutive semesters, you will be dismissed as a major. The department policy on repeating courses and academic bankruptcy requires prior department authorization, but is otherwise the same as general university policy, except where higher department GPA requirements apply.

Academic Appeal

You may appeal any action taken by the Department of Art & Design that is based on departmental requirements and policies that are set forth in this catalog. You must appeal in writing to the department chair within 30 days of notification of the action taken. The department chair will determine whether a review is appropriate.

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

The Department of Art & Design works cooperatively with the Office of Disability Services to ensure that qualified students with disabilities are provided equal access and accommodations appropriate to their disability in their academic programs and pursuits.

Students with an art & design major who have a documented disability may qualify for services through the UW-Stevens Point Office of Disability Services. Depending on the student’s individual needs as related to their disability, they may utilize accommodations that could include, but not limited to, classroom, testing, reading and writing accommodations as appropriate. Inquiry or referral for accommodation services should be directed to the Coordinator of Disability Services.




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