Dance Minor
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About this Program
UW-Stevens Point’s dance program aspires to create a dynamic culture in which you are inspired to achieve full physical expression, technical and stylistic range, and anatomical efficiency. We are dedicated to artistic experimentation and contemporary inquiry that is culturally relevant and historically grounded, preparing you to communicate, contribute and lead as global citizen artists.
The dance program is accredited by the National Association of Schools of Dance. Our curriculum features ballet, modern, jazz, tap, and theatre dance technique classes, dance composition, history, movement analysis and dance education courses. Dance majors complete 48-56 credits including the senior-level capstone Interdisciplinary Seminar, a course that features camera dance, digital video editing, and web design and integrates dance with other academic disciplines and art forms. Dance minors complete 27 credits.
After completing the core requirements, you may take selected performance classes for either two or three credits. We encourage you to pursue an additional major or minor in another field.
The dance faculty works with you to re-evaluate technique and explore new approaches to training at a high level. This re-evaluation includes training with optimal anatomical alignment that supports injury-free dancing.
We recommend that you be accepted to UW-Stevens Point prior to your dance program audition date. There are a few seats available each semester for non-dance majors and minors in introductory level classes. Upper-level dance courses are not available to non-majors and minors. All dance majors and minors participate in required practicum assignments.
In order to be accepted into the dance major or minor, you are required to complete an on-campus audition and interview.
As part of the audition, you are required to perform a one-minute solo that highlights your performance skills. You or someone else may choreograph this solo. You should provide any sound accompaniment. The solo may be excerpted, and the music cut from an existing longer work, or you may prepare a solo that is intended as a one-minute dance. Please prepare to stay within the one-minute time limit.
Two required letters of recommendation should address your ability to be successful in a university-level dance program. One letter should be written by an academic teacher able to detail your ability to be successful in your academic coursework, and the second letter should be written by a primary dance teacher able to comment on your ability and potential in dance.
If you wish to be accepted into the dance major program, you are required to have proficiency in two of these four areas: ballet, jazz, modern, and tap. For the minor program, proficiency in one of these areas is required.
As a student in our program, you will develop the ability to work as a part of an ensemble, the ability to work openly and honestly with other dancers, and the ability to be flexible in the artistic process with choreographers, directors, rehearsal assistants and peers. Therefore, we do begin all our new students in our 100-level major technique courses.
NOTE: We recommend that dance majors complete two core classes per semester and encourage participation in summer dance workshops that enhance performance training and expand your professional network.